v31 – github.com/libgit2/git2go/v31 Index | Files

package git

import "github.com/libgit2/git2go/v31"



const (
	CheckoutNotifyNone      CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_NONE
	CheckoutNotifyConflict  CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_CONFLICT
	CheckoutNotifyDirty     CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_DIRTY
	CheckoutNotifyUpdated   CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_UPDATED
	CheckoutNotifyUntracked CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_UNTRACKED
	CheckoutNotifyIgnored   CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_IGNORED
	CheckoutNotifyAll       CheckoutNotifyType = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_ALL

	CheckoutNone                      CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NONE                         // Dry run, no actual updates
	CheckoutSafe                      CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_SAFE                         // Allow safe updates that cannot overwrite uncommitted data
	CheckoutForce                     CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE                        // Allow all updates to force working directory to look like index
	CheckoutRecreateMissing           CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_RECREATE_MISSING             // Allow checkout to recreate missing files
	CheckoutAllowConflicts            CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_ALLOW_CONFLICTS              // Allow checkout to make safe updates even if conflicts are found
	CheckoutRemoveUntracked           CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_REMOVE_UNTRACKED             // Remove untracked files not in index (that are not ignored)
	CheckoutRemoveIgnored             CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_REMOVE_IGNORED               // Remove ignored files not in index
	CheckoutUpdateOnly                CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_UPDATE_ONLY                  // Only update existing files, don't create new ones
	CheckoutDontUpdateIndex           CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_UPDATE_INDEX            // Normally checkout updates index entries as it goes; this stops that
	CheckoutNoRefresh                 CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_NO_REFRESH                   // Don't refresh index/config/etc before doing checkout
	CheckoutSkipUnmerged              CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_SKIP_UNMERGED                // Allow checkout to skip unmerged files
	CheckoutUseOurs                   CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_USE_OURS                     // For unmerged files, checkout stage 2 from index
	CheckoutUseTheirs                 CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_USE_THEIRS                   // For unmerged files, checkout stage 3 from index
	CheckoutDisablePathspecMatch      CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DISABLE_PATHSPEC_MATCH       // Treat pathspec as simple list of exact match file paths
	CheckoutSkipLockedDirectories     CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_SKIP_LOCKED_DIRECTORIES      // Ignore directories in use, they will be left empty
	CheckoutDontOverwriteIgnored      CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_OVERWRITE_IGNORED       // Don't overwrite ignored files that exist in the checkout target
	CheckoutConflictStyleMerge        CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_CONFLICT_STYLE_MERGE         // Write normal merge files for conflicts
	CheckoutConflictStyleDiff3        CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_CONFLICT_STYLE_DIFF3         // Include common ancestor data in diff3 format files for conflicts
	CheckoutDontRemoveExisting        CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_REMOVE_EXISTING         // Don't overwrite existing files or folders
	CheckoutDontWriteIndex            CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_DONT_WRITE_INDEX             // Normally checkout writes the index upon completion; this prevents that
	CheckoutUpdateSubmodules          CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_UPDATE_SUBMODULES            // Recursively checkout submodules with same options (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
	CheckoutUpdateSubmodulesIfChanged CheckoutStrategy = C.GIT_CHECKOUT_UPDATE_SUBMODULES_IF_CHANGED // Recursively checkout submodules if HEAD moved in super repo (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
const (
	CredTypeUserpassPlaintext = CredentialTypeUserpassPlaintext
	CredTypeSshKey            = CredentialTypeSSHKey
	CredTypeSshCustom         = CredentialTypeSSHCustom
	CredTypeDefault           = CredentialTypeDefault
const (
	// Deprecated: FeatureHttps is a deprecated alias of FeatureHTTPS.
	FeatureHttps = FeatureHTTPS

	// Deprecated: FeatureSsh is a deprecated alias of FeatureSSH.
	FeatureSsh = FeatureSSH
const (
	// Deprecated: ErrClassNone is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassNone.
	ErrClassNone = ErrorClassNone
	// Deprecated: ErrClassNoMemory is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassNoMemory.
	ErrClassNoMemory = ErrorClassNoMemory
	// Deprecated: ErrClassOs is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassOS.
	ErrClassOs = ErrorClassOS
	// Deprecated: ErrClassInvalid is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassInvalid.
	ErrClassInvalid = ErrorClassInvalid
	// Deprecated: ErrClassReference is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassReference.
	ErrClassReference = ErrorClassReference
	// Deprecated: ErrClassZlib is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassZlib.
	ErrClassZlib = ErrorClassZlib
	// Deprecated: ErrClassRepository is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassRepository.
	ErrClassRepository = ErrorClassRepository
	// Deprecated: ErrClassConfig is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassConfig.
	ErrClassConfig = ErrorClassConfig
	// Deprecated: ErrClassRegex is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassRegex.
	ErrClassRegex = ErrorClassRegex
	// Deprecated: ErrClassOdb is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassOdb.
	ErrClassOdb = ErrorClassOdb
	// Deprecated: ErrClassIndex is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassIndex.
	ErrClassIndex = ErrorClassIndex
	// Deprecated: ErrClassObject is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassObject.
	ErrClassObject = ErrorClassObject
	// Deprecated: ErrClassNet is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassNet.
	ErrClassNet = ErrorClassNet
	// Deprecated: ErrClassTag is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassTag.
	ErrClassTag = ErrorClassTag
	// Deprecated: ErrClassTree is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassTree.
	ErrClassTree = ErrorClassTree
	// Deprecated: ErrClassIndexer is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassIndexer.
	ErrClassIndexer = ErrorClassIndexer
	// Deprecated: ErrClassSSL is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassSSL.
	ErrClassSSL = ErrorClassSSL
	// Deprecated: ErrClassSubmodule is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassSubmodule.
	ErrClassSubmodule = ErrorClassSubmodule
	// Deprecated: ErrClassThread is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassThread.
	ErrClassThread = ErrorClassThread
	// Deprecated: ErrClassStash is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassStash.
	ErrClassStash = ErrorClassStash
	// Deprecated: ErrClassCheckout is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassCheckout.
	ErrClassCheckout = ErrorClassCheckout
	// Deprecated: ErrClassFetchHead is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassFetchHead.
	ErrClassFetchHead = ErrorClassFetchHead
	// Deprecated: ErrClassMerge is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassMerge.
	ErrClassMerge = ErrorClassMerge
	// Deprecated: ErrClassSsh is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassSSH.
	ErrClassSsh = ErrorClassSSH
	// Deprecated: ErrClassFilter is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassFilter.
	ErrClassFilter = ErrorClassFilter
	// Deprecated: ErrClassRevert is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassRevert.
	ErrClassRevert = ErrorClassRevert
	// Deprecated: ErrClassCallback is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassCallback.
	ErrClassCallback = ErrorClassCallback
	// Deprecated: ErrClassRebase is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassRebase.
	ErrClassRebase = ErrorClassRebase
	// Deprecated: ErrClassPatch is a deprecated alias of ErrorClassPatch.
	ErrClassPatch = ErrorClassPatch
const (
	// Deprecated: ErrOk is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeOK.
	ErrOk = ErrorCodeOK
	// Deprecated: ErrGeneric is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeGeneric.
	ErrGeneric = ErrorCodeGeneric
	// Deprecated: ErrNotFound is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeNotFound.
	ErrNotFound = ErrorCodeNotFound
	// Deprecated: ErrExists is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeExists.
	ErrExists = ErrorCodeExists
	// Deprecated: ErrAmbiguous is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeAmbiguous.
	ErrAmbiguous = ErrorCodeAmbiguous
	// Deprecated: ErrAmbigious is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeAmbiguous.
	ErrAmbigious = ErrorCodeAmbiguous
	// Deprecated: ErrBuffs is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeBuffs.
	ErrBuffs = ErrorCodeBuffs
	// Deprecated: ErrUser is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeUser.
	ErrUser = ErrorCodeUser
	// Deprecated: ErrBareRepo is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeBareRepo.
	ErrBareRepo = ErrorCodeBareRepo
	// Deprecated: ErrUnbornBranch is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeUnbornBranch.
	ErrUnbornBranch = ErrorCodeUnbornBranch
	// Deprecated: ErrUnmerged is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeUnmerged.
	ErrUnmerged = ErrorCodeUnmerged
	// Deprecated: ErrNonFastForward is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeNonFastForward.
	ErrNonFastForward = ErrorCodeNonFastForward
	// Deprecated: ErrInvalidSpec is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeInvalidSpec.
	ErrInvalidSpec = ErrorCodeInvalidSpec
	// Deprecated: ErrConflict is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeConflict.
	ErrConflict = ErrorCodeConflict
	// Deprecated: ErrLocked is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeLocked.
	ErrLocked = ErrorCodeLocked
	// Deprecated: ErrModified is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeModified.
	ErrModified = ErrorCodeModified
	// Deprecated: ErrAuth is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeAuth.
	ErrAuth = ErrorCodeAuth
	// Deprecated: ErrCertificate is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeCertificate.
	ErrCertificate = ErrorCodeCertificate
	// Deprecated: ErrApplied is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeApplied.
	ErrApplied = ErrorCodeApplied
	// Deprecated: ErrPeel is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodePeel.
	ErrPeel = ErrorCodePeel
	// Deprecated: ErrEOF is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeEOF.
	ErrEOF = ErrorCodeEOF
	// Deprecated: ErrUncommitted is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeUncommitted.
	ErrUncommitted = ErrorCodeUncommitted
	// Deprecated: ErrDirectory is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeDirectory.
	ErrDirectory = ErrorCodeDirectory
	// Deprecated: ErrMergeConflict is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeMergeConflict.
	ErrMergeConflict = ErrorCodeMergeConflict
	// Deprecated: ErrPassthrough is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodePassthrough.
	ErrPassthrough = ErrorCodePassthrough
	// Deprecated: ErrIterOver is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeIterOver.
	ErrIterOver = ErrorCodeIterOver
	// Deprecated: ErrApplyFail is a deprecated alias of ErrorCodeApplyFail.
	ErrApplyFail = ErrorCodeApplyFail
const (
	RemoteCompletionDownload RemoteCompletion = C.GIT_REMOTE_COMPLETION_DOWNLOAD
	RemoteCompletionIndexing RemoteCompletion = C.GIT_REMOTE_COMPLETION_INDEXING
	RemoteCompletionError    RemoteCompletion = C.GIT_REMOTE_COMPLETION_ERROR

	ConnectDirectionFetch ConnectDirection = C.GIT_DIRECTION_FETCH
	ConnectDirectionPush  ConnectDirection = C.GIT_DIRECTION_PUSH
const (
	// Deprecated: DiffIgnoreWhitespaceEol is a deprecated alias of DiffIgnoreWhitespaceEOL.
	DiffIgnoreWitespaceEol = DiffIgnoreWhitespaceEOL


var (
	ErrDeltaSkip = errors.New("Skip delta")
var (
	ErrInvalid = errors.New("Invalid state for operation")
var ErrRebaseNoOperation = errors.New("no current rebase operation")

Error returned if there is no current rebase operation

var RebaseNoOperation uint = ^uint(0)

Special value indicating that there is no currently active operation


func CachedMemory

func CachedMemory() (current int, allowed int, err error)

func CallbackGitTreeWalk

func CallbackGitTreeWalk(_root *C.char, entry *C.git_tree_entry, ptr unsafe.Pointer) C.int

Deprecated: CallbackGitTreeWalk is not used.

func ConfigFindGlobal

func ConfigFindGlobal() (string, error)

func ConfigFindProgramdata

func ConfigFindProgramdata() (string, error)

ConfigFindProgramdata locate the path to the configuration file in ProgramData.

