package html

import ""

Package html minifies HTML5 following the specifications at




var ASPTemplateDelims = [2]string{"<%", "%>"}
var EJSTemplateDelims = [2]string{"<%", "%>"}
var EntitiesMap = map[string][]byte{ /* 1092 elements not displayed */


EntitiesMap are all named character entities.

var GoTemplateDelims = [2]string{"{{", "}}"}
var HandlebarsTemplateDelims = [2]string{"{{", "}}"}
var MustacheTemplateDelims = [2]string{"{{", "}}"}
var PHPTemplateDelims = [2]string{"<?", "?>"}
var TextRevEntitiesMap = map[byte][]byte{
	'<': []byte("&lt;"),

TextRevEntitiesMap is a map of escapes.


func Minify

func Minify(m *minify.M, w io.Writer, r io.Reader, params map[string]string) error

Minify minifies HTML data, it reads from r and writes to w.



	m := minify.New()
	m.AddFunc("text/html", Minify)
	m.AddFunc("text/css", css.Minify)
	m.AddFunc("image/svg+xml", svg.Minify)
	m.AddFuncRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("^(application|text)/(x-)?(java|ecma)script$"), js.Minify)
	m.AddFuncRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("[/+]json$"), json.Minify)
	m.AddFuncRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("[/+]xml$"), xml.Minify)

	// set URL to minify link locations too
	m.URL, _ = url.Parse("")
	if err := m.Minify("text/html", os.Stdout, os.Stdin); err != nil {
Example (Options)


	m := minify.New()
	m.Add("text/html", &Minifier{
		KeepDefaultAttrVals: true,
		KeepWhitespace:      true,

	if err := m.Minify("text/html", os.Stdout, os.Stdin); err != nil {
Example (Reader)


	b := bytes.NewReader([]byte("<html><body><h1>Example</h1></body></html>"))

	m := minify.New()
	m.Add("text/html", &Minifier{})

	r := m.Reader("text/html", b)
	if _, err := io.Copy(os.Stdout, r); err != nil {
	// Output: <h1>Example</h1>


Example (Writer)


	m := minify.New()
	m.Add("text/html", &Minifier{})

