package testlapack
import ""
Package testlapack implements a set of testing routines for Lapack functions.
Index ¶
- func DbdsqrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dbdsqrer)
- func DgebakTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgebaker)
- func DgebalTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgebaler)
- func Dgebd2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dgebd2er)
- func DgebrdTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgebrder)
- func DgeconTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgeconer)
- func DgeevBenchmark(b *testing.B, impl Dgeever)
- func DgeevTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgeever)
- func Dgehd2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dgehd2er)
- func DgehrdTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgehrder)
- func Dgelq2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dgelq2er)
- func DgelqfTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgelqfer)
- func DgelsTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgelser)
- func Dgeql2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dgeql2er)
- func Dgeqp3Test(t *testing.T, impl Dgeqp3er)
- func Dgeqr2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dgeqr2er)
- func DgeqrfTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgeqrfer)
- func Dgerq2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dgerq2er)
- func DgerqfTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgerqfer)
- func Dgesc2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dgesc2er)
- func DgesvTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgesver)
- func DgesvdTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgesvder, tol float64)
- func Dgetc2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dgetc2er)
- func Dgetf2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dgetf2er)
- func DgetrfTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgetrfer)
- func DgetriTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgetrier)
- func DgetrsTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgetrser)
- func DgghrdTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgghrder)
- func Dggsvd3Test(t *testing.T, impl Dggsvd3er)
- func Dggsvp3Test(t *testing.T, impl Dggsvp3er)
- func DgtsvTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgtsver)
- func DhseqrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dhseqrer)
- func DlabrdTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlabrder)
- func Dlacn2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlacn2er)
- func DlacpyTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlacpyer)
- func Dlae2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlae2er)
- func Dlaev2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlaev2er)
- func DlaexcTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlaexcer)
- func Dlag2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlag2er)
- func Dlagge(m, n, kl, ku int, d []float64, a []float64, lda int, rnd *rand.Rand, work []float64)
- func Dlags2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlags2er)
- func Dlagsy(n, k int, d []float64, a []float64, lda int, rnd *rand.Rand, work []float64)
- func DlagtmTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlagtmer)
- func DlahqrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlahqrer)
- func Dlahr2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlahr2er)
- func Dlaln2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlaln2er)
- func DlangbBenchmark(b *testing.B, impl Dlangber)
- func DlangbTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlangber)
- func DlangeTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlanger)
- func DlangtTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlangter)
- func DlanhsTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlanhser)
- func DlansbTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlansber)
- func DlanstTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlanster)
- func DlansyTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlansyer)
- func DlantbBenchmark(b *testing.B, impl Dlantber)
- func DlantbTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlantber)
- func DlantrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlantrer)
- func Dlanv2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlanv2er)
- func DlapllTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlapller)
- func DlapmrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlapmrer)
- func DlapmtTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlapmter)
- func Dlapy2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlapy2er)
- func Dlaqp2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlaqp2er)
- func DlaqpsTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlaqpser)
- func Dlaqr04Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlaqr04er)
- func Dlaqr1Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlaqr1er)
- func Dlaqr23Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlaqr23er)
- func Dlaqr5Benchmark(b *testing.B, impl Dlaqr5er)
- func Dlaqr5Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlaqr5er)
- func DlarfTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlarfer)
- func DlarfbTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlarfber)
- func DlarfgTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlarfger)
- func DlarftTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlarfter)
- func DlarfxTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlarfxer)
- func DlartgTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlartger)
- func Dlas2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlas2er)
- func DlasclTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlascler)
- func DlasetTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlaseter)
- func Dlasq1Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlasq1er)
- func Dlasq2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlasq2er)
- func DlasrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlasrer)
- func DlasrtTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlasrter)
- func DlassqTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlassqer)
- func Dlasv2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlasv2er)
- func DlaswpTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlaswper)
- func Dlasy2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlasy2er)
- func DlatbsTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlatbser)
- func Dlatm1(dst []float64, mode int, cond float64, rsign bool, dist int, rnd *rand.Rand)
