Imports of package cookiejar

cmpPackage cmp provides types and functions related to comparing ordered values.
errorsPackage errors implements functions to manipulate errors.
fmtPackage fmt implements formatted I/O with functions analogous to C's printf and scanf.
netPackage net provides a portable interface for network I/O, including TCP/IP, UDP, domain name resolution, and Unix domain sockets.
net/httpPackage http provides HTTP client and server implementations.
net/urlPackage url parses URLs and implements query escaping.
slicesPackage slices defines various functions useful with slices of any type.
stringsPackage strings implements simple functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings.
syncPackage sync provides basic synchronization primitives such as mutual exclusion locks.
timePackage time provides functionality for measuring and displaying time.
unicode/utf8Package utf8 implements functions and constants to support text encoded in UTF-8.