image – Directories

image/ directory


bmpPackage bmp implements a BMP image decoder and encoder.
ccittPackage ccitt implements a CCITT (fax) image decoder.
colornamesPackage colornames provides named colors as defined in the SVG 1.1 spec.
drawPackage draw provides image composition functions.
fontPackage font defines an interface for font faces, for drawing text on an image.
font/basicfontPackage basicfont provides fixed-size font faces.
font/gofont/goboldPackage gobold provides the "Go Bold" TrueType font from the Go font family.
font/gofont/gobolditalicPackage gobolditalic provides the "Go Bold Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
font/gofont/goitalicPackage goitalic provides the "Go Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
font/gofont/gomediumPackage gomedium provides the "Go Medium" TrueType font from the Go font family.
font/gofont/gomediumitalicPackage gomediumitalic provides the "Go Medium Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
font/gofont/gomonoPackage gomono provides the "Go Mono" TrueType font from the Go font family.
font/gofont/gomonoboldPackage gomonobold provides the "Go Mono Bold" TrueType font from the Go font family.
font/gofont/gomonobolditalicPackage gomonobolditalic provides the "Go Mono Bold Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
font/gofont/gomonoitalicPackage gomonoitalic provides the "Go Mono Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
font/gofont/goregularPackage goregular provides the "Go Regular" TrueType font from the Go font family.
font/gofont/gosmallcapsPackage gosmallcaps provides the "Go Smallcaps" TrueType font from the Go font family.
font/gofont/gosmallcapsitalicPackage gosmallcapsitalic provides the "Go Smallcaps Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
font/inconsolataPackage inconsolata provides pre-rendered bitmap versions of the Inconsolata font family.
font/opentypePackage opentype implements a glyph rasterizer for TTF (TrueType Fonts) and OTF (OpenType Fonts).
font/plan9fontPackage plan9font implements font faces for the Plan 9 font and subfont file formats.
font/sfntPackage sfnt implements a decoder for TTF (TrueType Fonts) and OTF (OpenType Fonts).
math/f32Package f32 implements float32 vector and matrix types.
math/f64Package f64 implements float64 vector and matrix types.
math/fixedPackage fixed implements fixed-point integer types.
riffPackage riff implements the Resource Interchange File Format, used by media formats such as AVI, WAVE and WEBP.
tiffPackage tiff implements a TIFF image decoder and encoder.
tiff/lzwPackage lzw implements the Lempel-Ziv-Welch compressed data format, described in T. A. Welch, “A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression”, Computer, 17(6) (June 1984), pp 8-19.
vectorPackage vector provides a rasterizer for 2-D vector graphics.
vp8Package vp8 implements a decoder for the VP8 lossy image format.
vp8lPackage vp8l implements a decoder for the VP8L lossless image format.
webpPackage webp implements a decoder for WEBP images.
v0.24.0 (latest)
Feb 4, 2025
Last checked
4 hours ago

Tools for package owners.