- func DlatrdTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlatrder)
- func DlatrsTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlatrser)
- func Dlauu2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dlauu2er)
- func DlauumTest(t *testing.T, impl Dlauumer)
- func Dorg2lTest(t *testing.T, impl Dorg2ler)
- func Dorg2rTest(t *testing.T, impl Dorg2rer)
- func DorgbrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dorgbrer)
- func DorghrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dorghrer)
- func Dorgl2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dorgl2er)
- func DorglqTest(t *testing.T, impl Dorglqer)
- func DorgqlTest(t *testing.T, impl Dorgqler)
- func DorgqrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dorgqrer)
- func Dorgr2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dorgr2er)
- func DorgtrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dorgtrer)
- func Dorm2rTest(t *testing.T, impl Dorm2rer)
- func DormbrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dormbrer)
- func DormhrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dormhrer)
- func Dorml2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dorml2er)
- func DormlqTest(t *testing.T, impl Dormlqer)
- func DormqrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dormqrer)
- func Dormr2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dormr2er)
- func DpbconTest(t *testing.T, impl Dpbconer)
- func Dpbtf2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dpbtf2er)
- func DpbtrfTest(t *testing.T, impl Dpbtrfer)
- func DpbtrsTest(t *testing.T, impl Dpbtrser)
- func DpoconTest(t *testing.T, impl Dpoconer)
- func Dpotf2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dpotf2er)
- func DpotrfTest(t *testing.T, impl Dpotrfer)
- func DpotriTest(t *testing.T, impl Dpotrier)
- func DpotrsTest(t *testing.T, impl Dpotrser)
- func Dpstf2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dpstf2er)
- func DpstrfTest(t *testing.T, impl Dpstrfer)
- func DptconTest(t *testing.T, impl Dptconer)
- func DptsvTest(t *testing.T, impl Dptsver)
- func DpttrfTest(t *testing.T, impl Dpttrfer)
- func DpttrsTest(t *testing.T, impl Dpttrser)
- func DrsclTest(t *testing.T, impl Drscler)
- func DsteqrTest(t *testing.T, impl Dsteqrer)
- func DsterfTest(t *testing.T, impl Dsterfer)
- func DsyevTest(t *testing.T, impl Dsyever)
- func Dsytd2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dsytd2er)
- func DsytrdTest(t *testing.T, impl Dsytrder)
- func DtbtrsTest(t *testing.T, impl Dtbtrser)
- func DtgsjaTest(t *testing.T, impl Dtgsjaer)
- func DtrconTest(t *testing.T, impl Dtrconer)
- func Dtrevc3Test(t *testing.T, impl Dtrevc3er)
- func DtrexcTest(t *testing.T, impl Dtrexcer)
- func Dtrti2Test(t *testing.T, impl Dtrti2er)
- func DtrtriTest(t *testing.T, impl Dtrtrier)
- func DtrtrsTest(t *testing.T, impl Dtrtrser)
- func IladlcTest(t *testing.T, impl Iladlcer)
- func IladlrTest(t *testing.T, impl Iladlrer)
- type A123
- func (A123) Eigenvalues() []complex128
- func (A123) LeftEV() blas64.General
- func (A123) Matrix() blas64.General
- func (A123) RightEV() blas64.General
- type AntisymRandom
- func NewAntisymRandom(n int, rnd *rand.Rand) AntisymRandom
- func (AntisymRandom) Eigenvalues() []complex128
- func (a AntisymRandom) Matrix() blas64.General
- type Circulant
- type Clement
- type Creation
- type Dbdsqrer
- type Dgebaker
- type Dgebaler
- type Dgebd2er
- type Dgebrder
- type Dgeconer
- type Dgeever
- type Dgehd2er
- type Dgehrder
- type Dgelq2er
- type Dgelqfer
- type Dgelser
- type Dgeql2er
- type Dgeqp3er
- type Dgeqr2er
- type Dgeqrfer
- type Dgerq2er
- type Dgerqfer
- type Dgesc2er
- type Dgesvder
- type Dgesver
- type Dgetc2er
- type Dgetf2er
- type Dgetrfer
- type Dgetrier
- type Dgetrser
- type Dgghrder
- type Dggsvd3er
- type Dggsvp3er
- type Dgtsver
- type Dhseqrer
- type Diagonal
- type Dlabrder
- type Dlacn2er
- type Dlacpyer
- type Dlae2er
- type Dlaev2er
- type Dlaexcer
- type Dlag2er
- type Dlags2er
- type Dlagtmer
- type Dlahqrer
- type Dlahr2er
- type Dlaln2er
- type Dlangber
- type Dlanger
- type Dlangter
- type Dlanhser
- type Dlansber
- type Dlanster
- type Dlansyer
- type Dlantber
- type Dlantrer
- type Dlanv2er
- type Dlapller
- type Dlapmrer
- type Dlapmter
- type Dlapy2er
- type Dlaqp2er
- type Dlaqpser
- type Dlaqr04er
- type Dlaqr1er
- type Dlaqr23er
- type Dlaqr5er
- type Dlarfber
- type Dlarfer
- type Dlarfger
- type Dlarfter
- type Dlarfxer
- type Dlartger
- type Dlas2er
- type Dlascler
- type Dlaseter
- type Dlasq1er
- type Dlasq2er
- type Dlasrer
- type Dlasrter
- type Dlassqer
- type Dlasv2er
- type Dlaswper
- type Dlasy2er
- type Dlatbser
- type Dlatrder
- type Dlatrser
- type Dlauu2er
- type Dlauumer
- type Dorg2ler
- type Dorg2rer
- type Dorgbrer
- type Dorghrer
- type Dorgl2er
- type Dorglqer
- type Dorgqler
- type Dorgqrer
- type Dorgr2er
- type Dorgtrer
- type Dorm2rer
- type Dormbrer
- type Dormhrer
- type Dorml2er
- type Dormlqer
- type Dormqrer
- type Dormr2er
- type Downshift
- type Dpbconer
- type Dpbtf2er
- type Dpbtrfer
- type Dpbtrser
- type Dpoconer
- type Dpotf2er
- type Dpotrfer
- type Dpotrier
- type Dpotrser
- type Dpstf2er
- type Dpstrfer
- type Dptconer
- type Dptsver
- type Dpttrfer
- type Dpttrser
- type Drscler
- type Dsteqrer
- type Dsterfer
- type Dsyever
- type Dsytd2er
- type Dsytrder
- type Dtbtrser
- type Dtgsjaer
- type Dtrconer
- type Dtrevc3er
- type Dtrexcer
- type Dtrti2er
- type Dtrtrier
- type Dtrtrser
- type Fibonacci
- type Gear
- type Grcar
- type Hanowa
- type Iladlcer
- type Iladlrer
- type Lesp
- type Rutis
- type Tris
- type Wilk12
- type Wilk20
- type Wilk4
- type Zero
Functions ¶
func DbdsqrTest ¶
func DgebakTest ¶
func DgebalTest ¶
func Dgebd2Test ¶
func DgebrdTest ¶
func DgeconTest ¶
func DgeevBenchmark ¶
func DgeevTest ¶
func Dgehd2Test ¶
func DgehrdTest ¶
func Dgelq2Test ¶
func DgelqfTest ¶
func DgelsTest ¶
func Dgeql2Test ¶
func Dgeqp3Test ¶
func Dgeqr2Test ¶
func DgeqrfTest ¶
func Dgerq2Test ¶
func DgerqfTest ¶
func Dgesc2Test ¶
func DgesvTest ¶
func DgesvdTest ¶
func Dgetc2Test ¶
func Dgetf2Test ¶
func DgetrfTest ¶
func DgetriTest ¶
func DgetrsTest ¶
func DgghrdTest ¶
func Dggsvd3Test ¶
func Dggsvp3Test ¶
func DgtsvTest ¶
func DhseqrTest ¶
func DlabrdTest ¶
func Dlacn2Test ¶
func DlacpyTest ¶
func Dlae2Test ¶
func Dlaev2Test ¶
func DlaexcTest ¶
func Dlag2Test ¶
func Dlagge ¶
Dlagge generates a real general m×n matrix A, by pre- and post-multiplying a real diagonal matrix D with random orthogonal matrices:
A = U*D*V.
d must have length min(m,n), and work must have length m+n, otherwise Dlagge will panic.