Look for the file in %PROGRAMDATA%\Git\config used by portable git.

func ConfigFindSystem

func ConfigFindSystem() (string, error)

func ConfigFindXDG

func ConfigFindXDG() (string, error)

func DiffBlobs

func DiffBlobs(oldBlob *Blob, oldAsPath string, newBlob *Blob, newAsPath string, opts *DiffOptions, fileCallback DiffForEachFileCallback, detail DiffDetail) error

DiffBlobs performs a diff between two arbitrary blobs. You can pass whatever file names you'd like for them to appear as in the diff.

func Discover

func Discover(start string, across_fs bool, ceiling_dirs []string) (string, error)

func EnableCaching

func EnableCaching(enabled bool) error

func EnableFsyncGitDir

func EnableFsyncGitDir(enabled bool) error

func EnableStrictHashVerification

func EnableStrictHashVerification(enabled bool) error

func GetCachedMemory

func GetCachedMemory() (current int, allowed int, err error)

deprecated: You should use `CachedMemory()` instead.

func IsErrorClass

func IsErrorClass(err error, c ErrorClass) bool

func IsErrorCode

func IsErrorCode(err error, c ErrorCode) bool

func MakeGitError

func MakeGitError(c C.int) error

func MakeGitError2

func MakeGitError2(err int) error

func MwindowMappedLimit

func MwindowMappedLimit() (int, error)

func MwindowSize

func MwindowSize() (int, error)

func ReInit

func ReInit()

ReInit reinitializes the global state, this is useful if the effective user id has changed and you want to update the stored search paths for gitconfig files. This function frees any references to objects, so it should be called before any other functions are called.

func ReferenceIsValidName

func ReferenceIsValidName(name string) bool

ReferenceIsValidName returns whether the reference name is well-formed.

Valid reference names must follow one of two patterns:

1. Top-level names must contain only capital letters and underscores, and must begin and end with a letter. (e.g. "HEAD", "ORIG_HEAD").

2. Names prefixed with "refs/" can be almost anything. You must avoid the characters '~', '^', ':', ' \ ', '?', '[', and '*', and the sequences ".." and " @ {" which have special meaning to revparse.

func ReferenceNormalizeName

func ReferenceNormalizeName(name string, flags ReferenceFormat) (string, error)

ReferenceNormalizeName normalizes the reference name and checks validity.

This will normalize the reference name by removing any leading slash '/' characters and collapsing runs of adjacent slashes between name components into a single slash.

See git_reference_symbolic_create() for rules about valid names.

func RemoteIsValidName

func RemoteIsValidName(name string) bool

RemoteIsValidName returns whether the remote name is well-formed.

func SearchPath

func SearchPath(level ConfigLevel) (string, error)

func SetCacheMaxSize

func SetCacheMaxSize(maxSize int) error

func SetCacheObjectLimit

func SetCacheObjectLimit(objectType ObjectType, size int) error

func SetMwindowMappedLimit

func SetMwindowMappedLimit(size int) error

func SetMwindowSize

func SetMwindowSize(size int) error

func SetSearchPath

func SetSearchPath(level ConfigLevel, path string) error

func ShortenOids

func ShortenOids(ids []*Oid, minlen int) (int, error)

func Shutdown

func Shutdown()

Shutdown frees all the resources acquired by libgit2. Make sure no references to any git2go objects are live before calling this. After this is called, invoking any function from this library will result in undefined behavior, so make sure this is called carefully.

func SubmoduleStatusIsUnmodified

func SubmoduleStatusIsUnmodified(status int) bool

func SubmoduleVisitor

func SubmoduleVisitor(csub unsafe.Pointer, name *C.char, handle unsafe.Pointer) C.int

Deprecated: SubmoduleVisitor is not used.


type AnnotatedCommit

type AnnotatedCommit struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AnnotatedCommit) Free

func (mh *AnnotatedCommit) Free()

func (*AnnotatedCommit) Id

func (mh *AnnotatedCommit) Id() *Oid

type ApplyDeltaCallback

type ApplyDeltaCallback func(*DiffDelta) (apply bool, err error)

ApplyDeltaCallback is a callback that will be made per hunk when applying a patch.

type ApplyHunkCallback

type ApplyHunkCallback func(*DiffHunk) (apply bool, err error)

ApplyHunkCallback is a callback that will be made per delta (file) when applying a patch.

type ApplyLocation

type ApplyLocation int

ApplyLocation represents the possible application locations for applying diffs.

const (
	// ApplyLocationWorkdir applies the patch to the workdir, leaving the
	// index untouched. This is the equivalent of `git apply` with no location
	// argument.
	ApplyLocationWorkdir ApplyLocation = C.GIT_APPLY_LOCATION_WORKDIR
	// ApplyLocationIndex applies the patch to the index, leaving the working
	// directory untouched. This is the equivalent of `git apply --cached`.
	ApplyLocationIndex ApplyLocation = C.GIT_APPLY_LOCATION_INDEX
	// ApplyLocationBoth applies the patch to both the working directory and
	// the index. This is the equivalent of `git apply --index`.
	ApplyLocationBoth ApplyLocation = C.GIT_APPLY_LOCATION_BOTH

type ApplyOptions

type ApplyOptions struct {
	ApplyHunkCallback  ApplyHunkCallback
	ApplyDeltaCallback ApplyDeltaCallback
	Flags              uint

ApplyOptions has 2 callbacks that are called for hunks or deltas If these functions return an error, abort the apply process immediately. If the first return value is true, the delta/hunk will be applied. If it is false, the delta/hunk will not be applied. In either case, the rest of the apply process will continue.

func DefaultApplyOptions

func DefaultApplyOptions() (*ApplyOptions, error)

DefaultApplyOptions returns default options for applying diffs or patches.

type Blame

type Blame struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Blame) Free

func (blame *Blame) Free() error

func (*Blame) HunkByIndex

func (blame *Blame) HunkByIndex(index int) (BlameHunk, error)

func (*Blame) HunkByLine

func (blame *Blame) HunkByLine(lineno int) (BlameHunk, error)

func (*Blame) HunkCount

func (blame *Blame) HunkCount() int

type BlameHunk

type BlameHunk struct {
	LinesInHunk          uint16
	FinalCommitId        *Oid
	FinalStartLineNumber uint16
	FinalSignature       *Signature
	OrigCommitId         *Oid
	OrigPath             string
	OrigStartLineNumber  uint16
	OrigSignature        *Signature
	Boundary             bool

type BlameOptions

type BlameOptions struct {
	Flags              BlameOptionsFlag
	MinMatchCharacters uint16
	NewestCommit       *Oid
	OldestCommit       *Oid
	MinLine            uint32
	MaxLine            uint32

func DefaultBlameOptions

func DefaultBlameOptions() (BlameOptions, error)

type BlameOptionsFlag

type BlameOptionsFlag uint32
const (
	BlameNormal                      BlameOptionsFlag = C.GIT_BLAME_NORMAL
	BlameTrackCopiesSameFile         BlameOptionsFlag = C.GIT_BLAME_TRACK_COPIES_SAME_FILE
	BlameTrackCopiesSameCommitMoves  BlameOptionsFlag = C.GIT_BLAME_TRACK_COPIES_SAME_COMMIT_MOVES
	BlameTrackCopiesSameCommitCopies BlameOptionsFlag = C.GIT_BLAME_TRACK_COPIES_SAME_COMMIT_COPIES
	BlameTrackCopiesAnyCommitCopies  BlameOptionsFlag = C.GIT_BLAME_TRACK_COPIES_ANY_COMMIT_COPIES
	BlameFirstParent                 BlameOptionsFlag = C.GIT_BLAME_FIRST_PARENT
	BlameUseMailmap                  BlameOptionsFlag = C.GIT_BLAME_USE_MAILMAP
	BlameIgnoreWhitespace            BlameOptionsFlag = C.GIT_BLAME_IGNORE_WHITESPACE

type Blob

type Blob struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Blob) AsObject

func (b *Blob) AsObject() *Object

func (*Blob) Contents

func (v *Blob) Contents() []byte

func (*Blob) IsBinary

func (v *Blob) IsBinary() bool

func (*Blob) Size

func (v *Blob) Size() int64

type BlobCallbackData

type BlobCallbackData struct {
	Callback BlobChunkCallback
	Error    error

Deprecated: BlobCallbackData is not used.

type BlobChunkCallback

type BlobChunkCallback func(maxLen int) ([]byte, error)

Deprecated: BlobChunkCallback is not used.

type BlobWriteStream

type BlobWriteStream struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BlobWriteStream) Commit

func (stream *BlobWriteStream) Commit() (*Oid, error)

func (*BlobWriteStream) Free

func (stream *BlobWriteStream) Free()

func (*BlobWriteStream) Write

func (stream *BlobWriteStream) Write(p []byte) (int, error)

Implement io.Writer

type Branch

type Branch struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Branch) Delete

func (b *Branch) Delete() error

func (*Branch) IsHead

func (b *Branch) IsHead() (bool, error)

func (*Branch) Move

func (b *Branch) Move(newBranchName string, force bool) (*Branch, error)

func (*Branch) Name

func (b *Branch) Name() (string, error)

func (*Branch) SetUpstream

func (b *Branch) SetUpstream(upstreamName string) error

func (*Branch) Upstream

func (b *Branch) Upstream() (*Reference, error)

type BranchIterator

type BranchIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BranchIterator) ForEach

func (i *BranchIterator) ForEach(f BranchIteratorFunc) error

func (*BranchIterator) Free

func (i *BranchIterator) Free()

func (*BranchIterator) Next

func (i *BranchIterator) Next() (*Branch, BranchType, error)

type BranchIteratorFunc

type BranchIteratorFunc func(*Branch, BranchType) error

type BranchType

type BranchType uint
const (
	BranchAll    BranchType = C.GIT_BRANCH_ALL
	BranchLocal  BranchType = C.GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL
	BranchRemote BranchType = C.GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE

type Certificate

type Certificate struct {
	Kind    CertificateKind
	X509    *x509.Certificate
	Hostkey HostkeyCertificate

Certificate represents the two possible certificates which libgit2 knows it might find. If Kind is CertficateX509 then the X509 field will be filled. If Kind is CertificateHostkey then the Hostkey field will be fille.d

type CertificateCheckCallback

type CertificateCheckCallback func(cert *Certificate, valid bool, hostname string) ErrorCode

type CertificateKind

type CertificateKind uint
const (
	CertificateX509    CertificateKind = C.GIT_CERT_X509
	CertificateHostkey CertificateKind = C.GIT_CERT_HOSTKEY_LIBSSH2

type CheckoutNotifyCallback

type CheckoutNotifyCallback func(why CheckoutNotifyType, path string, baseline, target, workdir DiffFile) ErrorCode

type CheckoutNotifyType

type CheckoutNotifyType uint

type CheckoutOptions

type CheckoutOptions struct {
	Strategy         CheckoutStrategy   // Default will be a dry run
	DisableFilters   bool               // Don't apply filters like CRLF conversion
	DirMode          os.FileMode        // Default is 0755
	FileMode         os.FileMode        // Default is 0644 or 0755 as dictated by blob
	FileOpenFlags    int                // Default is O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY
	NotifyFlags      CheckoutNotifyType // Default will be none
	NotifyCallback   CheckoutNotifyCallback
	ProgressCallback CheckoutProgressCallback
	TargetDirectory  string // Alternative checkout path to workdir
	Paths            []string
	Baseline         *Tree

type CheckoutOpts

type CheckoutOpts = CheckoutOptions

Deprecated: CheckoutOpts is a deprecated alias of CheckoutOptions.

type CheckoutProgressCallback

type CheckoutProgressCallback func(path string, completed, total uint) ErrorCode

type CheckoutStrategy

type CheckoutStrategy uint

type CherrypickOptions

type CherrypickOptions struct {
	Version      uint
	Mainline     uint
	MergeOpts    MergeOptions
	CheckoutOpts CheckoutOptions

func DefaultCherrypickOptions

func DefaultCherrypickOptions() (CherrypickOptions, error)

type CloneOptions

type CloneOptions struct {
	Bare                 bool
	CheckoutBranch       string
	RemoteCreateCallback RemoteCreateCallback

type Commit

type Commit struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func (*Commit) Amend

func (c *Commit) Amend(refname string, author, committer *Signature, message string, tree *Tree) (*Oid, error)

func (*Commit) AsObject

func (c *Commit) AsObject() *Object

func (*Commit) Author

func (c *Commit) Author() *Signature

func (*Commit) Committer

func (c *Commit) Committer() *Signature

func (*Commit) ContentToSign

func (c *Commit) ContentToSign() string

ContentToSign returns the content that will be passed to a signing function for this commit

func (*Commit) Describe

func (c *Commit) Describe(opts *DescribeOptions) (*DescribeResult, error)

Describe performs the describe operation on the commit.

