Imports of package trace

bufioPackage bufio implements buffered I/O. It wraps an io.Reader or io.Writer object, creating another object (Reader or Writer) that also implements the interface but provides buffering and some help for textual I/O.
bytesPackage bytes implements functions for the manipulation of byte slices.
cmpPackage cmp provides types and functions related to comparing ordered values.
container/heapPackage heap provides heap operations for any type that implements heap.Interface.
encoding/binaryPackage binary implements simple translation between numbers and byte sequences and encoding and decoding of varints.
errorsPackage errors implements functions to manipulate errors.
fmtPackage fmt implements formatted I/O with functions analogous to C's printf and scanf.
internal/trace/internal/oldtracePackage oldtrace implements a parser for Go execution traces from versions 1.11–1.21.
ioPackage io provides basic interfaces to I/O primitives.
iterPackage iter provides basic definitions and operations related to iterators over sequences.
mathPackage math provides basic constants and mathematical functions.
slicesPackage slices defines various functions useful with slices of any type.
sortPackage sort provides primitives for sorting slices and user-defined collections.
stringsPackage strings implements simple functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings.
timePackage time provides functionality for measuring and displaying time.