The parameters ku and kl are unused but they must satisfy
0 <= kl <= m-1, 0 <= ku <= n-1.
func Dlags2Test ¶
func Dlagsy ¶
Dlagsy generates an n×n symmetric matrix A, by pre- and post- multiplying a real diagonal matrix D with a random orthogonal matrix:
A = U * D * Uᵀ.
work must have length at least 2*n, otherwise Dlagsy will panic.
The parameter k is unused but it must satisfy
0 <= k <= n-1.
func DlagtmTest ¶
func DlahqrTest ¶
func Dlahr2Test ¶
func Dlaln2Test ¶
func DlangbBenchmark ¶
func DlangbTest ¶
func DlangeTest ¶
func DlangtTest ¶
func DlanhsTest ¶
func DlansbTest ¶
func DlanstTest ¶
func DlansyTest ¶
func DlantbBenchmark ¶
func DlantbTest ¶
func DlantrTest ¶
func Dlanv2Test ¶
func DlapllTest ¶
func DlapmrTest ¶
func DlapmtTest ¶
func Dlapy2Test ¶
func Dlaqp2Test ¶
func DlaqpsTest ¶
func Dlaqr04Test ¶
func Dlaqr1Test ¶
func Dlaqr23Test ¶
func Dlaqr5Benchmark ¶
func Dlaqr5Test ¶
func DlarfTest ¶
func DlarfbTest ¶
func DlarfgTest ¶
func DlarftTest ¶
func DlarfxTest ¶
func DlartgTest ¶
func Dlas2Test ¶
func DlasclTest ¶
func DlasetTest ¶
func Dlasq1Test ¶
func Dlasq2Test ¶
func DlasrTest ¶
func DlasrtTest ¶
func DlassqTest ¶
func Dlasv2Test ¶
func DlaswpTest ¶
func Dlasy2Test ¶
func DlatbsTest ¶
DlatbsTest tests Dlatbs by generating a random triangular band system and checking that a residual for the computed solution is small.
func Dlatm1 ¶
Dlatm1 computes the entries of dst as specified by mode, cond and rsign.
mode describes how dst will be computed:
|mode| == 1: dst[0] = 1 and dst[1:n] = 1/cond |mode| == 2: dst[:n-1] = 1/cond and dst[n-1] = 1 |mode| == 3: dst[i] = cond^{-i/(n-1)}, i=0,...,n-1 |mode| == 4: dst[i] = 1 - i*(1-1/cond)/(n-1) |mode| == 5: dst[i] = random number in the range (1/cond, 1) such that their logarithms are uniformly distributed |mode| == 6: dst[i] = random number from the distribution given by dist
If mode is negative, the order of the elements of dst will be reversed. For other values of mode Dlatm1 will panic.
If rsign is true and mode is not ±6, each entry of dst will be multiplied by 1 or -1 with probability 0.5
dist specifies the type of distribution to be used when mode == ±6:
dist == 1: Uniform[0,1) dist == 2: Uniform[-1,1) dist == 3: Normal(0,1)
For other values of dist Dlatm1 will panic.
rnd is used as a source of random numbers.
func DlatrdTest ¶
func DlatrsTest ¶
func Dlauu2Test ¶
func DlauumTest ¶
func Dorg2lTest ¶
func Dorg2rTest ¶
func DorgbrTest ¶
func DorghrTest ¶
func Dorgl2Test ¶
func DorglqTest ¶
func DorgqlTest ¶
func DorgqrTest ¶
func Dorgr2Test ¶
func DorgtrTest ¶
func Dorm2rTest ¶
func DormbrTest ¶
func DormhrTest ¶
func Dorml2Test ¶
func DormlqTest ¶
func DormqrTest ¶
func Dormr2Test ¶
func DpbconTest ¶
DpbconTest tests Dpbcon by generating a random symmetric band matrix A and checking that the estimated condition number is not too different from the condition number computed via the explicit inverse of A.
func Dpbtf2Test ¶
Dpbtf2Test tests Dpbtf2 on random symmetric positive definite band matrices by checking that the Cholesky factors multiply back to the original matrix.
func DpbtrfTest ¶
DpbtrfTest tests a band Cholesky factorization on random symmetric positive definite band matrices by checking that the Cholesky factors multiply back to the original matrix.
func DpbtrsTest ¶
DpbtrsTest tests Dpbtrs by comparing the computed and known, generated solutions of a linear system with a random symmetric positive definite band matrix.
func DpoconTest ¶
func Dpotf2Test ¶
func DpotrfTest ¶
func DpotriTest ¶
func DpotrsTest ¶
func Dpstf2Test ¶
func DpstrfTest ¶
func DptconTest ¶
func DptsvTest ¶
func DpttrfTest ¶
DpttrfTest tests a tridiagonal Cholesky factorization on random symmetric positive definite tridiagonal matrices by checking that the Cholesky factors multiply back to the original matrix.
func DpttrsTest ¶
func DrsclTest ¶
func DsteqrTest ¶
func DsterfTest ¶
func DsyevTest ¶
func Dsytd2Test ¶
func DsytrdTest ¶
func DtbtrsTest ¶
func DtgsjaTest ¶
func DtrconTest ¶
func Dtrevc3Test ¶
func DtrexcTest ¶
func Dtrti2Test ¶
func DtrtriTest ¶
func DtrtrsTest ¶
func IladlcTest ¶
func IladlrTest ¶
Types ¶
type A123 ¶
type A123 struct{}
A123 is the non-symmetric singular matrix
[ 1 2 3 ] A = [ 4 5 6 ] [ 7 8 9 ]
It has three distinct real eigenvalues.
func (A123) Eigenvalues ¶
func (A123) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (A123) LeftEV ¶
func (A123) Matrix ¶
func (A123) RightEV ¶
type AntisymRandom ¶
type AntisymRandom struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AntisymRandom is a anti-symmetric random matrix. All its eigenvalues are imaginary with one zero if the order is odd.
func NewAntisymRandom ¶
func NewAntisymRandom(n int, rnd *rand.Rand) AntisymRandom
func (AntisymRandom) Eigenvalues ¶
func (AntisymRandom) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (AntisymRandom) Matrix ¶
func (a AntisymRandom) Matrix() blas64.General
type Circulant ¶
type Circulant int
Circulant is a generally non-symmetric matrix given by
A[i,j] = 1 + (j-i+n)%n.
