gonumgonum.org/v1/gonum/unit/constant Index | Files

package constant

import "gonum.org/v1/gonum/unit/constant"

Package constant provides fundamental constants satisfying unit.Uniter.

Constant values reflect the values published at https://physics.nist.gov/cuu/index.html and are subject to change when the published values are updated.



const AtomicMass = unit.Mass(1.6605390666e-27)

AtomicMass is the atomic mass constant (mᵤ), one twelfth of the mass of an unbound atom of carbon-12 at rest and in its ground state. The dimension of AtomicMass is kg. The standard uncertainty of the constant is 5e-37 kg.

const Avogadro = avogadroUnits(6.02214076e+23)

Avogadro is the Avogadro constant (A), the number of constituent particles contained in one mole of a substance. The dimension of Avogadro is mol^-1. The constant is exact.

const Boltzmann = boltzmannUnits(1.380649e-23)

Boltzmann is the Boltzmann constant (k), it relates the average relative kinetic energy of particles in a gas with the temperature of the gas. The dimensions of Boltzmann are kg m^2 K^-1 s^-2. The constant is exact.

const ElectricConstant = electricConstantUnits(8.854187817620389e-12)

ElectricConstant is the electric constant (ε₀), the value of the absolute dielectric permittivity of classical vacuum. The dimensions of ElectricConstant are A^2 s^4 kg^-1 m^-3. The standard uncertainty of the constant is 1.3e-21 A^2 s^4 kg^-1 m^-3.

const ElementaryCharge = unit.Charge(1.602176634e-19)

ElementaryCharge, is the elementary charge constant (e), the magnitude of electric charge carried by a single proton or electron. The dimensions of ElementaryCharge are A s. The constant is exact.

const Faraday = faradayUnits(96485.33212)

Faraday is the Faraday constant, the magnitude of electric charge per mole of electrons. The dimensions of Faraday are A s mol^-1. The constant is exact.

const FineStructure = unit.Dimless(0.0072973525693)

FineStructure is the fine structure constant (α), it describes the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles. The standard uncertainty of the constant is 1.1e-12 .

const Gravitational = gravitationalUnits(6.6743e-11)

Gravitational is the universal gravitational constant (G), the proportionality constant connecting the gravitational force between two bodies. The dimensions of Gravitational are m^3 kg^-1 s^-2. The standard uncertainty of the constant is 1.5e-15 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2.

const LightSpeedInVacuum = unit.Velocity(2.99792458e+08)

LightSpeedInVacuum is the c constant, the speed of light in a vacuum. The dimensions of LightSpeedInVacuum are m s^-1. The constant is exact.

const MagneticConstant = magneticConstantUnits(1.2566370621238374e-06)

MagneticConstant is the magnetic constant (μ₀), the magnetic permeability in a classical vacuum. The dimensions of MagneticConstant are A^2 s^4 kg^-1 m^-3. The standard uncertainty of the constant is 1.9e-16 A^2 s^4 kg^-1 m^-3.

const Planck = planckUnits(6.62607015e-34)

Planck is the Planck constant (h), it relates the energy carried by a photon to its frequency. The dimensions of Planck are kg m^2 s^-1. The constant is exact.

const StandardGravity = unit.Acceleration(9.80665)

StandardGravity is the standard gravity constant (g₀), the nominal gravitational acceleration of an object in a vacuum near the surface of the Earth The dimensions of StandardGravity are m s^-2. The constant is exact.

Source Files

atomicmass.go avogadro.go boltzmann.go doc.go electricconstant.go elementarycharge.go faraday.go finestructure.go gravitational.go lightspeedinvacuum.go magneticconstant.go planck.go standardgravity.go

v0.15.1 (latest)
Aug 16, 2024
2 packages
Last checked
12 hours ago

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