func (*Commit) ExtractSignature

func (c *Commit) ExtractSignature() (string, string, error)

func (*Commit) Message

func (c *Commit) Message() string

func (*Commit) MessageEncoding

func (c *Commit) MessageEncoding() string

func (*Commit) Parent

func (c *Commit) Parent(n uint) *Commit

func (*Commit) ParentCount

func (c *Commit) ParentCount() uint

func (*Commit) ParentId

func (c *Commit) ParentId(n uint) *Oid

func (*Commit) RawHeader

func (c *Commit) RawHeader() string

RawHeader gets the full raw text of the commit header.

func (*Commit) RawMessage

func (c *Commit) RawMessage() string

func (*Commit) Summary

func (c *Commit) Summary() string

func (*Commit) Tree

func (c *Commit) Tree() (*Tree, error)

func (*Commit) TreeId

func (c *Commit) TreeId() *Oid

func (*Commit) WithSignature

func (c *Commit) WithSignature(signature string, signatureField string) (*Oid, error)

WithSignature creates a new signed commit from the given signature and signature field

func (*Commit) WithSignatureUsing

func (c *Commit) WithSignatureUsing(f CommitSigningCallback) (*Oid, error)

WithSignatureUsing creates a new signed commit from this one using the given signing callback

type CommitSigningCallback

type CommitSigningCallback func(string) (signature, signatureField string, err error)

CommitSigningCallback defines a function type that takes some data to sign and returns (signature, signature_field, error)

type CompletionCallback

type CompletionCallback func(RemoteCompletion) ErrorCode

type Config

type Config struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewConfig

func NewConfig() (*Config, error)

NewConfig creates a new empty configuration object

func OpenDefault

func OpenDefault() (*Config, error)

OpenDefault opens the default config according to git rules

func OpenOndisk

func OpenOndisk(path string) (*Config, error)

OpenOndisk creates a new config instance containing a single on-disk file

func (*Config) AddFile

func (c *Config) AddFile(path string, level ConfigLevel, force bool) error

AddFile adds a file-backed backend to the config object at the specified level.

func (*Config) Delete

func (c *Config) Delete(name string) error

func (*Config) Free

func (c *Config) Free()

func (*Config) LookupBool

func (c *Config) LookupBool(name string) (bool, error)

func (*Config) LookupInt32

func (c *Config) LookupInt32(name string) (int32, error)

func (*Config) LookupInt64

func (c *Config) LookupInt64(name string) (int64, error)

func (*Config) LookupString

func (c *Config) LookupString(name string) (string, error)

func (*Config) NewIterator

func (c *Config) NewIterator() (*ConfigIterator, error)

NewIterator creates an iterator over each entry in the configuration

func (*Config) NewIteratorGlob

func (c *Config) NewIteratorGlob(regexp string) (*ConfigIterator, error)

NewIteratorGlob creates an iterator over each entry in the configuration whose name matches the given regular expression

func (*Config) NewMultivarIterator

func (c *Config) NewMultivarIterator(name, regexp string) (*ConfigIterator, error)

func (*Config) OpenLevel

func (c *Config) OpenLevel(parent *Config, level ConfigLevel) (*Config, error)

OpenLevel creates a single-level focused config object from a multi-level one

func (*Config) SetBool

func (c *Config) SetBool(name string, value bool) (err error)

func (*Config) SetInt32

func (c *Config) SetInt32(name string, value int32) (err error)

func (*Config) SetInt64

func (c *Config) SetInt64(name string, value int64) (err error)

func (*Config) SetMultivar

func (c *Config) SetMultivar(name, regexp, value string) (err error)

func (*Config) SetString

func (c *Config) SetString(name, value string) (err error)

type ConfigEntry

type ConfigEntry struct {
	Name  string
	Value string
	Level ConfigLevel

type ConfigIterator

type ConfigIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ConfigIterator) Free

func (iter *ConfigIterator) Free()

func (*ConfigIterator) Next

func (iter *ConfigIterator) Next() (*ConfigEntry, error)

Next returns the next entry for this iterator

type ConfigLevel

type ConfigLevel int
const (
	// System-wide on Windows, for compatibility with portable git
	ConfigLevelProgramdata ConfigLevel = C.GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_PROGRAMDATA

	// System-wide configuration file; /etc/gitconfig on Linux systems
	ConfigLevelSystem ConfigLevel = C.GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_SYSTEM

	// XDG compatible configuration file; typically ~/.config/git/config
	ConfigLevelXDG ConfigLevel = C.GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_XDG

	// User-specific configuration file (also called Global configuration
	// file); typically ~/.gitconfig
	ConfigLevelGlobal ConfigLevel = C.GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_GLOBAL

	// Repository specific configuration file; $WORK_DIR/.git/config on
	// non-bare repos
	ConfigLevelLocal ConfigLevel = C.GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_LOCAL

	// Application specific configuration file; freely defined by applications
	ConfigLevelApp ConfigLevel = C.GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_APP

	// Represents the highest level available config file (i.e. the most
	// specific config file available that actually is loaded)
	ConfigLevelHighest ConfigLevel = C.GIT_CONFIG_HIGHEST_LEVEL

type ConnectDirection

type ConnectDirection uint

type Cred

type Cred = Credential

Deprecated: Cred is a deprecated alias of Credential

func NewCredDefault

func NewCredDefault() (*Cred, error)

Deprecated: NewCredDefault is a deprecated alias fof NewCredentialDefault.

func NewCredSshKey

func NewCredSshKey(username string, publicKeyPath string, privateKeyPath string, passphrase string) (*Cred, error)

Deprecated: NewCredSshKey is a deprecated alias of NewCredentialSshKey.

func NewCredSshKeyFromAgent

func NewCredSshKeyFromAgent(username string) (*Cred, error)

Deprecated: NewCredSshKeyFromAgent is a deprecated alias of NewCredentialSSHFromAgent.

func NewCredSshKeyFromMemory

func NewCredSshKeyFromMemory(username string, publicKey string, privateKey string, passphrase string) (*Cred, error)

Deprecated: NewCredSshKeyFromMemory is a deprecated alias of NewCredentialSSHKeyFromMemory.

func NewCredUsername

func NewCredUsername(username string) (*Cred, error)

Deprecated: NewCredUsername is a deprecated alias of NewCredentialUsername.

func NewCredUserpassPlaintext

func NewCredUserpassPlaintext(username string, password string) (*Cred, error)

Deprecated: NewCredUserpassPlaintext is a deprecated alias of NewCredentialUserpassPlaintext.

type CredType

type CredType = CredentialType

Deprecated: CredType is a deprecated alias of CredentialType

type Credential

type Credential struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCredentialDefault

func NewCredentialDefault() (*Credential, error)

func NewCredentialSSHKey

func NewCredentialSSHKey(username string, publicKeyPath string, privateKeyPath string, passphrase string) (*Credential, error)

NewCredentialSSHKey creates new ssh credentials reading the public and private keys from the file system.

func NewCredentialSSHKeyFromAgent

func NewCredentialSSHKeyFromAgent(username string) (*Credential, error)

func NewCredentialSSHKeyFromMemory

func NewCredentialSSHKeyFromMemory(username string, publicKey string, privateKey string, passphrase string) (*Credential, error)

NewCredentialSSHKeyFromMemory creates new ssh credentials using the publicKey and privateKey arguments as the values for the public and private keys.

func NewCredentialSSHKeyFromSigner

func NewCredentialSSHKeyFromSigner(username string, signer ssh.Signer) (*Credential, error)

NewCredentialSSHKeyFromSigner creates new SSH credentials using the provided signer.

func NewCredentialUsername

func NewCredentialUsername(username string) (*Credential, error)

func NewCredentialUserpassPlaintext

func NewCredentialUserpassPlaintext(username string, password string) (*Credential, error)

func (*Credential) Free

func (o *Credential) Free()

func (*Credential) GetSSHKey

func (o *Credential) GetSSHKey() (username, publickey, privatekey, passphrase string, err error)

GetSSHKey returns the SSH-specific key information from the Cred object.

func (*Credential) GetUserpassPlaintext

func (o *Credential) GetUserpassPlaintext() (username, password string, err error)

GetUserpassPlaintext returns the plaintext username/password combination stored in the Cred.

func (*Credential) HasUsername

func (o *Credential) HasUsername() bool

func (*Credential) Type

func (o *Credential) Type() CredentialType

type CredentialType

type CredentialType uint

CredentialType is a bitmask of supported credential types.

This represents the various types of authentication methods supported by the library.

const (
	CredentialTypeUserpassPlaintext CredentialType = C.GIT_CREDENTIAL_USERPASS_PLAINTEXT
	CredentialTypeSSHKey            CredentialType = C.GIT_CREDENTIAL_SSH_KEY
	CredentialTypeSSHCustom         CredentialType = C.GIT_CREDENTIAL_SSH_CUSTOM
	CredentialTypeDefault           CredentialType = C.GIT_CREDENTIAL_DEFAULT
	CredentialTypeSSHInteractive    CredentialType = C.GIT_CREDENTIAL_SSH_INTERACTIVE
	CredentialTypeUsername          CredentialType = C.GIT_CREDENTIAL_USERNAME
	CredentialTypeSSHMemory         CredentialType = C.GIT_CREDENTIAL_SSH_MEMORY

func (CredentialType) String

func (t CredentialType) String() string

type CredentialsCallback

type CredentialsCallback func(url string, username_from_url string, allowed_types CredentialType) (*Credential, error)

type Delta

type Delta int
const (
	DeltaUnmodified Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_UNMODIFIED
	DeltaAdded      Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_ADDED
	DeltaDeleted    Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_DELETED
	DeltaModified   Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_MODIFIED
	DeltaRenamed    Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_RENAMED
	DeltaCopied     Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_COPIED
	DeltaIgnored    Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_IGNORED
	DeltaUntracked  Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_UNTRACKED
	DeltaTypeChange Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_TYPECHANGE
	DeltaUnreadable Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_UNREADABLE
	DeltaConflicted Delta = C.GIT_DELTA_CONFLICTED

func (Delta) String

func (i Delta) String() string

type DescribeFormatOptions

type DescribeFormatOptions struct {
	// Size of the abbreviated commit id to use. This value is the
	// lower bound for the length of the abbreviated string.
	AbbreviatedSize uint // default: 7

	// Set to use the long format even when a shorter name could be used.
	AlwaysUseLongFormat bool

	// If the workdir is dirty and this is set, this string will be
	// appended to the description string.
	DirtySuffix string

DescribeFormatOptions can be used for formatting the describe string.

You can use DefaultDescribeFormatOptions() to get default options.

func DefaultDescribeFormatOptions

func DefaultDescribeFormatOptions() (DescribeFormatOptions, error)

DefaultDescribeFormatOptions returns default options for formatting the output.

type DescribeOptions

type DescribeOptions struct {
	// How many tags as candidates to consider to describe the input commit-ish.
	// Increasing it above 10 will take slightly longer but may produce a more
	// accurate result. 0 will cause only exact matches to be output.
	MaxCandidatesTags uint // default: 10

	// By default describe only shows annotated tags. Change this in order
	// to show all refs from refs/tags or refs/.
	Strategy DescribeOptionsStrategy // default: DescribeDefault

	// Only consider tags matching the given glob(7) pattern, excluding
	// the "refs/tags/" prefix. Can be used to avoid leaking private
	// tags from the repo.
	Pattern string

	// When calculating the distance from the matching tag or
	// reference, only walk down the first-parent ancestry.
	OnlyFollowFirstParent bool

	// If no matching tag or reference is found, the describe
	// operation would normally fail. If this option is set, it
	// will instead fall back to showing the full id of the commit.
	ShowCommitOidAsFallback bool

DescribeOptions represents the describe operation configuration.

You can use DefaultDescribeOptions() to get default options.

func DefaultDescribeOptions

func DefaultDescribeOptions() (DescribeOptions, error)

DefaultDescribeOptions returns default options for the describe operation.

type DescribeOptionsStrategy

type DescribeOptionsStrategy uint

DescribeOptionsStrategy behaves like the --tags and --all options to git-describe, namely they say to look for any reference in either refs/tags/ or refs/ respectively.

By default it only shows annotated tags.

const (
	DescribeDefault DescribeOptionsStrategy = C.GIT_DESCRIBE_DEFAULT
	DescribeTags    DescribeOptionsStrategy = C.GIT_DESCRIBE_TAGS
	DescribeAll     DescribeOptionsStrategy = C.GIT_DESCRIBE_ALL

Describe strategy options.

type DescribeResult

type DescribeResult struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DescribeResult represents the output from the 'git_describe_commit' and 'git_describe_workdir' functions in libgit2.