For example, for n=5,
[ 1 2 3 4 5 ] [ 5 1 2 3 4 ] A = [ 4 5 1 2 3 ] [ 3 4 5 1 2 ] [ 2 3 4 5 1 ]
It has real and complex eigenvalues, some possibly repeated.
func (Circulant) Eigenvalues ¶
func (c Circulant) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Circulant) Matrix ¶
type Clement ¶
type Clement int
Clement is a generally non-symmetric matrix given by
A[i,j] = i+1 if j == i+1, = n-i if j == i-1, = 0 otherwise.
For example, for n=5,
[ . 1 . . . ] [ 4 . 2 . . ] A = [ . 3 . 3 . ] [ . . 2 . 4 ] [ . . . 1 . ]
It has n distinct real eigenvalues.
func (Clement) Eigenvalues ¶
func (c Clement) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Clement) Matrix ¶
type Creation ¶
type Creation int
Creation is a singular non-symmetric matrix given by
A[i,j] = i if j == i-1, = 0 otherwise.
For example, for n=5,
[ . . . . . ] [ 1 . . . . ] A = [ . 2 . . . ] [ . . 3 . . ] [ . . . 4 . ]
Zero is its only eigenvalue.
func (Creation) Eigenvalues ¶
func (c Creation) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Creation) Matrix ¶
type Dbdsqrer ¶
type Dbdsqrer interface { Dbdsqr(uplo blas.Uplo, n, ncvt, nru, ncc int, d, e, vt []float64, ldvt int, u []float64, ldu int, c []float64, ldc int, work []float64) (ok bool) }
type Dgebaker ¶
type Dgebaker interface { Dgebak(job lapack.BalanceJob, side lapack.EVSide, n, ilo, ihi int, scale []float64, m int, v []float64, ldv int) }
type Dgebaler ¶
type Dgebaler interface { Dgebal(job lapack.BalanceJob, n int, a []float64, lda int, scale []float64) (int, int) }
type Dgebd2er ¶
type Dgebd2er interface { Dgebd2(m, n int, a []float64, lda int, d, e, tauq, taup, work []float64) }
type Dgebrder ¶
type Dgebrder interface { Dgebrd(m, n int, a []float64, lda int, d, e, tauQ, tauP, work []float64, lwork int) Dgebd2er }
type Dgeconer ¶
type Dgeconer interface { Dgecon(norm lapack.MatrixNorm, n int, a []float64, lda int, anorm float64, work []float64, iwork []int) float64 Dgetrier Dlanger }
type Dgeever ¶
type Dgeever interface { Dgeev(jobvl lapack.LeftEVJob, jobvr lapack.RightEVJob, n int, a []float64, lda int, wr, wi []float64, vl []float64, ldvl int, vr []float64, ldvr int, work []float64, lwork int) int }
type Dgehd2er ¶
type Dgehrder ¶
type Dgehrder interface { Dgehrd(n, ilo, ihi int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) Dorgqr(m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) }
type Dgelq2er ¶
type Dgelqfer ¶
type Dgelqfer interface { Dgelq2er Dgelqf(m, n int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) }
type Dgelser ¶
type Dgelser interface { Dgels(trans blas.Transpose, m, n, nrhs int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, work []float64, lwork int) bool }
type Dgeql2er ¶
type Dgeqp3er ¶
type Dgeqp3er interface { Dlapmter Dgeqp3(m, n int, a []float64, lda int, jpvt []int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) }
type Dgeqr2er ¶
type Dgeqrfer ¶
type Dgeqrfer interface { Dgeqr2er Dgeqrf(m, n int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) }
type Dgerq2er ¶
type Dgerqfer ¶
type Dgesc2er ¶
type Dgesc2er interface { Dgesc2(n int, a []float64, lda int, rhs []float64, ipiv, jpiv []int) (scale float64) Dgetc2er }
type Dgesvder ¶
type Dgesvder interface { Dgesvd(jobU, jobVT lapack.SVDJob, m, n int, a []float64, lda int, s, u []float64, ldu int, vt []float64, ldvt int, work []float64, lwork int) (ok bool) }
type Dgesver ¶
type Dgesver interface { Dgesv(n, nrhs int, a []float64, lda int, ipiv []int, b []float64, ldb int) bool Dgetri(n int, a []float64, lda int, ipiv []int, work []float64, lwork int) bool }
type Dgetc2er ¶
type Dgetf2er ¶
type Dgetrfer ¶
type Dgetrier ¶
type Dgetrier interface { Dgetrfer Dgetri(n int, a []float64, lda int, ipiv []int, work []float64, lwork int) bool }
type Dgetrser ¶
type Dgetrser interface { Dgetrfer Dgetrs(trans blas.Transpose, n, nrhs int, a []float64, lda int, ipiv []int, b []float64, ldb int) }
type Dgghrder ¶
type Dgghrder interface { Dgghrd(compq, compz lapack.OrthoComp, n, ilo, ihi int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, q []float64, ldq int, z []float64, ldz int) }
type Dggsvd3er ¶
type Dggsvd3er interface { Dggsvd3(jobU, jobV, jobQ lapack.GSVDJob, m, n, p int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, alpha, beta, u []float64, ldu int, v []float64, ldv int, q []float64, ldq int, work []float64, lwork int, iwork []int) (k, l int, ok bool) }
type Dggsvp3er ¶
type Dggsvp3er interface { Dlanger Dggsvp3(jobU, jobV, jobQ lapack.GSVDJob, m, p, n int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, tola, tolb float64, u []float64, ldu int, v []float64, ldv int, q []float64, ldq int, iwork []int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) (k, l int) }
type Dgtsver ¶
type Dhseqrer ¶
type Dhseqrer interface { Dhseqr(job lapack.SchurJob, compz lapack.SchurComp, n, ilo, ihi int, h []float64, ldh int, wr, wi []float64, z []float64, ldz int, work []float64, lwork int) int }
type Diagonal ¶
type Diagonal int
Diagonal is a diagonal matrix given by
A[i,j] = i+1 if i == j, = 0 otherwise.
