Imports of package runtime

internal/byteorderPackage byteorder provides functions for decoding and encoding little and big endian integer types from/to byte slices.
internal/chacha8randPackage chacha8rand implements a pseudorandom generator based on ChaCha8.
internal/cpuPackage cpu implements processor feature detection used by the Go standard library.
internal/goarchpackage goarch contains GOARCH-specific constants.
internal/godebugsPackage godebugs provides a table of known GODEBUG settings, for use by a variety of other packages, including internal/godebug, runtime, runtime/metrics, and cmd/go/internal/load.
internal/goexperimentPackage goexperiment implements support for toolchain experiments.
internal/goospackage goos contains GOOS-specific constants.
internal/profilerecordPackage profilerecord holds internal types used to represent profiling records with deep stack traces.
internal/runtime/atomicPackage atomic provides atomic operations, independent of sync/atomic, to the runtime.
internal/runtime/exithookPackage exithook provides limited support for on-exit cleanup.
internal/runtime/syspackage sys contains system- and configuration- and architecture-specific constants used by the runtime.
internal/stringslitePackage stringslite implements a subset of strings, only using packages that may be imported by "os".
unsafePackage unsafe contains operations that step around the type safety of Go programs.