Use Format() to get a string out of it.

func (*DescribeResult) Format

func (result *DescribeResult) Format(opts *DescribeFormatOptions) (string, error)

Format prints the DescribeResult as a string.

func (*DescribeResult) Free

func (result *DescribeResult) Free()

Free cleans up the C reference.

type Diff

type Diff struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func DiffFromBuffer

func DiffFromBuffer(buffer []byte, repo *Repository) (*Diff, error)

DiffFromBuffer reads the contents of a git patch file into a Diff object.

The diff object produced is similar to the one that would be produced if you actually produced it computationally by comparing two trees, however there may be subtle differences. For example, a patch file likely contains abbreviated object IDs, so the object IDs in a git_diff_delta produced by this function will also be abbreviated.

This function will only read patch files created by a git implementation, it will not read unified diffs produced by the diff program, nor any other types of patch files.

func (*Diff) Delta

func (diff *Diff) Delta(index int) (DiffDelta, error)

func (*Diff) FindSimilar

func (diff *Diff) FindSimilar(opts *DiffFindOptions) error

func (*Diff) ForEach

func (diff *Diff) ForEach(cbFile DiffForEachFileCallback, detail DiffDetail) error

func (*Diff) Free

func (diff *Diff) Free() error

func (*Diff) GetDelta

func (diff *Diff) GetDelta(index int) (DiffDelta, error)

deprecated: You should use `Diff.Delta()` instead.

func (*Diff) NumDeltas

func (diff *Diff) NumDeltas() (int, error)

func (*Diff) Patch

func (diff *Diff) Patch(deltaIndex int) (*Patch, error)

func (*Diff) Stats

func (diff *Diff) Stats() (*DiffStats, error)

func (*Diff) ToBuf

func (diff *Diff) ToBuf(format DiffFormat) ([]byte, error)

type DiffDelta

type DiffDelta struct {
	Status     Delta
	Flags      DiffFlag
	Similarity uint16
	OldFile    DiffFile
	NewFile    DiffFile

type DiffDetail

type DiffDetail int
const (
	DiffDetailFiles DiffDetail = iota

type DiffFile

type DiffFile struct {
	Path  string
	Oid   *Oid
	Size  int
	Flags DiffFlag
	Mode  uint16

type DiffFindOptions

type DiffFindOptions struct {
	Flags                      DiffFindOptionsFlag
	RenameThreshold            uint16
	CopyThreshold              uint16
	RenameFromRewriteThreshold uint16
	BreakRewriteThreshold      uint16
	RenameLimit                uint

TODO implement git_diff_similarity_metric

func DefaultDiffFindOptions

func DefaultDiffFindOptions() (DiffFindOptions, error)

type DiffFindOptionsFlag

type DiffFindOptionsFlag int
const (
	DiffFindByConfig                    DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_BY_CONFIG
	DiffFindRenames                     DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_RENAMES
	DiffFindRenamesFromRewrites         DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_RENAMES_FROM_REWRITES
	DiffFindCopies                      DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_COPIES
	DiffFindCopiesFromUnmodified        DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_COPIES_FROM_UNMODIFIED
	DiffFindRewrites                    DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_REWRITES
	DiffFindBreakRewrites               DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_BREAK_REWRITES
	DiffFindAndBreakRewrites            DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_AND_BREAK_REWRITES
	DiffFindForUntracked                DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_FOR_UNTRACKED
	DiffFindAll                         DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_ALL
	DiffFindIgnoreLeadingWhitespace     DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_IGNORE_LEADING_WHITESPACE
	DiffFindIgnoreWhitespace            DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_IGNORE_WHITESPACE
	DiffFindDontIgnoreWhitespace        DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_DONT_IGNORE_WHITESPACE
	DiffFindExactMatchOnly              DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_EXACT_MATCH_ONLY
	DiffFindBreakRewritesForRenamesOnly DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_BREAK_REWRITES_FOR_RENAMES_ONLY
	DiffFindRemoveUnmodified            DiffFindOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FIND_REMOVE_UNMODIFIED

type DiffFlag

type DiffFlag uint32
const (
	DiffFlagBinary    DiffFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY
	DiffFlagNotBinary DiffFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FLAG_NOT_BINARY
	DiffFlagValidOid  DiffFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FLAG_VALID_ID
	DiffFlagExists    DiffFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FLAG_EXISTS

type DiffForEachFileCallback

type DiffForEachFileCallback func(delta DiffDelta, progress float64) (DiffForEachHunkCallback, error)

type DiffForEachHunkCallback

type DiffForEachHunkCallback func(DiffHunk) (DiffForEachLineCallback, error)

type DiffForEachLineCallback

type DiffForEachLineCallback func(DiffLine) error

type DiffFormat

type DiffFormat int
const (
	DiffFormatPatch       DiffFormat = C.GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH
	DiffFormatPatchHeader DiffFormat = C.GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH_HEADER
	DiffFormatRaw         DiffFormat = C.GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_RAW
	DiffFormatNameOnly    DiffFormat = C.GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_NAME_ONLY
	DiffFormatNameStatus  DiffFormat = C.GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_NAME_STATUS

type DiffHunk

type DiffHunk struct {
	OldStart int
	OldLines int
	NewStart int
	NewLines int
	Header   string

type DiffLine

type DiffLine struct {
	Origin    DiffLineType
	OldLineno int
	NewLineno int
	NumLines  int
	Content   string

type DiffLineType

type DiffLineType int
const (
	DiffLineContext      DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_CONTEXT
	DiffLineAddition     DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_ADDITION
	DiffLineDeletion     DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_DELETION
	DiffLineAddEOFNL     DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_ADD_EOFNL
	DiffLineDelEOFNL     DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_DEL_EOFNL

	DiffLineFileHdr DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_FILE_HDR
	DiffLineHunkHdr DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_HUNK_HDR
	DiffLineBinary  DiffLineType = C.GIT_DIFF_LINE_BINARY

func (DiffLineType) String

func (i DiffLineType) String() string

type DiffNotifyCallback

type DiffNotifyCallback func(diffSoFar *Diff, deltaToAdd DiffDelta, matchedPathspec string) error

type DiffOptions

type DiffOptions struct {
	Flags            DiffOptionsFlag
	IgnoreSubmodules SubmoduleIgnore
	Pathspec         []string
	NotifyCallback   DiffNotifyCallback

	ContextLines   uint32
	InterhunkLines uint32
	IdAbbrev       uint16

	MaxSize int

	OldPrefix string
	NewPrefix string

func DefaultDiffOptions

func DefaultDiffOptions() (DiffOptions, error)

type DiffOptionsFlag

type DiffOptionsFlag int
const (
	DiffNormal                 DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_NORMAL
	DiffReverse                DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_REVERSE
	DiffIncludeIgnored         DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_IGNORED
	DiffRecurseIgnoredDirs     DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_RECURSE_IGNORED_DIRS
	DiffIncludeUntracked       DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_UNTRACKED
	DiffRecurseUntracked       DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_RECURSE_UNTRACKED_DIRS
	DiffIncludeUnmodified      DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_UNMODIFIED
	DiffIncludeTypeChange      DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_TYPECHANGE
	DiffIncludeTypeChangeTrees DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_TYPECHANGE_TREES
	DiffIgnoreFilemode         DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_IGNORE_FILEMODE
	DiffIgnoreSubmodules       DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_IGNORE_SUBMODULES
	DiffIgnoreCase             DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_IGNORE_CASE
	DiffIncludeCaseChange      DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_INCLUDE_CASECHANGE

	DiffDisablePathspecMatch    DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_DISABLE_PATHSPEC_MATCH
	DiffSkipBinaryCheck         DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_SKIP_BINARY_CHECK
	DiffEnableFastUntrackedDirs DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_ENABLE_FAST_UNTRACKED_DIRS

	DiffForceText   DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FORCE_TEXT
	DiffForceBinary DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_FORCE_BINARY

	DiffIgnoreWhitespace       DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_IGNORE_WHITESPACE
	DiffIgnoreWhitespaceChange DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_IGNORE_WHITESPACE_CHANGE
	DiffIgnoreWhitespaceEOL    DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_IGNORE_WHITESPACE_EOL

	DiffShowUntrackedContent DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_SHOW_UNTRACKED_CONTENT
	DiffShowUnmodified       DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_SHOW_UNMODIFIED
	DiffPatience             DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_PATIENCE
	DiffMinimal              DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_MINIMAL
	DiffShowBinary           DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_SHOW_BINARY
	DiffIndentHeuristic      DiffOptionsFlag = C.GIT_DIFF_INDENT_HEURISTIC

type DiffStats

type DiffStats struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DiffStats) Deletions

func (stats *DiffStats) Deletions() int

func (*DiffStats) FilesChanged

func (stats *DiffStats) FilesChanged() int

func (*DiffStats) Free

func (stats *DiffStats) Free() error

func (*DiffStats) Insertions

func (stats *DiffStats) Insertions() int

func (*DiffStats) String

func (stats *DiffStats) String(format DiffStatsFormat,
	width uint) (string, error)

type DiffStatsFormat

type DiffStatsFormat int
const (
	DiffStatsNone           DiffStatsFormat = C.GIT_DIFF_STATS_NONE
	DiffStatsFull           DiffStatsFormat = C.GIT_DIFF_STATS_FULL
	DiffStatsShort          DiffStatsFormat = C.GIT_DIFF_STATS_SHORT
	DiffStatsNumber         DiffStatsFormat = C.GIT_DIFF_STATS_NUMBER
	DiffStatsIncludeSummary DiffStatsFormat = C.GIT_DIFF_STATS_INCLUDE_SUMMARY

type DownloadTags

type DownloadTags uint
const (
	// Use the setting from the configuration.
	DownloadTagsUnspecified DownloadTags = C.GIT_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD_TAGS_UNSPECIFIED
	// Ask the server for tags pointing to objects we're already
	// downloading.
	DownloadTagsAuto DownloadTags = C.GIT_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD_TAGS_AUTO

	// Don't ask for any tags beyond the refspecs.
	DownloadTagsNone DownloadTags = C.GIT_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD_TAGS_NONE

	// Ask for the all the tags.
	DownloadTagsAll DownloadTags = C.GIT_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD_TAGS_ALL

type ErrorClass

type ErrorClass int
const (
	ErrorClassNone       ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_NONE
	ErrorClassNoMemory   ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_NOMEMORY
	ErrorClassOS         ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_OS
	ErrorClassInvalid    ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_INVALID
	ErrorClassReference  ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_REFERENCE
	ErrorClassZlib       ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_ZLIB
	ErrorClassRepository ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_REPOSITORY
	ErrorClassConfig     ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_CONFIG
	ErrorClassRegex      ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_REGEX
	ErrorClassOdb        ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_ODB
	ErrorClassIndex      ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_INDEX
	ErrorClassObject     ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_OBJECT
	ErrorClassNet        ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_NET
	ErrorClassTag        ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_TAG
	ErrorClassTree       ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_TREE
	ErrorClassIndexer    ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_INDEXER
	ErrorClassSSL        ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_SSL
	ErrorClassSubmodule  ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_SUBMODULE
	ErrorClassThread     ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_THREAD
	ErrorClassStash      ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_STASH
	ErrorClassCheckout   ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_CHECKOUT
	ErrorClassFetchHead  ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_FETCHHEAD
	ErrorClassMerge      ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_MERGE
	ErrorClassSSH        ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_SSH
	ErrorClassFilter     ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_FILTER
	ErrorClassRevert     ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_REVERT
	ErrorClassCallback   ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_CALLBACK
	ErrorClassRebase     ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_REBASE
	ErrorClassPatch      ErrorClass = C.GIT_ERROR_PATCH

func (ErrorClass) String

func (i ErrorClass) String() string

type ErrorCode

type ErrorCode int
const (
	// ErrorCodeOK indicates that the operation completed successfully.
	ErrorCodeOK ErrorCode = C.GIT_OK