For example, for n=5,
[ 1 . . . . ] [ . 2 . . . ] A = [ . . 3 . . ] [ . . . 4 . ] [ . . . . 5 ]
It has n real eigenvalues {1,...,n}.
func (Diagonal) Eigenvalues ¶
func (d Diagonal) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Diagonal) Matrix ¶
type Dlabrder ¶
type Dlabrder interface { Dlabrd(m, n, nb int, a []float64, lda int, d, e, tauq, taup, x []float64, ldx int, y []float64, ldy int) }
type Dlacn2er ¶
type Dlacn2er interface { Dlacn2(n int, v, x []float64, isgn []int, est float64, kase int, isave *[3]int) (float64, int) }
type Dlacpyer ¶
type Dlacpyer interface { Dlacpy(uplo blas.Uplo, m, n int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int) }
type Dlae2er ¶
type Dlaev2er ¶
type Dlaexcer ¶
type Dlaexcer interface { Dlaexc(wantq bool, n int, t []float64, ldt int, q []float64, ldq int, j1, n1, n2 int, work []float64) bool }
type Dlag2er ¶
type Dlag2er interface { Dlag2(a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int) (scale1, scale2, wr1, wr2, wi float64) }
type Dlags2er ¶
type Dlags2er interface { Dlags2(upper bool, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3 float64) (csu, snu, csv, snv, csq, snq float64) }
type Dlagtmer ¶
type Dlagtmer interface { Dlagtm(trans blas.Transpose, m, n int, alpha float64, dl, d, du []float64, b []float64, ldb int, beta float64, c []float64, ldc int) }
type Dlahqrer ¶
type Dlahqrer interface { Dlahqr(wantt, wantz bool, n, ilo, ihi int, h []float64, ldh int, wr, wi []float64, iloz, ihiz int, z []float64, ldz int) int }
type Dlahr2er ¶
type Dlahr2er interface { Dlahr2(n, k, nb int, a []float64, lda int, tau, t []float64, ldt int, y []float64, ldy int) }
type Dlaln2er ¶
type Dlaln2er interface { Dlaln2(trans bool, na, nw int, smin, ca float64, a []float64, lda int, d1, d2 float64, b []float64, ldb int, wr, wi float64, x []float64, ldx int) (scale, xnorm float64, ok bool) }
type Dlangber ¶
type Dlangber interface { Dlangb(norm lapack.MatrixNorm, m, n, kl, ku int, ab []float64, ldab int) float64 }
type Dlanger ¶
type Dlanger interface { Dlange(norm lapack.MatrixNorm, m, n int, a []float64, lda int, work []float64) float64 }
type Dlangter ¶
type Dlangter interface { Dlangt(norm lapack.MatrixNorm, n int, dl, d, du []float64) float64 }
type Dlanhser ¶
type Dlanhser interface { Dlanhs(norm lapack.MatrixNorm, n int, a []float64, lda int, work []float64) float64 }
type Dlansber ¶
type Dlansber interface { Dlansb(norm lapack.MatrixNorm, uplo blas.Uplo, n, kd int, ab []float64, ldab int, work []float64) float64 }
type Dlanster ¶
type Dlansyer ¶
type Dlansyer interface { Dlanger Dlansy(norm lapack.MatrixNorm, uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int, work []float64) float64 }
type Dlantber ¶
type Dlantber interface { Dlantb(norm lapack.MatrixNorm, uplo blas.Uplo, diag blas.Diag, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, work []float64) float64 }
type Dlantrer ¶
type Dlantrer interface { Dlanger Dlantr(norm lapack.MatrixNorm, uplo blas.Uplo, diag blas.Diag, m, n int, a []float64, lda int, work []float64) float64 }
type Dlanv2er ¶
type Dlanv2er interface { Dlanv2(a, b, c, d float64) (aa, bb, cc, dd float64, rt1r, rt1i, rt2r, rt2i float64, cs, sn float64) }
type Dlapller ¶
type Dlapller interface { Dgesvder Dlapll(n int, x []float64, incX int, y []float64, incY int) float64 }
type Dlapmrer ¶
type Dlapmter ¶
type Dlapy2er ¶
type Dlaqp2er ¶
type Dlaqp2er interface { Dlapmter Dlaqp2(m, n, offset int, a []float64, lda int, jpvt []int, tau, vn1, vn2, work []float64) }
type Dlaqpser ¶
type Dlaqpser interface { Dlapmter Dlaqps(m, n, offset, nb int, a []float64, lda int, jpvt []int, tau, vn1, vn2, auxv, f []float64, ldf int) (kb int) }
type Dlaqr04er ¶
type Dlaqr04er interface { Dlaqr04(wantt, wantz bool, n, ilo, ihi int, h []float64, ldh int, wr, wi []float64, iloz, ihiz int, z []float64, ldz int, work []float64, lwork int, recur int) int Dlahqrer }
type Dlaqr1er ¶
type Dlaqr1er interface { Dlaqr1(n int, h []float64, ldh int, sr1, si1, sr2, si2 float64, v []float64) }
type Dlaqr23er ¶
type Dlaqr23er interface { Dlaqr23(wantt, wantz bool, n, ktop, kbot, nw int, h []float64, ldh int, iloz, ihiz int, z []float64, ldz int, sr, si []float64, v []float64, ldv int, nh int, t []float64, ldt int, nv int, wv []float64, ldwv int, work []float64, lwork int, recur int) (ns, nd int) }
type Dlaqr5er ¶
type Dlaqr5er interface { Dlaqr5(wantt, wantz bool, kacc22 int, n, ktop, kbot, nshfts int, sr, si []float64, h []float64, ldh int, iloz, ihiz int, z []float64, ldz int, v []float64, ldv int, u []float64, ldu int, nh int, wh []float64, ldwh int, nv int, wv []float64, ldwv int) }
type Dlarfber ¶
type Dlarfber interface { Dlarfter Dlarfb(side blas.Side, trans blas.Transpose, direct lapack.Direct, store lapack.StoreV, m, n, k int, v []float64, ldv int, t []float64, ldt int, c []float64, ldc int, work []float64, ldwork int) }
type Dlarfer ¶
