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package draw

import ""

Package draw provides image composition functions.

See "The Go image/draw package" for an introduction to this package:

This package is a superset of and a drop-in replacement for the image/draw package in the standard library.




var (
	// NearestNeighbor is the nearest neighbor interpolator. It is very fast,
	// but usually gives very low quality results. When scaling up, the result
	// will look 'blocky'.
	NearestNeighbor = Interpolator(nnInterpolator{})

	// ApproxBiLinear is a mixture of the nearest neighbor and bi-linear
	// interpolators. It is fast, but usually gives medium quality results.
	// It implements bi-linear interpolation when upscaling and a bi-linear
	// blend of the 4 nearest neighbor pixels when downscaling. This yields
	// nicer quality than nearest neighbor interpolation when upscaling, but
	// the time taken is independent of the number of source pixels, unlike the
	// bi-linear interpolator. When downscaling a large image, the performance
	// difference can be significant.
	ApproxBiLinear = Interpolator(ablInterpolator{})

	// BiLinear is the tent kernel. It is slow, but usually gives high quality
	// results.
	BiLinear = &Kernel{1, func(t float64) float64 {
		return 1 - t

	// CatmullRom is the Catmull-Rom kernel. It is very slow, but usually gives
	// very high quality results.
	// It is an instance of the more general cubic BC-spline kernel with parameters
	// B=0 and C=0.5. See Mitchell and Netravali, "Reconstruction Filters in
	// Computer Graphics", Computer Graphics, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 221-228.
	CatmullRom = &Kernel{2, func(t float64) float64 {
		if t < 1 {
			return float64((float64(1.5*t)-2.5)*t*t) + 1
		return float64((float64(float64(float64(-0.5*t)+2.5)*t)-4)*t) + 2


func Copy

func Copy(dst Image, dp image.Point, src image.Image, sr image.Rectangle, op Op, opts *Options)

Copy copies the part of the source image defined by src and sr and writes the result of a Porter-Duff composition to the part of the destination image defined by dst and the translation of sr so that sr.Min translates to dp.

func Draw

func Draw(dst Image, r image.Rectangle, src image.Image, sp image.Point, op Op)

Draw calls DrawMask with a nil mask.



package main

import (


func main() {
	fSrc, err := os.Open("../testdata/blue-purple-pink.png")
	if err != nil {
	defer fSrc.Close()
	src, err := png.Decode(fSrc)
	if err != nil {

	dst := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 400, 300))
	green := image.NewUniform(color.RGBA{0x00, 0x1f, 0x00, 0xff})
	draw.Copy(dst, image.Point{}, green, dst.Bounds(), draw.Src, nil)
	qs := []draw.Interpolator{
	const cos60, sin60 = 0.5, 0.866025404
	t := f64.Aff3{
		+2 * cos60, -2 * sin60, 100,
		+2 * sin60, +2 * cos60, 100,

	draw.Copy(dst, image.Point{20, 30}, src, src.Bounds(), draw.Over, nil)
	for i, q := range qs {
		q.Scale(dst, image.Rect(200+10*i, 100*i, 600+10*i, 150+100*i), src, src.Bounds(), draw.Over, nil)
	draw.NearestNeighbor.Transform(dst, t, src, src.Bounds(), draw.Over, nil)

	red := image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 16, 16))
	for y := 0; y < 16; y++ {
		for x := 0; x < 16; x++ {
			red.SetNRGBA(x, y, color.NRGBA{
				R: uint8(x * 0x11),
				A: uint8(y * 0x11),
	red.SetNRGBA(0, 0, color.NRGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff})
	red.SetNRGBA(15, 15, color.NRGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff})

	ops := []draw.Op{
	for i, op := range ops {
		dr := image.Rect(120+10*i, 150+60*i, 170+10*i, 200+60*i)
		draw.NearestNeighbor.Scale(dst, dr, red, red.Bounds(), op, nil)
		t := f64.Aff3{
			+cos60, -sin60, float64(190 + 10*i),
			+sin60, +cos60, float64(140 + 50*i),
		draw.NearestNeighbor.Transform(dst, t, red, red.Bounds(), op, nil)

	dr := image.Rect(0, 0, 128, 128)
	checkerboard := image.NewAlpha(dr)
	for y := dr.Min.Y; y < dr.Max.Y; y++ {
		for x := dr.Min.X; x < dr.Max.X; x++ {
			if (x/20)%2 == (y/20)%2 {
				checkerboard.SetAlpha(x, y, color.Alpha{0xff})
	sr := image.Rect(0, 0, 16, 16)
	circle := image.NewAlpha(sr)
	for y := sr.Min.Y; y < sr.Max.Y; y++ {
		for x := sr.Min.X; x < sr.Max.X; x++ {
			dx, dy := x-10, y-8
			if d := 32 * math.Sqrt(float64(dx*dx)+float64(dy*dy)); d < 0xff {
				circle.SetAlpha(x, y, color.Alpha{0xff - uint8(d)})
	cyan := image.NewUniform(color.RGBA{0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff})
	draw.NearestNeighbor.Scale(dst, dr, cyan, sr, draw.Over, &draw.Options{
		DstMask: checkerboard,
		SrcMask: circle,

	// Change false to true to write the resultant image to disk.
	if false {
		fDst, err := os.Create("out.png")
		if err != nil {
		defer fDst.Close()
		err = png.Encode(fDst, dst)
		if err != nil {

	fmt.Printf("dst has bounds %v.\n", dst.Bounds())


dst has bounds (0,0)-(400,300).