	// ErrorCodeGeneric represents a generic error.
	ErrorCodeGeneric ErrorCode = C.GIT_ERROR
	// ErrorCodeNotFound represents that the requested object could not be found
	ErrorCodeNotFound ErrorCode = C.GIT_ENOTFOUND
	// ErrorCodeExists represents that the object exists preventing operation.
	ErrorCodeExists ErrorCode = C.GIT_EEXISTS
	// ErrorCodeAmbiguous represents that more than one object matches.
	ErrorCodeAmbiguous ErrorCode = C.GIT_EAMBIGUOUS
	// ErrorCodeBuffs represents that the output buffer is too short to hold data.
	ErrorCodeBuffs ErrorCode = C.GIT_EBUFS

	// ErrorCodeUser is a special error that is never generated by libgit2
	// code.  You can return it from a callback (e.g to stop an iteration)
	// to know that it was generated by the callback and not by libgit2.
	ErrorCodeUser ErrorCode = C.GIT_EUSER

	// ErrorCodeBareRepo represents that the operation not allowed on bare repository
	ErrorCodeBareRepo ErrorCode = C.GIT_EBAREREPO
	// ErrorCodeUnbornBranch represents that HEAD refers to branch with no commits.
	ErrorCodeUnbornBranch ErrorCode = C.GIT_EUNBORNBRANCH
	// ErrorCodeUnmerged represents that a merge in progress prevented operation.
	ErrorCodeUnmerged ErrorCode = C.GIT_EUNMERGED
	// ErrorCodeNonFastForward represents that the reference was not fast-forwardable.
	ErrorCodeNonFastForward ErrorCode = C.GIT_ENONFASTFORWARD
	// ErrorCodeInvalidSpec represents that the name/ref spec was not in a valid format.
	ErrorCodeInvalidSpec ErrorCode = C.GIT_EINVALIDSPEC
	// ErrorCodeConflict represents that checkout conflicts prevented operation.
	ErrorCodeConflict ErrorCode = C.GIT_ECONFLICT
	// ErrorCodeLocked represents that lock file prevented operation.
	ErrorCodeLocked ErrorCode = C.GIT_ELOCKED
	// ErrorCodeModified represents that the reference value does not match expected.
	ErrorCodeModified ErrorCode = C.GIT_EMODIFIED
	// ErrorCodeAuth represents that the authentication failed.
	ErrorCodeAuth ErrorCode = C.GIT_EAUTH
	// ErrorCodeCertificate represents that the server certificate is invalid.
	ErrorCodeCertificate ErrorCode = C.GIT_ECERTIFICATE
	// ErrorCodeApplied represents that the patch/merge has already been applied.
	ErrorCodeApplied ErrorCode = C.GIT_EAPPLIED
	// ErrorCodePeel represents that the requested peel operation is not possible.
	ErrorCodePeel ErrorCode = C.GIT_EPEEL
	// ErrorCodeEOF represents an unexpected EOF.
	ErrorCodeEOF ErrorCode = C.GIT_EEOF
	// ErrorCodeInvalid represents an invalid operation or input.
	ErrorCodeInvalid ErrorCode = C.GIT_EINVALID
	// ErrorCodeUIncommitted represents that uncommitted changes in index prevented operation.
	ErrorCodeUncommitted ErrorCode = C.GIT_EUNCOMMITTED
	// ErrorCodeDirectory represents that the operation is not valid for a directory.
	ErrorCodeDirectory ErrorCode = C.GIT_EDIRECTORY
	// ErrorCodeMergeConflict represents that a merge conflict exists and cannot continue.
	ErrorCodeMergeConflict ErrorCode = C.GIT_EMERGECONFLICT

	// ErrorCodePassthrough represents that a user-configured callback refused to act.
	ErrorCodePassthrough ErrorCode = C.GIT_PASSTHROUGH
	// ErrorCodeIterOver signals end of iteration with iterator.
	ErrorCodeIterOver ErrorCode = C.GIT_ITEROVER
	// ErrorCodeRetry is an internal-only error code.
	ErrorCodeRetry ErrorCode = C.GIT_RETRY
	// ErrorCodeMismatch represents a hashsum mismatch in object.
	ErrorCodeMismatch ErrorCode = C.GIT_EMISMATCH
	// ErrorCodeIndexDirty represents that unsaved changes in the index would be overwritten.
	ErrorCodeIndexDirty ErrorCode = C.GIT_EINDEXDIRTY
	// ErrorCodeApplyFail represents that a patch application failed.
	ErrorCodeApplyFail ErrorCode = C.GIT_EAPPLYFAIL

func (ErrorCode) String

func (i ErrorCode) String() string

type Feature

type Feature int
const (
	// libgit2 was built with threading support
	FeatureThreads Feature = C.GIT_FEATURE_THREADS

	// libgit2 was built with HTTPS support built-in

	// libgit2 was build with SSH support built-in
	FeatureSSH Feature = C.GIT_FEATURE_SSH

	// libgit2 was built with nanosecond support for files
	FeatureNSec Feature = C.GIT_FEATURE_NSEC

func Features

func Features() Feature

Features returns a bit-flag of Feature values indicating which features the loaded libgit2 library has.

type FetchOptions

type FetchOptions struct {
	// Callbacks to use for this fetch operation
	RemoteCallbacks RemoteCallbacks
	// Whether to perform a prune after the fetch
	Prune FetchPrune
	// Whether to write the results to FETCH_HEAD. Defaults to
	// on. Leave this default in order to behave like git.
	UpdateFetchhead bool

	// Determines how to behave regarding tags on the remote, such
	// as auto-downloading tags for objects we're downloading or
	// downloading all of them.
	// The default is to auto-follow tags.
	DownloadTags DownloadTags

	// Headers are extra headers for the fetch operation.
	Headers []string

	// Proxy options to use for this fetch operation
	ProxyOptions ProxyOptions

type FetchPrune

type FetchPrune uint
const (
	// Use the setting from the configuration
	FetchPruneUnspecified FetchPrune = C.GIT_FETCH_PRUNE_UNSPECIFIED
	// Force pruning on
	FetchPruneOn FetchPrune = C.GIT_FETCH_PRUNE
	// Force pruning off
	FetchNoPrune FetchPrune = C.GIT_FETCH_NO_PRUNE

type Filemode

type Filemode int
const (
	FilemodeTree           Filemode = C.GIT_FILEMODE_TREE
	FilemodeBlob           Filemode = C.GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB
	FilemodeBlobExecutable Filemode = C.GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB_EXECUTABLE
	FilemodeLink           Filemode = C.GIT_FILEMODE_LINK
	FilemodeCommit         Filemode = C.GIT_FILEMODE_COMMIT

type GitError

type GitError struct {
	Message string
	Class   ErrorClass
	Code    ErrorCode

func (GitError) Error

func (e GitError) Error() string

type HandleList

type HandleList struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewHandleList

func NewHandleList() *HandleList

func (*HandleList) Clear

func (v *HandleList) Clear()

Clear stops tracking all the managed pointers.

func (*HandleList) Get

func (v *HandleList) Get(handle unsafe.Pointer) interface{}

Get retrieves the pointer from the given handle

func (*HandleList) Track

func (v *HandleList) Track(pointer interface{}) unsafe.Pointer

Track adds the given pointer to the list of pointers to track and returns a pointer value which can be passed to C as an opaque pointer.

func (*HandleList) Untrack

func (v *HandleList) Untrack(handle unsafe.Pointer)

Untrack stops tracking the pointer given by the handle

type HostkeyCertificate

type HostkeyCertificate struct {
	Kind         HostkeyKind
	HashMD5      [16]byte
	HashSHA1     [20]byte
	HashSHA256   [32]byte
	Hostkey      []byte
	SSHPublicKey ssh.PublicKey

Server host key information. A bitmask containing the available fields. Check for combinations of: HostkeyMD5, HostkeySHA1, HostkeySHA256, HostkeyRaw.

type HostkeyKind

type HostkeyKind uint

HostkeyKind is a bitmask of the available hashes in HostkeyCertificate.

const (
	HostkeyMD5    HostkeyKind = C.GIT_CERT_SSH_MD5
	HostkeySHA1   HostkeyKind = C.GIT_CERT_SSH_SHA1
	HostkeySHA256 HostkeyKind = C.GIT_CERT_SSH_SHA256
	HostkeyRaw    HostkeyKind = 1 << 3

type Index

type Index struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewIndex

func NewIndex() (*Index, error)

NewIndex allocates a new index. It won't be associated with any file on the filesystem or repository

func OpenIndex

func OpenIndex(path string) (*Index, error)

OpenIndex creates a new index at the given path. If the file does not exist it will be created when Write() is called.

func (*Index) Add

func (v *Index) Add(entry *IndexEntry) error

Add adds or replaces the given entry to the index, making a copy of the data

func (*Index) AddAll

func (v *Index) AddAll(pathspecs []string, flags IndexAddOption, callback IndexMatchedPathCallback) error

func (*Index) AddByPath

func (v *Index) AddByPath(path string) error

func (*Index) AddConflict

func (v *Index) AddConflict(ancestor *IndexEntry, our *IndexEntry, their *IndexEntry) error

func (*Index) AddFromBuffer

func (v *Index) AddFromBuffer(entry *IndexEntry, buffer []byte) error

AddFromBuffer adds or replaces an index entry from a buffer in memory

func (*Index) CleanupConflicts

func (v *Index) CleanupConflicts()

FIXME: this might return an error

func (*Index) Clear

func (v *Index) Clear() error

Clear clears the index object in memory; changes must be explicitly written to disk for them to take effect persistently

func (*Index) Conflict

func (v *Index) Conflict(path string) (IndexConflict, error)

func (*Index) ConflictIterator

func (v *Index) ConflictIterator() (*IndexConflictIterator, error)

func (*Index) EntryByIndex

func (v *Index) EntryByIndex(index uint) (*IndexEntry, error)

func (*Index) EntryByPath

func (v *Index) EntryByPath(path string, stage int) (*IndexEntry, error)

func (*Index) EntryCount

func (v *Index) EntryCount() uint

func (*Index) Find

func (v *Index) Find(path string) (uint, error)

func (*Index) FindPrefix

func (v *Index) FindPrefix(prefix string) (uint, error)

func (*Index) Free

func (v *Index) Free()

func (*Index) GetConflict

func (v *Index) GetConflict(path string) (IndexConflict, error)

deprecated: You should use `Index.Conflict()` instead.

func (*Index) HasConflicts

func (v *Index) HasConflicts() bool

func (*Index) Path

func (v *Index) Path() string

Path returns the index' path on disk or an empty string if it exists only in memory.

func (*Index) ReadTree

func (v *Index) ReadTree(tree *Tree) error

ReadTree replaces the contents of the index with those of the given tree

func (*Index) RemoveAll

func (v *Index) RemoveAll(pathspecs []string, callback IndexMatchedPathCallback) error

func (*Index) RemoveByPath

func (v *Index) RemoveByPath(path string) error

func (*Index) RemoveConflict

func (v *Index) RemoveConflict(path string) error

func (*Index) RemoveDirectory

func (v *Index) RemoveDirectory(dir string, stage int) error

RemoveDirectory removes all entries from the index under a given directory.

func (*Index) UpdateAll

func (v *Index) UpdateAll(pathspecs []string, callback IndexMatchedPathCallback) error

func (*Index) Write

func (v *Index) Write() error

func (*Index) WriteTree

func (v *Index) WriteTree() (*Oid, error)

func (*Index) WriteTreeTo

func (v *Index) WriteTreeTo(repo *Repository) (*Oid, error)

type IndexAddOption

type IndexAddOption uint

IndexAddOption is a set of flags for APIs that add files matching pathspec.

const (
	IndexAddDefault              IndexAddOption = C.GIT_INDEX_ADD_DEFAULT
	IndexAddForce                IndexAddOption = C.GIT_INDEX_ADD_FORCE
	IndexAddDisablePathspecMatch IndexAddOption = C.GIT_INDEX_ADD_DISABLE_PATHSPEC_MATCH
	IndexAddCheckPathspec        IndexAddOption = C.GIT_INDEX_ADD_CHECK_PATHSPEC

type IndexAddOpts

type IndexAddOpts = IndexAddOption

Deprecated: IndexAddOpts is a deprecated alias of IndexAddOption.