type Dlarfer interface { Dlarf(side blas.Side, m, n int, v []float64, incv int, tau float64, c []float64, ldc int, work []float64) }
type Dlarfger ¶
type Dlarfter ¶
type Dlarfter interface { Dgeqr2er Dlarft(direct lapack.Direct, store lapack.StoreV, n, k int, v []float64, ldv int, tau []float64, t []float64, ldt int) }
type Dlarfxer ¶
type Dlarfxer interface { Dlarfx(side blas.Side, m, n int, v []float64, tau float64, c []float64, ldc int, work []float64) }
type Dlartger ¶
type Dlas2er ¶
type Dlascler ¶
type Dlascler interface { Dlascl(kind lapack.MatrixType, kl, ku int, cfrom, cto float64, m, n int, a []float64, lda int) }
type Dlaseter ¶
type Dlaseter interface { Dlaset(uplo blas.Uplo, m, n int, alpha, beta float64, a []float64, lda int) }
type Dlasq1er ¶
type Dlasq1er interface { Dlasq1(n int, d, e, work []float64) int Dgebrd(m, n int, a []float64, lda int, d, e, tauQ, tauP, work []float64, lwork int) }
type Dlasq2er ¶
type Dlasq2er interface { Dlasq2(n int, z []float64) (info int) Dsyev(jobz lapack.EVJob, uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int, w, work []float64, lwork int) (ok bool) }
type Dlasrer ¶
type Dlasrer interface { Dlasr(side blas.Side, pivot lapack.Pivot, direct lapack.Direct, m, n int, c, s, a []float64, lda int) }
type Dlasrter ¶
type Dlassqer ¶
type Dlassqer interface { Dlassq(n int, x []float64, incx int, scale, ssq float64) (float64, float64) }
type Dlasv2er ¶
type Dlaswper ¶
type Dlasy2er ¶
type Dlasy2er interface { Dlasy2(tranl, tranr bool, isgn, n1, n2 int, tl []float64, ldtl int, tr []float64, ldtr int, b []float64, ldb int, x []float64, ldx int) (scale, xnorm float64, ok bool) }
type Dlatbser ¶
type Dlatbser interface { Dlatbs(uplo blas.Uplo, trans blas.Transpose, diag blas.Diag, normin bool, n, kd int, ab []float64, ldab int, x []float64, cnorm []float64) float64 }
type Dlatrder ¶
type Dlatrder interface { Dlatrd(uplo blas.Uplo, n, nb int, a []float64, lda int, e, tau, w []float64, ldw int) }
type Dlatrser ¶
type Dlatrser interface { Dlatrs(uplo blas.Uplo, trans blas.Transpose, diag blas.Diag, normin bool, n int, a []float64, lda int, x []float64, cnorm []float64) (scale float64) }
type Dlauu2er ¶
type Dlauumer ¶
type Dorg2ler ¶
type Dorg2rer ¶
type Dorg2rer interface { Dgeqrfer Dorg2r(m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau []float64, work []float64) }
type Dorgbrer ¶
type Dorgbrer interface { Dorgbr(vect lapack.GenOrtho, m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) Dgebrder }
type Dorghrer ¶
type Dorghrer interface { Dorghr(n, ilo, ihi int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) Dgehrder }
type Dorgl2er ¶
type Dorgl2er interface { Dgelqfer Dorgl2(m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau []float64, work []float64) }
type Dorglqer ¶
type Dorglqer interface { Dorgl2er Dorglq(m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) }
type Dorgqler ¶
type Dorgqler interface { Dorgql(m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) Dlarfger }
type Dorgqrer ¶
type Dorgqrer interface { Dorg2rer Dorgqr(m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) }
type Dorgr2er ¶
type Dorgr2er interface { Dorgr2(m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau []float64, work []float64) Dgerqfer }
type Dorgtrer ¶
type Dorgtrer interface { Dorgtr(uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) Dsytrder }
type Dorm2rer ¶
type Dorm2rer interface { Dgeqrfer Dorm2r(side blas.Side, trans blas.Transpose, m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau, c []float64, ldc int, work []float64) }
type Dormbrer ¶
type Dormbrer interface { Dormbr(vect lapack.ApplyOrtho, side blas.Side, trans blas.Transpose, m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau, c []float64, ldc int, work []float64, lwork int) Dgebrder }
type Dormhrer ¶
type Dormhrer interface { Dormhr(side blas.Side, trans blas.Transpose, m, n, ilo, ihi int, a []float64, lda int, tau, c []float64, ldc int, work []float64, lwork int) Dgehrder }
type Dorml2er ¶
type Dorml2er interface { Dgelqfer Dorml2(side blas.Side, trans blas.Transpose, m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau, c []float64, ldc int, work []float64) }
type Dormlqer ¶
type Dormlqer interface { Dorml2er Dormlq(side blas.Side, trans blas.Transpose, m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau, c []float64, ldc int, work []float64, lwork int) }
type Dormqrer ¶
type Dormqrer interface { Dorm2rer Dormqr(side blas.Side, trans blas.Transpose, m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau, c []float64, ldc int, work []float64, lwork int) }
type Dormr2er ¶
type Dormr2er interface { Dgerqf(m, n int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) Dormr2(side blas.Side, trans blas.Transpose, m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau, c []float64, ldc int, work []float64) }
type Downshift ¶
type Downshift int
Downshift is a non-singular upper Hessenberg matrix given by
A[i,j] = 1 if (i-j+n)%n == 1, = 0 otherwise.