	w := m.Writer("text/html", os.Stdout)
	// Output: <h1>Example</h1>




type Hash

type Hash uint32

Hash defines perfect hashes for a predefined list of strings

const (
	A                        Hash = 0x1     // a
	Abbr                     Hash = 0x40004 // abbr
	About                    Hash = 0x5     // about
	Accept                   Hash = 0xc06   // accept
	Accept_Charset           Hash = 0xc0e   // accept-charset
	Accesskey                Hash = 0x2c09  // accesskey
	Acronym                  Hash = 0x3507  // acronym
	Action                   Hash = 0x26006 // action
	Address                  Hash = 0x6d07  // address
	Allow                    Hash = 0x31f05 // allow
	Allowfullscreen          Hash = 0x31f0f // allowfullscreen
	Amp_Boilerplate          Hash = 0x5e0f  // amp-boilerplate
	Applet                   Hash = 0xee06  // applet
	Area                     Hash = 0x2c304 // area
	Article                  Hash = 0x22507 // article
	As                       Hash = 0x2102  // as
	Aside                    Hash = 0x9205  // aside
	Async                    Hash = 0x8a05  // async
	Audio                    Hash = 0x9d05  // audio
	Autocapitalize           Hash = 0xc30e  // autocapitalize
	Autocomplete             Hash = 0xd10c  // autocomplete
	Autofocus                Hash = 0xe309  // autofocus
	Autoplay                 Hash = 0xfc08  // autoplay
	B                        Hash = 0x101   // b
	Base                     Hash = 0x2004  // base
	Basefont                 Hash = 0x2008  // basefont
	Bb                       Hash = 0x40102 // bb
	Bdi                      Hash = 0x8303  // bdi
	Bdo                      Hash = 0x3dc03 // bdo
	Big                      Hash = 0x12f03 // big
	Blocking                 Hash = 0x13208 // blocking
	Blockquote               Hash = 0x13a0a // blockquote
	Body                     Hash = 0x804   // body
	Br                       Hash = 0x14b02 // br
	Button                   Hash = 0x14406 // button
	Canvas                   Hash = 0x8e06  // canvas
	Caption                  Hash = 0x23707 // caption
	Capture                  Hash = 0x10d07 // capture
	Center                   Hash = 0x24f06 // center
	Charset                  Hash = 0x1307  // charset
	Checked                  Hash = 0x37707 // checked
	Cite                     Hash = 0x14d04 // cite
	Class                    Hash = 0x15a05 // class
	Code                     Hash = 0x17604 // code
	Col                      Hash = 0x17f03 // col
	Colgroup                 Hash = 0x17f08 // colgroup
	Color                    Hash = 0x19e05 // color
	Cols                     Hash = 0x1a304 // cols
	Colspan                  Hash = 0x1a307 // colspan
	Content                  Hash = 0x1b107 // content
	Contenteditable          Hash = 0x1b10f // contenteditable
	Controls                 Hash = 0x1cc08 // controls
	Coords                   Hash = 0x1e306 // coords
	Crossorigin              Hash = 0x2160b // crossorigin
	Data                     Hash = 0xad04  // data
	Datalist                 Hash = 0xad08  // datalist
	Datatype                 Hash = 0x11908 // datatype
	Datetime                 Hash = 0x28508 // datetime
	Dd                       Hash = 0x6e02  // dd
	Decoding                 Hash = 0x9508  // decoding
	Default                  Hash = 0x17807 // default
	Defer                    Hash = 0x4405  // defer
	Del                      Hash = 0x1f203 // del
	Details                  Hash = 0x20b07 // details
	Dfn                      Hash = 0x16a03 // dfn
	Dialog                   Hash = 0x28d06 // dialog
	Dir                      Hash = 0x8403  // dir
	Disabled                 Hash = 0x19208 // disabled
	Div                      Hash = 0x19903 // div
	Dl                       Hash = 0x1c302 // dl
	Draggable                Hash = 0x1da09 // draggable
	Dt                       Hash = 0x40902 // dt
	Em                       Hash = 0xdc02  // em
	Embed                    Hash = 0x16605 // embed
	Enctype                  Hash = 0x26a07 // enctype
	Enterkeyhint             Hash = 0x2500c // enterkeyhint
	Fetchpriority            Hash = 0x1220d // fetchpriority
	Fieldset                 Hash = 0x22c08 // fieldset
	Figcaption               Hash = 0x2340a // figcaption
	Figure                   Hash = 0x24506 // figure
	Font                     Hash = 0x2404  // font
	Footer                   Hash = 0x1a06  // footer
	For                      Hash = 0x25c03 // for
	Form                     Hash = 0x25c04 // form
	Formaction               Hash = 0x25c0a // formaction
	Formenctype              Hash = 0x2660b // formenctype
	Formmethod               Hash = 0x2710a // formmethod
	Formnovalidate           Hash = 0x27b0e // formnovalidate
	Formtarget               Hash = 0x2930a // formtarget
	Frame                    Hash = 0x16e05 // frame
	Frameset                 Hash = 0x16e08 // frameset
	H1                       Hash = 0x2d502 // h1
	H2                       Hash = 0x38602 // h2
	H3                       Hash = 0x39502 // h3
	H4                       Hash = 0x40b02 // h4
	H5                       Hash = 0x29d02 // h5
	H6                       Hash = 0x29f02 // h6
	Head                     Hash = 0x36c04 // head
	Header                   Hash = 0x36c06 // header
	Headers                  Hash = 0x36c07 // headers
	Height                   Hash = 0x2a106 // height
	Hgroup                   Hash = 0x2b506 // hgroup
	Hidden                   Hash = 0x2cc06 // hidden
	High                     Hash = 0x2d204 // high
	Hr                       Hash = 0x2d702 // hr
	Href                     Hash = 0x2d704 // href
	Hreflang                 Hash = 0x2d708 // hreflang
	Html                     Hash = 0x2a504 // html
	Http_Equiv               Hash = 0x2df0a // http-equiv
	I                        Hash = 0x2801  // i
	Id                       Hash = 0x9402  // id
	Iframe                   Hash = 0x2f206 // iframe
	Image                    Hash = 0x30005 // image
	Imagesizes               Hash = 0x3000a // imagesizes
	Imagesrcset              Hash = 0x30d0b // imagesrcset
	Img                      Hash = 0x31803 // img
	Inert                    Hash = 0x10805 // inert
	Inlist                   Hash = 0x21f06 // inlist
	Input                    Hash = 0x3d05  // input
	Inputmode                Hash = 0x3d09  // inputmode
	Ins                      Hash = 0x31b03 // ins
	Is                       Hash = 0xb202  // is
	Ismap                    Hash = 0x32e05 // ismap
	Itemid                   Hash = 0x2fa06 // itemid
	Itemprop                 Hash = 0x14e08 // itemprop
	Itemref                  Hash = 0x34507 // itemref
	Itemscope                Hash = 0x35709 // itemscope
	Itemtype                 Hash = 0x36108 // itemtype
	Kbd                      Hash = 0x8203  // kbd
	Kind                     Hash = 0xaa04  // kind