type IndexConflict

type IndexConflict struct {
	Ancestor *IndexEntry
	Our      *IndexEntry
	Their    *IndexEntry

type IndexConflictIterator

type IndexConflictIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IndexConflictIterator) Free

func (v *IndexConflictIterator) Free()

func (*IndexConflictIterator) Index

func (v *IndexConflictIterator) Index() *Index

func (*IndexConflictIterator) Next

type IndexEntry

type IndexEntry struct {
	Ctime IndexTime
	Mtime IndexTime
	Mode  Filemode
	Uid   uint32
	Gid   uint32
	Size  uint32
	Id    *Oid
	Path  string

type IndexMatchedPathCallback

type IndexMatchedPathCallback func(string, string) int

type IndexStageOpts

type IndexStageOpts = IndexStageState

Deprecated: IndexStageOpts is a deprecated alias of IndexStageState.

type IndexStageState

type IndexStageState int

IndexStageState indicates the state of the git index.

const (
	// IndexStageAny matches any index stage.
	// Some index APIs take a stage to match; pass this value to match
	// any entry matching the path regardless of stage.
	IndexStageAny IndexStageState = C.GIT_INDEX_STAGE_ANY
	// IndexStageNormal is a normal staged file in the index.
	IndexStageNormal IndexStageState = C.GIT_INDEX_STAGE_NORMAL
	// IndexStageAncestor is the ancestor side of a conflict.
	IndexStageAncestor IndexStageState = C.GIT_INDEX_STAGE_ANCESTOR
	// IndexStageOurs is the "ours" side of a conflict.
	IndexStageOurs IndexStageState = C.GIT_INDEX_STAGE_OURS
	// IndexStageTheirs is the "theirs" side of a conflict.
	IndexStageTheirs IndexStageState = C.GIT_INDEX_STAGE_THEIRS

type IndexTime

type IndexTime struct {
	Seconds     int32
	Nanoseconds uint32

type Indexer

type Indexer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Indexer can post-process packfiles and create an .idx file for efficient lookup.

func NewIndexer

func NewIndexer(packfilePath string, odb *Odb, callback TransferProgressCallback) (indexer *Indexer, err error)

NewIndexer creates a new indexer instance.

func (*Indexer) Commit

func (indexer *Indexer) Commit() (*Oid, error)

Commit finalizes the pack and index. It resolves any pending deltas and writes out the index file.

It also returns the packfile's hash. A packfile's name is derived from the sorted hashing of all object names.

func (*Indexer) Free

func (indexer *Indexer) Free()

Free frees the indexer and its resources.

func (*Indexer) Write

func (indexer *Indexer) Write(data []byte) (int, error)

Write adds data to the indexer.

type Mempack

type Mempack struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Mempack is a custom ODB backend that permits packing object in-memory.

func NewMempack

func NewMempack(odb *Odb) (mempack *Mempack, err error)

NewMempack creates a new mempack instance and registers it to the ODB.

func (*Mempack) Dump

func (mempack *Mempack) Dump(repository *Repository) ([]byte, error)

Dump dumps all the queued in-memory writes to a packfile.

It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the generated packfile is available to the repository (e.g. by writing it to disk, or doing something crazy like distributing it across several copies of the repository over a network).

Once the generated packfile is available to the repository, call Mempack.Reset to cleanup the memory store.

Calling Mempack.Reset before the packfile has been written to disk will result in an inconsistent repository (the objects in the memory store won't be accessible).

func (*Mempack) Reset

func (mempack *Mempack) Reset() error

Reset resets the memory packer by clearing all the queued objects.

This assumes that Mempack.Dump has been called before to store all the queued objects into a single packfile.

type MergeAnalysis

type MergeAnalysis int
const (
	MergeAnalysisNone        MergeAnalysis = C.GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_NONE
	MergeAnalysisNormal      MergeAnalysis = C.GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_NORMAL
	MergeAnalysisUpToDate    MergeAnalysis = C.GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_UP_TO_DATE
	MergeAnalysisFastForward MergeAnalysis = C.GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_FASTFORWARD
	MergeAnalysisUnborn      MergeAnalysis = C.GIT_MERGE_ANALYSIS_UNBORN

type MergeFileFavor

type MergeFileFavor int
const (
	MergeFileFavorNormal MergeFileFavor = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_FAVOR_NORMAL
	MergeFileFavorOurs   MergeFileFavor = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_FAVOR_OURS
	MergeFileFavorTheirs MergeFileFavor = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_FAVOR_THEIRS
	MergeFileFavorUnion  MergeFileFavor = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_FAVOR_UNION

type MergeFileFlags

type MergeFileFlags int
const (
	MergeFileDefault MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_DEFAULT

	// Create standard conflicted merge files
	MergeFileStyleMerge MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_STYLE_MERGE

	// Create diff3-style files
	MergeFileStyleDiff MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_STYLE_DIFF3

	// Condense non-alphanumeric regions for simplified diff file
	MergeFileStyleSimplifyAlnum MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_SIMPLIFY_ALNUM

	// Ignore all whitespace
	MergeFileIgnoreWhitespace MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_IGNORE_WHITESPACE

	// Ignore changes in amount of whitespace
	MergeFileIgnoreWhitespaceChange MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_IGNORE_WHITESPACE_CHANGE

	// Ignore whitespace at end of line
	MergeFileIgnoreWhitespaceEOL MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_IGNORE_WHITESPACE_EOL

	// Use the "patience diff" algorithm
	MergeFileDiffPatience MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_DIFF_PATIENCE

	// Take extra time to find minimal diff
	MergeFileDiffMinimal MergeFileFlags = C.GIT_MERGE_FILE_DIFF_MINIMAL

type MergeFileInput

type MergeFileInput struct {
	Path     string
	Mode     uint
	Contents []byte

type MergeFileOptions

type MergeFileOptions struct {
	AncestorLabel string
	OurLabel      string
	TheirLabel    string
	Favor         MergeFileFavor
	Flags         MergeFileFlags
	MarkerSize    uint16

type MergeFileResult

type MergeFileResult struct {
	Automergeable bool
	Path          string
	Mode          uint
	Contents      []byte
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func MergeFile

func MergeFile(ancestor MergeFileInput, ours MergeFileInput, theirs MergeFileInput, options *MergeFileOptions) (*MergeFileResult, error)

func (*MergeFileResult) Free

func (r *MergeFileResult) Free()

type MergeOptions

type MergeOptions struct {
	Version   uint
	TreeFlags MergeTreeFlag

	RenameThreshold uint
	TargetLimit     uint
	RecursionLimit  uint
	FileFavor       MergeFileFavor

func DefaultMergeOptions

func DefaultMergeOptions() (MergeOptions, error)

type MergePreference

type MergePreference int
const (
	MergePreferenceNone            MergePreference = C.GIT_MERGE_PREFERENCE_NONE
	MergePreferenceNoFastForward   MergePreference = C.GIT_MERGE_PREFERENCE_NO_FASTFORWARD
	MergePreferenceFastForwardOnly MergePreference = C.GIT_MERGE_PREFERENCE_FASTFORWARD_ONLY

type MergeTreeFlag

type MergeTreeFlag int
const (
	// Detect renames that occur between the common ancestor and the "ours"
	// side or the common ancestor and the "theirs" side.  This will enable
	// the ability to merge between a modified and renamed file.
	MergeTreeFindRenames MergeTreeFlag = C.GIT_MERGE_FIND_RENAMES
	// If a conflict occurs, exit immediately instead of attempting to
	// continue resolving conflicts.  The merge operation will fail with
	// GIT_EMERGECONFLICT and no index will be returned.
	MergeTreeFailOnConflict MergeTreeFlag = C.GIT_MERGE_FAIL_ON_CONFLICT
	// MergeTreeSkipREUC specifies not to write the REUC extension on the
	// generated index.
	MergeTreeSkipREUC MergeTreeFlag = C.GIT_MERGE_SKIP_REUC
	// MergeTreeNoRecursive specifies not to build a recursive merge base (by
	// merging the multiple merge bases) if the commits being merged have
	// multiple merge bases. Instead, the first base is used.
	// This flag provides a similar merge base to `git-merge-resolve`.
	MergeTreeNoRecursive MergeTreeFlag = C.GIT_MERGE_NO_RECURSIVE

type MessageEncoding

type MessageEncoding string

MessageEncoding is the encoding of commit messages.

const (
	// MessageEncodingUTF8 is the default message encoding.
	MessageEncodingUTF8 MessageEncoding = "UTF-8"

type Note

type Note struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func (*Note) Author

func (n *Note) Author() *Signature

Author returns the signature of the note author

func (*Note) Committer

func (n *Note) Committer() *Signature

Committer returns the signature of the note committer

func (*Note) Free

func (n *Note) Free() error

Free frees a git_note object

func (*Note) Id

func (n *Note) Id() *Oid

Id returns the note object's id

func (*Note) Message

func (n *Note) Message() string

Message returns the note message

type NoteCollection

type NoteCollection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

This object represents the possible operations which can be performed on the collection of notes for a repository.

func (*NoteCollection) Create

func (c *NoteCollection) Create(
	ref string, author, committer *Signature, id *Oid,
	note string, force bool) (*Oid, error)

Create adds a note for an object

func (*NoteCollection) DefaultRef

func (c *NoteCollection) DefaultRef() (string, error)

DefaultRef returns the default notes reference for a repository

func (*NoteCollection) Read

func (c *NoteCollection) Read(ref string, id *Oid) (*Note, error)

Read reads the note for an object

func (*NoteCollection) Remove

func (c *NoteCollection) Remove(ref string, author, committer *Signature, id *Oid) error

Remove removes the note for an object

type NoteIterator

type NoteIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func (*NoteIterator) Free

func (v *NoteIterator) Free()

Free frees the note interator

func (*NoteIterator) Next

func (it *NoteIterator) Next() (noteId, annotatedId *Oid, err error)

Next returns the current item (note id & annotated id) and advances the iterator internally to the next item

type Object

type Object struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Object) AsBlob

func (o *Object) AsBlob() (*Blob, error)

func (*Object) AsCommit

func (o *Object) AsCommit() (*Commit, error)

func (*Object) AsTag

func (o *Object) AsTag() (*Tag, error)

func (*Object) AsTree

func (o *Object) AsTree() (*Tree, error)

func (*Object) Free

func (o *Object) Free()

func (*Object) Id

func (o *Object) Id() *Oid

func (*Object) Owner

func (o *Object) Owner() *Repository

Owner returns a weak reference to the repository which owns this object. This won't keep the underlying repository alive, but it should still be Freed.

func (*Object) Peel

func (o *Object) Peel(t ObjectType) (*Object, error)

Peel recursively peels an object until an object of the specified type is met.

If the query cannot be satisfied due to the object model, ErrorCodeInvalidSpec will be returned (e.g. trying to peel a blob to a tree).

If you pass ObjectAny as the target type, then the object will be peeled until the type changes. A tag will be peeled until the referenced object is no longer a tag, and a commit will be peeled to a tree. Any other object type will return ErrorCodeInvalidSpec.