For example, for n=5,
[ . . . . 1 ] [ 1 . . . . ] A = [ . 1 . . . ] [ . . 1 . . ] [ . . . 1 . ]
Its eigenvalues are the complex roots of unity.
func (Downshift) Eigenvalues ¶
func (d Downshift) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Downshift) Matrix ¶
type Dpbconer ¶
type Dpbconer interface { Dpbcon(uplo blas.Uplo, n, kd int, ab []float64, ldab int, anorm float64, work []float64, iwork []int) float64 Dpbtrser }
type Dpbtf2er ¶
type Dpbtrfer ¶
type Dpbtrser ¶
type Dpbtrser interface { Dpbtrs(uplo blas.Uplo, n, kd, nrhs int, ab []float64, ldab int, b []float64, ldb int) Dpbtrfer }
type Dpoconer ¶
type Dpoconer interface { Dpotrfer Dgeconer Dlansy(norm lapack.MatrixNorm, uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int, work []float64) float64 Dpocon(uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int, anorm float64, work []float64, iwork []int) float64 }
type Dpotf2er ¶
type Dpotrfer ¶
type Dpotrier ¶
type Dpotrier interface { Dpotri(uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int) bool Dpotrf(uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int) bool }
type Dpotrser ¶
type Dpotrser interface { Dpotrs(uplo blas.Uplo, n, nrhs int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int) Dpotrf(uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int) bool }
type Dpstf2er ¶
type Dpstf2er interface { Dpstf2(uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int, piv []int, tol float64, work []float64) (rank int, ok bool) }
type Dpstrfer ¶
type Dpstrfer interface { Dpstrf(uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int, piv []int, tol float64, work []float64) (rank int, ok bool) }
type Dptconer ¶
type Dptconer interface { Dptcon(n int, d, e []float64, anorm float64, work []float64) (rcond float64) Dpttrf(n int, d, e []float64) (ok bool) Dpttrs(n, nrhs int, d, e []float64, b []float64, ldb int) }
type Dptsver ¶
type Dpttrfer ¶
type Dpttrser ¶
type Drscler ¶
type Dsteqrer ¶
type Dsteqrer interface { Dsteqr(compz lapack.EVComp, n int, d, e, z []float64, ldz int, work []float64) (ok bool) Dorgtrer }
type Dsterfer ¶
type Dsyever ¶
type Dsyever interface { Dsyev(jobz lapack.EVJob, uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int, w, work []float64, lwork int) (ok bool) }
type Dsytd2er ¶
type Dsytd2er interface { Dsytd2(uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int, d, e, tau []float64) }
type Dsytrder ¶
type Dsytrder interface { Dsytrd(uplo blas.Uplo, n int, a []float64, lda int, d, e, tau, work []float64, lwork int) Dorgqr(m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) Dorgql(m, n, k int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int) }
type Dtbtrser ¶
type Dtbtrser interface { Dtbtrs(uplo blas.Uplo, trans blas.Transpose, diag blas.Diag, n, kd, nrhs int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int) bool }
type Dtgsjaer ¶
type Dtgsjaer interface { Dlanger Dtgsja(jobU, jobV, jobQ lapack.GSVDJob, m, p, n, k, l int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int, tola, tolb float64, alpha, beta, u []float64, ldu int, v []float64, ldv int, q []float64, ldq int, work []float64) (cycles int, ok bool) }
type Dtrconer ¶
type Dtrconer interface { Dtrcon(norm lapack.MatrixNorm, uplo blas.Uplo, diag blas.Diag, n int, a []float64, lda int, work []float64, iwork []int) float64 Dtrtri(uplo blas.Uplo, diag blas.Diag, n int, a []float64, lda int) bool Dlantr(norm lapack.MatrixNorm, uplo blas.Uplo, diag blas.Diag, m, n int, a []float64, lda int, work []float64) float64 }
type Dtrevc3er ¶
type Dtrevc3er interface { Dtrevc3(side lapack.EVSide, howmny lapack.EVHowMany, selected []bool, n int, t []float64, ldt int, vl []float64, ldvl int, vr []float64, ldvr int, mm int, work []float64, lwork int) int }
type Dtrexcer ¶
type Dtrexcer interface { Dtrexc(compq lapack.UpdateSchurComp, n int, t []float64, ldt int, q []float64, ldq int, ifst, ilst int, work []float64) (ifstOut, ilstOut int, ok bool) }
type Dtrti2er ¶
type Dtrtrier ¶
type Dtrtrier interface { Dtrtri(uplo blas.Uplo, diag blas.Diag, n int, a []float64, lda int) bool }
type Dtrtrser ¶
type Dtrtrser interface { Dtrtrs(uplo blas.Uplo, trans blas.Transpose, diag blas.Diag, n, nrhs int, a []float64, lda int, b []float64, ldb int) bool }
type Fibonacci ¶
type Fibonacci int
Fibonacci is an upper Hessenberg matrix with 3 distinct real eigenvalues. For example, for n=5,
[ . 1 . . . ] [ 1 1 . . . ] A = [ . 1 1 . . ] [ . . 1 1 . ] [ . . . 1 1 ]
func (Fibonacci) Eigenvalues ¶
func (f Fibonacci) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Fibonacci) Matrix ¶
type Gear ¶
type Gear int
Gear is a singular non-symmetric matrix with real eigenvalues. For example, for n=5,
[ . 1 . . 1 ] [ 1 . 1 . . ] A = [ . 1 . 1 . ] [ . . 1 . 1 ] [-1 . . 1 . ]
func (Gear) Eigenvalues ¶
func (g Gear) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Gear) Matrix ¶
type Grcar ¶
Grcar is an upper Hessenberg matrix given by
A[i,j] = -1 if i == j+1, = 1 if i <= j and j <= i+k, = 0 otherwise.