func DrawMask

func DrawMask(dst Image, r image.Rectangle, src image.Image, sp image.Point, mask image.Image, mp image.Point, op Op)

DrawMask aligns r.Min in dst with sp in src and mp in mask and then replaces the rectangle r in dst with the result of a Porter-Duff composition. A nil mask is treated as opaque.


type Drawer

type Drawer = draw.Drawer

Drawer contains the Draw method.

var FloydSteinberg Drawer = floydSteinberg{}

FloydSteinberg is a Drawer that is the Src Op with Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion.

type Image

type Image = draw.Image

Image is an image.Image with a Set method to change a single pixel.

type Interpolator

type Interpolator interface {

Interpolator is an interpolation algorithm, when dst and src pixels don't have a 1:1 correspondence.

Of the interpolators provided by this package:

The time taken depends on the size of dr. For kernel interpolators, the speed also depends on the size of sr, and so are often slower than non-kernel interpolators, especially when scaling down.

type Kernel

type Kernel struct {
	// Support is the kernel support and must be >= 0. At(t) is assumed to be
	// zero when t >= Support.
	Support float64
	// At is the kernel function. It will only be called with t in the
	// range [0, Support).
	At func(t float64) float64

Kernel is an interpolator that blends source pixels weighted by a symmetric kernel function.

func (*Kernel) NewScaler

func (q *Kernel) NewScaler(dw, dh, sw, sh int) Scaler

NewScaler returns a Scaler that is optimized for scaling multiple times with the same fixed destination and source width and height.

func (*Kernel) Scale

func (q *Kernel) Scale(dst Image, dr image.Rectangle, src image.Image, sr image.Rectangle, op Op, opts *Options)

Scale implements the Scaler interface.

func (*Kernel) Transform

func (q *Kernel) Transform(dst Image, s2d f64.Aff3, src image.Image, sr image.Rectangle, op Op, opts *Options)

type Op

type Op = draw.Op

Op is a Porter-Duff compositing operator.

const (
	// Over specifies ``(src in mask) over dst''.
	Over Op = draw.Over
	// Src specifies ``src in mask''.
	Src Op = draw.Src

type Options

type Options struct {
	// Masks limit what parts of the dst image are drawn to and what parts of
	// the src image are drawn from.
	// A dst or src mask image having a zero alpha (transparent) pixel value in
	// the respective coordinate space means that dst pixel is entirely
	// unaffected or that src pixel is considered transparent black. A full
	// alpha (opaque) value means that the dst pixel is maximally affected or
	// the src pixel contributes maximally. The default values, nil, are
	// equivalent to fully opaque, infinitely large mask images.
	// The DstMask is otherwise known as a clip mask, and its pixels map 1:1 to
	// the dst image's pixels. DstMaskP in DstMask space corresponds to
	// image.Point{X:0, Y:0} in dst space. For example, when limiting
	// repainting to a 'dirty rectangle', use that image.Rectangle and a zero
	// image.Point as the DstMask and DstMaskP.
	// The SrcMask's pixels map 1:1 to the src image's pixels. SrcMaskP in
	// SrcMask space corresponds to image.Point{X:0, Y:0} in src space. For
	// example, when drawing font glyphs in a uniform color, use an
	// *image.Uniform as the src, and use the glyph atlas image and the
	// per-glyph offset as SrcMask and SrcMaskP:
	//	Copy(dst, dp, image.NewUniform(color), image.Rect(0, 0, glyphWidth, glyphHeight), &Options{
	//		SrcMask:  glyphAtlas,
	//		SrcMaskP: glyphOffset,
	//	})
	DstMask  image.Image
	DstMaskP image.Point
	SrcMask  image.Image
	SrcMaskP image.Point

Options are optional parameters to Copy, Scale and Transform.

A nil *Options means to use the default (zero) values of each field.

type Quantizer

type Quantizer = draw.Quantizer

Quantizer produces a palette for an image.

type RGBA64Image

type RGBA64Image = draw.RGBA64Image

RGBA64Image extends both the Image and image.RGBA64Image interfaces with a SetRGBA64 method to change a single pixel. SetRGBA64 is equivalent to calling Set, but it can avoid allocations from converting concrete color types to the color.Color interface type.

type Scaler

type Scaler interface {
	Scale(dst Image, dr image.Rectangle, src image.Image, sr image.Rectangle, op Op, opts *Options)

Scaler scales the part of the source image defined by src and sr and writes the result of a Porter-Duff composition to the part of the destination image defined by dst and dr.

A Scaler is safe to use concurrently.

type Transformer

type Transformer interface {
	Transform(dst Image, m f64.Aff3, src image.Image, sr image.Rectangle, op Op, opts *Options)

Transformer transforms the part of the source image defined by src and sr and writes the result of a Porter-Duff composition to the part of the destination image defined by dst and the affine transform m applied to sr.

For example, if m is the matrix

m00 m01 m02
m10 m11 m12

then the src-space point (sx, sy) maps to the dst-space point (m00*sx + m01*sy + m02, m10*sx + m11*sy + m12).

A Transformer is safe to use concurrently.

Source Files

draw.go impl.go scale.go

v0.24.0 (latest)
Feb 4, 2025
6 packages
Last checked
3 days ago

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