If peeling a tag we discover an object which cannot be peeled to the target type due to the object model, an error will be returned.

func (*Object) ShortId

func (o *Object) ShortId() (string, error)

func (*Object) Type

func (o *Object) Type() ObjectType

type ObjectType

type ObjectType int
const (
	ObjectAny     ObjectType = C.GIT_OBJECT_ANY
	ObjectInvalid ObjectType = C.GIT_OBJECT_INVALID
	ObjectCommit  ObjectType = C.GIT_OBJECT_COMMIT
	ObjectTree    ObjectType = C.GIT_OBJECT_TREE
	ObjectBlob    ObjectType = C.GIT_OBJECT_BLOB
	ObjectTag     ObjectType = C.GIT_OBJECT_TAG

func (ObjectType) String

func (t ObjectType) String() string

type Objecter

type Objecter interface {
	AsObject() *Object

Objecter lets us accept any kind of Git object in functions.

type Odb

type Odb struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewOdb

func NewOdb() (odb *Odb, err error)

func (*Odb) AddAlternate

func (v *Odb) AddAlternate(backend *OdbBackend, priority int) (err error)

func (*Odb) AddBackend

func (v *Odb) AddBackend(backend *OdbBackend, priority int) (err error)

func (*Odb) Exists

func (v *Odb) Exists(oid *Oid) bool

func (*Odb) ForEach

func (v *Odb) ForEach(callback OdbForEachCallback) error

func (*Odb) Free

func (v *Odb) Free()

func (*Odb) Hash

func (v *Odb) Hash(data []byte, otype ObjectType) (oid *Oid, err error)

Hash determines the object-ID (sha1) of a data buffer.

func (*Odb) NewReadStream

func (v *Odb) NewReadStream(id *Oid) (*OdbReadStream, error)

NewReadStream opens a read stream from the ODB. Reading from it will give you the contents of the object.

func (*Odb) NewWritePack

func (v *Odb) NewWritePack(callback TransferProgressCallback) (*OdbWritepack, error)

NewWritePack opens a stream for writing a pack file to the ODB. If the ODB layer understands pack files, then the given packfile will likely be streamed directly to disk (and a corresponding index created). If the ODB layer does not understand pack files, the objects will be stored in whatever format the ODB layer uses.

func (*Odb) NewWriteStream

func (v *Odb) NewWriteStream(size int64, otype ObjectType) (*OdbWriteStream, error)

NewWriteStream opens a write stream to the ODB, which allows you to create a new object in the database. The size and type must be known in advance

func (*Odb) Read

func (v *Odb) Read(oid *Oid) (obj *OdbObject, err error)

func (*Odb) ReadHeader

func (v *Odb) ReadHeader(oid *Oid) (uint64, ObjectType, error)

func (*Odb) Write

func (v *Odb) Write(data []byte, otype ObjectType) (oid *Oid, err error)

type OdbBackend

type OdbBackend struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewOdbBackendFromC

func NewOdbBackendFromC(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (backend *OdbBackend)

func NewOdbBackendLoose

func NewOdbBackendLoose(objectsDir string, compressionLevel int, doFsync bool, dirMode os.FileMode, fileMode os.FileMode) (backend *OdbBackend, err error)

NewOdbBackendLoose creates a backend for loose objects.

func NewOdbBackendOnePack

func NewOdbBackendOnePack(packfileIndexPath string) (backend *OdbBackend, err error)

func (*OdbBackend) Free

func (v *OdbBackend) Free()

type OdbForEachCallback

type OdbForEachCallback func(id *Oid) error

type OdbObject

type OdbObject struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OdbObject) Data

func (object *OdbObject) Data() (data []byte)

Data returns a slice pointing to the unmanaged object memory. You must make sure the object is referenced for at least as long as the slice is used.

func (*OdbObject) Free

func (v *OdbObject) Free()

func (*OdbObject) Id

func (object *OdbObject) Id() (oid *Oid)

func (*OdbObject) Len

func (object *OdbObject) Len() (len uint64)

func (*OdbObject) Type

func (object *OdbObject) Type() ObjectType

type OdbReadStream

type OdbReadStream struct {
	Size uint64
	Type ObjectType
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OdbReadStream) Close

func (stream *OdbReadStream) Close() error

Close is a dummy function in order to implement the Closer and ReadCloser interfaces

func (*OdbReadStream) Free

func (stream *OdbReadStream) Free()

func (*OdbReadStream) Read

func (stream *OdbReadStream) Read(data []byte) (int, error)

Read reads from the stream

type OdbWriteStream

type OdbWriteStream struct {
	Id Oid
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*OdbWriteStream) Close

func (stream *OdbWriteStream) Close() error

Close signals that all the data has been written and stores the resulting object id in the stream's Id field.

func (*OdbWriteStream) Free

func (stream *OdbWriteStream) Free()

func (*OdbWriteStream) Write

func (stream *OdbWriteStream) Write(data []byte) (int, error)

Write writes to the stream

type OdbWritepack

type OdbWritepack struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OdbWritepack is a stream to write a packfile to the ODB.

func (*OdbWritepack) Commit

func (writepack *OdbWritepack) Commit() error

func (*OdbWritepack) Free

func (writepack *OdbWritepack) Free()

func (*OdbWritepack) Write

func (writepack *OdbWritepack) Write(data []byte) (int, error)

type Oid

type Oid [20]byte

Oid represents the id for a Git object.

func NewOid

func NewOid(s string) (*Oid, error)

func NewOidFromBytes

func NewOidFromBytes(b []byte) *Oid

func (*Oid) Cmp

func (oid *Oid) Cmp(oid2 *Oid) int

func (*Oid) Copy

func (oid *Oid) Copy() *Oid

func (*Oid) Equal

func (oid *Oid) Equal(oid2 *Oid) bool

func (*Oid) IsZero

func (oid *Oid) IsZero() bool

func (*Oid) NCmp

func (oid *Oid) NCmp(oid2 *Oid, n uint) int

func (*Oid) String

func (oid *Oid) String() string

type Packbuilder

type Packbuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Packbuilder) ForEach

func (pb *Packbuilder) ForEach(callback PackbuilderForeachCallback) error

ForEach repeatedly calls the callback with new packfile data until there is no more data or the callback returns an error

func (*Packbuilder) Free

func (pb *Packbuilder) Free()

func (*Packbuilder) Insert

func (pb *Packbuilder) Insert(id *Oid, name string) error

func (*Packbuilder) InsertCommit

func (pb *Packbuilder) InsertCommit(id *Oid) error

func (*Packbuilder) InsertTree

func (pb *Packbuilder) InsertTree(id *Oid) error

func (*Packbuilder) InsertWalk

func (pb *Packbuilder) InsertWalk(walk *RevWalk) error

func (*Packbuilder) ObjectCount

func (pb *Packbuilder) ObjectCount() uint32

func (*Packbuilder) Write

func (pb *Packbuilder) Write(w io.Writer) error

func (*Packbuilder) WriteToFile

func (pb *Packbuilder) WriteToFile(name string, mode os.FileMode) error

func (*Packbuilder) Written

func (pb *Packbuilder) Written() uint32

type PackbuilderForeachCallback

type PackbuilderForeachCallback func([]byte) error

type PackbuilderProgressCallback

type PackbuilderProgressCallback func(stage int32, current, total uint32) ErrorCode

type Patch

type Patch struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Patch) Free

func (patch *Patch) Free() error

func (*Patch) String

func (patch *Patch) String() (string, error)

type ProxyOptions

type ProxyOptions struct {
	// The type of proxy to use (or none)
	Type ProxyType

	// The proxy's URL
	Url string

type ProxyType

type ProxyType uint
const (
	// Do not attempt to connect through a proxy
	// If built against lbicurl, it itself may attempt to connect
	// to a proxy if the environment variables specify it.
	ProxyTypeNone ProxyType = C.GIT_PROXY_NONE

	// Try to auto-detect the proxy from the git configuration.
	ProxyTypeAuto ProxyType = C.GIT_PROXY_AUTO

	// Connect via the URL given in the options
	ProxyTypeSpecified ProxyType = C.GIT_PROXY_SPECIFIED

type PushOptions

type PushOptions struct {
	// Callbacks to use for this push operation
	RemoteCallbacks RemoteCallbacks

	PbParallelism uint

	// Headers are extra headers for the push operation.
	Headers []string

	// Proxy options to use for this push operation
	ProxyOptions ProxyOptions

type PushTransferProgressCallback

type PushTransferProgressCallback func(current, total uint32, bytes uint) ErrorCode

type PushUpdateReferenceCallback

type PushUpdateReferenceCallback func(refname, status string) ErrorCode

type Rebase

type Rebase struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Rebase is the struct representing a Rebase object.

func (*Rebase) Abort

func (rebase *Rebase) Abort() error

Abort aborts a rebase that is currently in progress, resetting the repository and working directory to their state before rebase began.

func (*Rebase) Commit

func (rebase *Rebase) Commit(ID *Oid, author, committer *Signature, message string) error

Commit commits the current patch. You must have resolved any conflicts that were introduced during the patch application from the Next() invocation.

func (*Rebase) CurrentOperationIndex

func (rebase *Rebase) CurrentOperationIndex() (uint, error)

CurrentOperationIndex gets the index of the rebase operation that is currently being applied. There is also an error returned for API compatibility.

func (*Rebase) Finish

func (rebase *Rebase) Finish() error

Finish finishes a rebase that is currently in progress once all patches have been applied.

func (*Rebase) Free

func (r *Rebase) Free()

Free frees the Rebase object.

func (*Rebase) InmemoryIndex

func (rebase *Rebase) InmemoryIndex() (*Index, error)

InmemoryIndex gets the index produced by the last operation, which is the result of `Next()` and which will be committed by the next invocation of `Commit()`. This is useful for resolving conflicts in an in-memory rebase before committing them.

This is only applicable for in-memory rebases; for rebases within a working directory, the changes were applied to the repository's index.

func (*Rebase) Next

func (rebase *Rebase) Next() (*RebaseOperation, error)

Next performs the next rebase operation and returns the information about it. If the operation is one that applies a patch (which is any operation except RebaseOperationExec) then the patch will be applied and the index and working directory will be updated with the changes. If there are conflicts, you will need to address those before committing the changes.

func (*Rebase) OperationAt

func (rebase *Rebase) OperationAt(index uint) *RebaseOperation

OperationAt gets the rebase operation specified by the given index.

func (*Rebase) OperationCount

func (rebase *Rebase) OperationCount() uint

OperationCount gets the count of rebase operations that are to be applied.

type RebaseOperation

type RebaseOperation struct {
	Type RebaseOperationType
	Id   *Oid
	Exec string

RebaseOperation describes a single instruction/operation to be performed during the rebase.

type RebaseOperationType

type RebaseOperationType uint

RebaseOperationType is the type of rebase operation

const (
	// RebaseOperationPick The given commit is to be cherry-picked.  The client should commit the changes and continue if there are no conflicts.
	RebaseOperationPick RebaseOperationType = C.GIT_REBASE_OPERATION_PICK
	// RebaseOperationReword The given commit is to be cherry-picked, but the client should prompt the user to provide an updated commit message.
	RebaseOperationReword RebaseOperationType = C.GIT_REBASE_OPERATION_REWORD
	// RebaseOperationEdit The given commit is to be cherry-picked, but the client should stop to allow the user to edit the changes before committing them.
	RebaseOperationEdit RebaseOperationType = C.GIT_REBASE_OPERATION_EDIT
	// RebaseOperationSquash The given commit is to be squashed into the previous commit.  The commit message will be merged with the previous message.
	RebaseOperationSquash RebaseOperationType = C.GIT_REBASE_OPERATION_SQUASH
	// RebaseOperationFixup No commit will be cherry-picked.  The client should run the given command and (if successful) continue.
	RebaseOperationFixup RebaseOperationType = C.GIT_REBASE_OPERATION_FIXUP
	// RebaseOperationExec No commit will be cherry-picked.  The client should run the given command and (if successful) continue.
	RebaseOperationExec RebaseOperationType = C.GIT_REBASE_OPERATION_EXEC

func (RebaseOperationType) String

func (t RebaseOperationType) String() string

type RebaseOptions

type RebaseOptions struct {
	Version               uint
	Quiet                 int
	InMemory              int
	RewriteNotesRef       string
	MergeOptions          MergeOptions
	CheckoutOptions       CheckoutOptions
	CommitSigningCallback CommitSigningCallback

RebaseOptions are used to tell the rebase machinery how to operate

func DefaultRebaseOptions

func DefaultRebaseOptions() (RebaseOptions, error)

DefaultRebaseOptions returns a RebaseOptions with default values.

type Refdb

type Refdb struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Refdb) Free

func (v *Refdb) Free()

func (*Refdb) SetBackend

func (v *Refdb) SetBackend(backend *RefdbBackend) (err error)

type RefdbBackend

type RefdbBackend struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRefdbBackendFromC

func NewRefdbBackendFromC(ptr unsafe.Pointer) (backend *RefdbBackend)

func (*RefdbBackend) Free

func (v *RefdbBackend) Free()

type Reference

type Reference struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Reference) Branch

func (r *Reference) Branch() *Branch

func (*Reference) Cmp

func (v *Reference) Cmp(ref2 *Reference) int

Cmp compares v to ref2. It returns 0 on equality, otherwise a stable sorting.

func (*Reference) Delete

func (v *Reference) Delete() error

func (*Reference) Free

func (v *Reference) Free()

func (*Reference) IsBranch

func (v *Reference) IsBranch() bool

func (*Reference) IsNote

func (v *Reference) IsNote() bool

IsNote checks if the reference is a note.

func (*Reference) IsRemote

func (v *Reference) IsRemote() bool

func (*Reference) IsTag

func (v *Reference) IsTag() bool

func (*Reference) Name

func (v *Reference) Name() string

Name returns the full name of v.