	Label                    Hash = 0x1c405 // label
	Lang                     Hash = 0x2db04 // lang
	Legend                   Hash = 0x1be06 // legend
	Li                       Hash = 0xb102  // li
	Link                     Hash = 0x1c804 // link
	List                     Hash = 0xb104  // list
	Loading                  Hash = 0x3ad07 // loading
	Loop                     Hash = 0x2a804 // loop
	Low                      Hash = 0x32103 // low
	Main                     Hash = 0x3b04  // main
	Map                      Hash = 0xed03  // map
	Mark                     Hash = 0x7f04  // mark
	Marquee                  Hash = 0x3e407 // marquee
	Math                     Hash = 0x36904 // math
	Max                      Hash = 0x37e03 // max
	Maxlength                Hash = 0x37e09 // maxlength
	Media                    Hash = 0x28b05 // media
	Menu                     Hash = 0x2f604 // menu
	Menuitem                 Hash = 0x2f608 // menuitem
	Meta                     Hash = 0x5004  // meta
	Meter                    Hash = 0x38805 // meter
	Method                   Hash = 0x27506 // method
	Min                      Hash = 0x38d03 // min
	Minlength                Hash = 0x38d09 // minlength
	Multiple                 Hash = 0x39708 // multiple
	Muted                    Hash = 0x39f05 // muted
	Name                     Hash = 0x4e04  // name
	Nav                      Hash = 0xbc03  // nav
	Nobr                     Hash = 0x14904 // nobr
	Noembed                  Hash = 0x16407 // noembed
	Noframes                 Hash = 0x16c08 // noframes
	Nomodule                 Hash = 0x1a908 // nomodule
	Noscript                 Hash = 0x23d08 // noscript
	Novalidate               Hash = 0x27f0a // novalidate
	Object                   Hash = 0xa106  // object
	Ol                       Hash = 0x18002 // ol
	Open                     Hash = 0x35d04 // open
	Optgroup                 Hash = 0x2aa08 // optgroup
	Optimum                  Hash = 0x3de07 // optimum
	Option                   Hash = 0x2ec06 // option
	Output                   Hash = 0x206   // output
	P                        Hash = 0x501   // p
	Param                    Hash = 0x7b05  // param
	Pattern                  Hash = 0xb607  // pattern
	Picture                  Hash = 0x18607 // picture
	Ping                     Hash = 0x2b104 // ping
	Plaintext                Hash = 0x2ba09 // plaintext
	Playsinline              Hash = 0x1000b // playsinline
	Popover                  Hash = 0x33207 // popover
	Popovertarget            Hash = 0x3320d // popovertarget
	Popovertargetaction      Hash = 0x33213 // popovertargetaction
	Portal                   Hash = 0x3f406 // portal
	Poster                   Hash = 0x41006 // poster
	Pre                      Hash = 0x3a403 // pre
	Prefix                   Hash = 0x3a406 // prefix
	Preload                  Hash = 0x3aa07 // preload
	Profile                  Hash = 0x3b407 // profile
	Progress                 Hash = 0x3bb08 // progress
	Property                 Hash = 0x15208 // property
	Q                        Hash = 0x11401 // q
	Rb                       Hash = 0x1f02  // rb
	Readonly                 Hash = 0x2c408 // readonly
	Referrerpolicy           Hash = 0x3490e // referrerpolicy
	Rel                      Hash = 0x3ab03 // rel
	Required                 Hash = 0x11208 // required
	Resource                 Hash = 0x24908 // resource
	Rev                      Hash = 0x18b03 // rev
	Reversed                 Hash = 0x18b08 // reversed
	Rows                     Hash = 0x4804  // rows
	Rowspan                  Hash = 0x4807  // rowspan
	Rp                       Hash = 0x6702  // rp
	Rt                       Hash = 0x10b02 // rt
	Rtc                      Hash = 0x10b03 // rtc
	Ruby                     Hash = 0x8604  // ruby
	S                        Hash = 0x1701  // s
	Samp                     Hash = 0x5d04  // samp
	Sandbox                  Hash = 0x7307  // sandbox
	Scope                    Hash = 0x35b05 // scope
	Script                   Hash = 0x23f06 // script
	Section                  Hash = 0x15e07 // section
	Select                   Hash = 0x1d306 // select
	Selected                 Hash = 0x1d308 // selected
	Shadowrootdelegatesfocus Hash = 0x1e818 // shadowrootdelegatesfocus
	Shadowrootmode           Hash = 0x1ff0e // shadowrootmode
	Shape                    Hash = 0x21105 // shape
	Size                     Hash = 0x30504 // size
	Sizes                    Hash = 0x30505 // sizes
	Slot                     Hash = 0x30904 // slot
	Small                    Hash = 0x31d05 // small
	Source                   Hash = 0x24b06 // source
	Span                     Hash = 0x4b04  // span
	Spellcheck               Hash = 0x3720a // spellcheck
	Src                      Hash = 0x31203 // src
	Srclang                  Hash = 0x3c207 // srclang
	Srcset                   Hash = 0x31206 // srcset
	Start                    Hash = 0x22305 // start
	Step                     Hash = 0xb304  // step
	Strike                   Hash = 0x3c906 // strike
	Strong                   Hash = 0x3cf06 // strong
	Style                    Hash = 0x3d505 // style
	Sub                      Hash = 0x3da03 // sub
	Summary                  Hash = 0x3eb07 // summary
	Sup                      Hash = 0x3f203 // sup
	Svg                      Hash = 0x3fa03 // svg
	Tabindex                 Hash = 0x5208  // tabindex
	Table                    Hash = 0x1bb05 // table
	Target                   Hash = 0x29706 // target
	Tbody                    Hash = 0x705   // tbody
	Td                       Hash = 0x1f102 // td
	Template                 Hash = 0xdb08  // template
	Text                     Hash = 0x2bf04 // text
	Textarea                 Hash = 0x2bf08 // textarea
	Tfoot                    Hash = 0x1905  // tfoot
	Th                       Hash = 0x27702 // th
	Thead                    Hash = 0x36b05 // thead
	Time                     Hash = 0x28904 // time
	Title                    Hash = 0x2705  // title
	Tr                       Hash = 0xa602  // tr
	Track                    Hash = 0xa605  // track
	Translate                Hash = 0xf309  // translate
	Tt                       Hash = 0xb802  // tt
	Type                     Hash = 0x11d04 // type
	Typeof                   Hash = 0x11d06 // typeof
	U                        Hash = 0x301   // u
	Ul                       Hash = 0x17c02 // ul
	Usemap                   Hash = 0xea06  // usemap
	Value                    Hash = 0xbe05  // value
	Var                      Hash = 0x19b03 // var
	Video                    Hash = 0x2e805 // video
	Vocab                    Hash = 0x3fd05 // vocab
	Wbr                      Hash = 0x40403 // wbr
	Width                    Hash = 0x40705 // width
	Wrap                     Hash = 0x40d04 // wrap
	Xmlns                    Hash = 0x5905  // xmlns
	Xmp                      Hash = 0x7903  // xmp