For example, for n=5 and k=2,
[ 1 1 1 . . ] [ -1 1 1 1 . ] A = [ . -1 1 1 1 ] [ . . -1 1 1 ] [ . . . -1 1 ]
The matrix has sensitive eigenvalues but they are not given explicitly.
func (Grcar) Eigenvalues ¶
func (Grcar) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Grcar) Matrix ¶
type Hanowa ¶
Hanowa is a non-symmetric non-singular matrix of even order given by
A[i,j] = alpha if i == j, = -i-1 if i < n/2 and j == i + n/2, = i+1-n/2 if i >= n/2 and j == i - n/2, = 0 otherwise.
The matrix has complex eigenvalues.
func (Hanowa) Eigenvalues ¶
func (h Hanowa) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Hanowa) Matrix ¶
type Iladlcer ¶
type Iladlrer ¶
type Lesp ¶
type Lesp int
Lesp is a tridiagonal, generally non-symmetric matrix given by
A[i,j] = -2*i-5 if i == j, = 1/(i+1) if i == j-1, = j+1 if i == j+1.
For example, for n=5,
[ -5 2 . . . ] [ 1/2 -7 3 . . ] A = [ . 1/3 -9 4 . ] [ . . 1/4 -11 5 ] [ . . . 1/5 -13 ].
The matrix has sensitive eigenvalues but they are not given explicitly.
func (Lesp) Eigenvalues ¶
func (Lesp) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Lesp) Matrix ¶
type Rutis ¶
type Rutis struct{}
Rutis is the 4×4 non-symmetric matrix
[ 4 -5 0 3 ] A = [ 0 4 -3 -5 ] [ 5 -3 4 0 ] [ 3 0 5 4 ]
It has two distinct real eigenvalues and a pair of complex eigenvalues.
func (Rutis) Eigenvalues ¶
func (Rutis) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Rutis) Matrix ¶
type Tris ¶
Tris is a tridiagonal matrix given by
A[i,j] = x if i == j-1, = y if i == j, = z if i == j+1.
If x*z is negative, the matrix has complex eigenvalues.
func (Tris) Eigenvalues ¶
func (t Tris) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Tris) Matrix ¶
type Wilk12 ¶
type Wilk12 struct{}
Wilk12 is a 12×12 lower Hessenberg matrix with 12 distinct real eigenvalues.
func (Wilk12) Eigenvalues ¶
func (Wilk12) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Wilk12) Matrix ¶
type Wilk20 ¶
type Wilk20 float64
Wilk20 is a 20×20 lower Hessenberg matrix. If the parameter is 0, the matrix has 20 distinct real eigenvalues. If the parameter is 1e-10, the matrix has 6 real eigenvalues and 7 pairs of complex eigenvalues.
func (Wilk20) Eigenvalues ¶
func (w Wilk20) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Wilk20) Matrix ¶
type Wilk4 ¶
type Wilk4 struct{}
Wilk4 is a 4×4 lower triangular matrix with 4 distinct real eigenvalues.
func (Wilk4) Eigenvalues ¶
func (Wilk4) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Wilk4) Matrix ¶
type Zero ¶
type Zero int
Zero is a matrix with all elements equal to zero.
func (Zero) Eigenvalues ¶
func (z Zero) Eigenvalues() []complex128
func (Zero) Matrix ¶
Source Files ¶
dbdsqr.go dgebak.go dgebal.go dgebd2.go dgebrd.go dgecon.go dgeev.go dgeev_bench.go dgehd2.go dgehrd.go dgelq2.go dgelqf.go dgels.go dgeql2.go dgeqp3.go dgeqr2.go dgeqrf.go dgerq2.go dgerqf.go dgesc2.go dgesv.go dgesvd.go dgetc2.go dgetf2.go dgetrf.go dgetri.go dgetrs.go dgghrd.go dggsvd3.go dggsvp3.go dgtsv.go dhseqr.go dlabrd.go dlacn2.go dlacpy.go dlae2.go dlaev2.go dlaexc.go dlag2.go dlags2.go dlagtm.go dlahqr.go dlahr2.go dlaln2.go dlangb.go dlangb_bench.go dlange.go dlangt.go dlanhs.go dlansb.go dlanst.go dlansy.go dlantb.go dlantb_bench.go dlantr.go dlanv2.go dlapll.go dlapmr.go dlapmt.go dlapy2.go dlaqp2.go dlaqps.go dlaqr04.go dlaqr1.go dlaqr23.go dlaqr5.go dlaqr5_bench.go dlarf.go dlarfb.go dlarfg.go dlarft.go dlarfx.go dlartg.go dlas2.go dlascl.go dlaset.go dlasq1.go dlasq2.go dlasr.go dlasrt.go dlassq.go dlasv2.go dlaswp.go dlasy2.go dlatbs.go dlatrd.go dlatrs.go dlauu2.go dlauum.go doc.go dorg2l.go dorg2r.go dorgbr.go dorghr.go dorgl2.go dorglq.go dorgql.go dorgqr.go dorgr2.go dorgtr.go dorm2r.go dormbr.go dormhr.go dorml2.go dormlq.go dormqr.go dormr2.go dpbcon.go dpbtf2.go dpbtrf.go dpbtrs.go dpocon.go dpotf2.go dpotrf.go dpotri.go dpotrs.go dpstf2.go dpstrf.go dptcon.go dptsv.go dpttrf.go dpttrs.go drscl.go dsteqr.go dsterf.go dsyev.go dsytd2.go dsytrd.go dtbtrs.go dtgsja.go dtrcon.go dtrevc3.go dtrexc.go dtrti2.go dtrtri.go dtrtrs.go fortran.go general.go iladlc.go iladlr.go locallapack.go matgen.go test_matrices.go
- Version
- v0.15.1 (latest)
- Published
- Aug 16, 2024
- Platform
- linux/amd64
- Imports
- 15 packages
- Last checked
- 12 hours ago –
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