Unique hash definitions to be used instead of strings

func ToHash

func ToHash(s []byte) Hash

ToHash returns the hash whose name is s. It returns zero if there is no such hash. It is case sensitive.

func (Hash) String

func (i Hash) String() string

String returns the hash' name.

type Minifier

type Minifier struct {
	KeepComments            bool
	KeepConditionalComments bool
	KeepSpecialComments     bool
	KeepDefaultAttrVals     bool
	KeepDocumentTags        bool
	KeepEndTags             bool
	KeepQuotes              bool
	KeepWhitespace          bool
	TemplateDelims          [2]string

Minifier is an HTML minifier.

func (*Minifier) Minify

func (o *Minifier) Minify(m *minify.M, w io.Writer, r io.Reader, _ map[string]string) error

Minify minifies HTML data, it reads from r and writes to w.

type Token

type Token struct {
	Hash        Hash
	Data        []byte
	Text        []byte
	AttrVal     []byte
	Traits      traits
	Offset      int
	HasTemplate bool

Token is a single token unit with an attribute value (if given) and hash of the data.

type TokenBuffer

type TokenBuffer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TokenBuffer is a buffer that allows for token look-ahead.

func NewTokenBuffer

func NewTokenBuffer(r *parse.Input, l *html.Lexer) *TokenBuffer

NewTokenBuffer returns a new TokenBuffer.

func (*TokenBuffer) Attributes

func (z *TokenBuffer) Attributes(hashes ...Hash) []*Token

Attributes extracts the gives attribute hashes from a tag. It returns in the same order pointers to the requested token data or nil.

func (*TokenBuffer) Peek

func (z *TokenBuffer) Peek(pos int) *Token

Peek returns the ith element and possibly does an allocation. Peeking past an error will panic.

func (*TokenBuffer) Shift

func (z *TokenBuffer) Shift() *Token

Shift returns the first element and advances position.

Source Files

buffer.go hash.go html.go table.go

v2.21.3 (latest)
Jan 14, 2025
7 packages
Last checked
4 days ago

Tools for package owners.