func (*Reference) Owner

func (v *Reference) Owner() *Repository

Owner returns a weak reference to the repository which owns this reference. This won't keep the underlying repository alive, but it should still be Freed.

func (*Reference) Peel

func (v *Reference) Peel(t ObjectType) (*Object, error)

func (*Reference) Rename

func (v *Reference) Rename(name string, force bool, msg string) (*Reference, error)

func (*Reference) Resolve

func (v *Reference) Resolve() (*Reference, error)

func (*Reference) SetSymbolicTarget

func (v *Reference) SetSymbolicTarget(target string, msg string) (*Reference, error)

func (*Reference) SetTarget

func (v *Reference) SetTarget(target *Oid, msg string) (*Reference, error)

func (*Reference) Shorthand

func (v *Reference) Shorthand() string

Shorthand returns a "human-readable" short reference name.

func (*Reference) SymbolicTarget

func (v *Reference) SymbolicTarget() string

func (*Reference) Target

func (v *Reference) Target() *Oid

func (*Reference) Type

func (v *Reference) Type() ReferenceType

type ReferenceCollection

type ReferenceCollection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ReferenceCollection) Create

func (c *ReferenceCollection) Create(name string, id *Oid, force bool, msg string) (*Reference, error)

func (*ReferenceCollection) CreateSymbolic

func (c *ReferenceCollection) CreateSymbolic(name, target string, force bool, msg string) (*Reference, error)

func (*ReferenceCollection) Dwim

func (c *ReferenceCollection) Dwim(name string) (*Reference, error)

Dwim looks up a reference by DWIMing its short name

func (*ReferenceCollection) EnsureLog

func (c *ReferenceCollection) EnsureLog(name string) error

EnsureLog ensures that there is a reflog for the given reference name and creates an empty one if necessary.

func (*ReferenceCollection) HasLog

func (c *ReferenceCollection) HasLog(name string) (bool, error)

HasLog returns whether there is a reflog for the given reference name

func (*ReferenceCollection) Lookup

func (c *ReferenceCollection) Lookup(name string) (*Reference, error)

type ReferenceFormat

type ReferenceFormat uint
const (
	ReferenceFormatNormal           ReferenceFormat = C.GIT_REFERENCE_FORMAT_NORMAL
	ReferenceFormatAllowOnelevel    ReferenceFormat = C.GIT_REFERENCE_FORMAT_ALLOW_ONELEVEL
	ReferenceFormatRefspecPattern   ReferenceFormat = C.GIT_REFERENCE_FORMAT_REFSPEC_PATTERN
	ReferenceFormatRefspecShorthand ReferenceFormat = C.GIT_REFERENCE_FORMAT_REFSPEC_SHORTHAND

type ReferenceIterator

type ReferenceIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ReferenceIterator) Free

func (v *ReferenceIterator) Free()

Free the reference iterator

func (*ReferenceIterator) Names

func (*ReferenceIterator) Next

func (v *ReferenceIterator) Next() (*Reference, error)

Next retrieves the next reference. If the iterationis over, the returned error code is git.ErrorCodeIterOver

type ReferenceNameIterator

type ReferenceNameIterator struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ReferenceNameIterator) Next

func (v *ReferenceNameIterator) Next() (string, error)

NextName retrieves the next reference name. If the iteration is over, the returned error code is git.ErrorCodeIterOver

type ReferenceType

type ReferenceType int
const (
	ReferenceSymbolic ReferenceType = C.GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC
	ReferenceOid      ReferenceType = C.GIT_REF_OID

type Refspec

type Refspec struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func ParseRefspec

func ParseRefspec(input string, isFetch bool) (*Refspec, error)

ParseRefspec parses a given refspec string

func (*Refspec) Direction

func (s *Refspec) Direction() ConnectDirection

Direction returns the refspec's direction

func (*Refspec) Dst

func (s *Refspec) Dst() string

Dst returns the refspec's destination specifier

func (*Refspec) DstMatches

func (s *Refspec) DstMatches(refname string) bool

SrcMatches checks if a refspec's destination descriptor matches a reference

func (*Refspec) Force

func (s *Refspec) Force() bool

Force returns the refspec's force-update setting

func (*Refspec) Free

func (s *Refspec) Free()

Free releases a refspec object which has been created by ParseRefspec

func (*Refspec) Rtransform

func (s *Refspec) Rtransform(refname string) (string, error)

Rtransform converts a target reference to its source reference following the refspec's rules

func (*Refspec) Src

func (s *Refspec) Src() string

Src returns the refspec's source specifier

func (*Refspec) SrcMatches

func (s *Refspec) SrcMatches(refname string) bool

SrcMatches checks if a refspec's source descriptor matches a reference

func (*Refspec) String

func (s *Refspec) String() string

String returns the refspec's string representation

func (*Refspec) Transform

func (s *Refspec) Transform(refname string) (string, error)

Transform a reference to its target following the refspec's rules

type RegisteredSmartTransport

type RegisteredSmartTransport struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RegisteredSmartTransport represents a transport that has been registered.

func NewRegisteredSmartTransport

func NewRegisteredSmartTransport(
	name string,
	stateless bool,
	callback SmartSubtransportCallback,
) (*RegisteredSmartTransport, error)

NewRegisteredSmartTransport adds a custom transport definition, to be used in addition to the built-in set of transports that come with libgit2.

func RegisterManagedHTTPTransport

func RegisterManagedHTTPTransport(protocol string) (*RegisteredSmartTransport, error)

RegisterManagedHTTPTransport registers a Go-native implementation of an HTTP/S transport that doesn't rely on any system libraries (e.g. libopenssl/libmbedtls).

If Shutdown or ReInit are called, make sure that the smart transports are freed before it.

func RegisterManagedSSHTransport

func RegisterManagedSSHTransport(protocol string) (*RegisteredSmartTransport, error)

RegisterManagedSSHTransport registers a Go-native implementation of an SSH transport that doesn't rely on any system libraries (e.g. libssh2).

If Shutdown or ReInit are called, make sure that the smart transports are freed before it.

func (*RegisteredSmartTransport) Free

func (t *RegisteredSmartTransport) Free() error

Free releases all resources used by the RegisteredSmartTransport and unregisters the custom transport definition referenced by it.

type Remote

type Remote struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Remote) Connect

func (o *Remote) Connect(direction ConnectDirection, callbacks *RemoteCallbacks, proxyOpts *ProxyOptions, headers []string) error

Connect opens a connection to a remote.

The transport is selected based on the URL. The direction argument is due to a limitation of the git protocol (over TCP or SSH) which starts up a specific binary which can only do the one or the other.

'headers' are extra HTTP headers to use in this connection.

func (*Remote) ConnectFetch

func (o *Remote) ConnectFetch(callbacks *RemoteCallbacks, proxyOpts *ProxyOptions, headers []string) error

func (*Remote) ConnectPush

func (o *Remote) ConnectPush(callbacks *RemoteCallbacks, proxyOpts *ProxyOptions, headers []string) error

func (*Remote) Disconnect

func (o *Remote) Disconnect()

func (*Remote) Fetch

func (o *Remote) Fetch(refspecs []string, opts *FetchOptions, msg string) error

Fetch performs a fetch operation. refspecs specifies which refspecs to use for this fetch, use an empty list to use the refspecs from the configuration; msg specifies what to use for the reflog entries. Leave "" to use defaults.

func (*Remote) FetchRefspecs

func (o *Remote) FetchRefspecs() ([]string, error)

func (*Remote) Free

func (r *Remote) Free()

Free releases the resources of the Remote.

func (*Remote) Ls

func (o *Remote) Ls(filterRefs ...string) ([]RemoteHead, error)

func (*Remote) Name

func (o *Remote) Name() string

func (*Remote) Prune

func (o *Remote) Prune(callbacks *RemoteCallbacks) error

func (*Remote) PruneRefs

func (o *Remote) PruneRefs() bool

func (*Remote) Push

func (o *Remote) Push(refspecs []string, opts *PushOptions) error

func (*Remote) PushRefspecs

func (o *Remote) PushRefspecs() ([]string, error)

func (*Remote) PushUrl

func (o *Remote) PushUrl() string

func (*Remote) RefspecCount

func (o *Remote) RefspecCount() uint

func (*Remote) Url

func (o *Remote) Url() string

type RemoteCallbacks

type RemoteCollection

type RemoteCollection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RemoteCollection) AddFetch

func (c *RemoteCollection) AddFetch(remote, refspec string) error

func (*RemoteCollection) AddPush

func (c *RemoteCollection) AddPush(remote, refspec string) error

func (*RemoteCollection) Create

func (c *RemoteCollection) Create(name string, url string) (*Remote, error)

func (*RemoteCollection) CreateAnonymous

func (c *RemoteCollection) CreateAnonymous(url string) (*Remote, error)

func (*RemoteCollection) CreateWithFetchspec

func (c *RemoteCollection) CreateWithFetchspec(name string, url string, fetch string) (*Remote, error)

func (*RemoteCollection) CreateWithOptions

func (c *RemoteCollection) CreateWithOptions(url string, option *RemoteCreateOptions) (*Remote, error)

CreateWithOptions Creates a repository object with extended options.

func (*RemoteCollection) Delete

func (c *RemoteCollection) Delete(name string) error

func (*RemoteCollection) Free

func (c *RemoteCollection) Free()

func (*RemoteCollection) List

func (c *RemoteCollection) List() ([]string, error)

func (*RemoteCollection) Lookup

func (c *RemoteCollection) Lookup(name string) (*Remote, error)

func (*RemoteCollection) Rename

func (c *RemoteCollection) Rename(remote, newname string) ([]string, error)

func (*RemoteCollection) SetPushUrl

func (c *RemoteCollection) SetPushUrl(remote, url string) error

func (*RemoteCollection) SetUrl

func (c *RemoteCollection) SetUrl(remote, url string) error

type RemoteCompletion

type RemoteCompletion uint

type RemoteCreateCallback

type RemoteCreateCallback func(repo *Repository, name, url string) (*Remote, ErrorCode)

type RemoteCreateOptions

type RemoteCreateOptions struct {
	Name      string
	FetchSpec string
	Flags     RemoteCreateOptionsFlag

RemoteCreateOptions contains options for creating a remote

func DefaultRemoteCreateOptions

func DefaultRemoteCreateOptions() (*RemoteCreateOptions, error)

DefaultApplyOptions returns default options for remote create

type RemoteCreateOptionsFlag

type RemoteCreateOptionsFlag uint

RemoteCreateOptionsFlag is Remote creation options flags

const (
	// Ignore the repository apply.insteadOf configuration
	RemoteCreateSkipInsteadof RemoteCreateOptionsFlag = C.GIT_REMOTE_CREATE_SKIP_INSTEADOF
	// Don't build a fetchspec from the name if none is set
	RemoteCreateSkipDefaultFetchspec RemoteCreateOptionsFlag = C.GIT_REMOTE_CREATE_SKIP_DEFAULT_FETCHSPEC

type RemoteHead

type RemoteHead struct {
	Id   *Oid
	Name string

type Repository

type Repository struct {

	// Remotes represents the collection of remotes and can be
	// used to add, remove and configure remotes for this
	// repository.
	Remotes RemoteCollection
	// Submodules represents the collection of submodules and can
	// be used to add, remove and configure submodules in this
	// repository.
	Submodules SubmoduleCollection
	// References represents the collection of references and can
	// be used to create, remove or update references for this repository.
	References ReferenceCollection
	// Notes represents the collection of notes and can be used to
	// read, write and delete notes from this repository.
	Notes NoteCollection
	// Tags represents the collection of tags and can be used to create,
	// list, iterate and remove tags in this repository.
	Tags TagsCollection
	// Stashes represents the collection of stashes and can be used to
	// save, apply and iterate over stash states in this repository.
	Stashes StashCollection
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func Clone

func Clone(url string, path string, options *CloneOptions) (*Repository, error)

func InitRepository

func InitRepository(path string, isbare bool) (*Repository, error)

func NewRepositoryWrapOdb

func NewRepositoryWrapOdb(odb *Odb) (repo *Repository, err error)

func OpenRepository

func OpenRepository(path string) (*Repository, error)

func OpenRepositoryExtended

func OpenRepositoryExtended(path string, flags RepositoryOpenFlag, ceiling string) (*Repository, error)

func (*Repository) AddGitIgnoreRules

func (r *Repository) AddGitIgnoreRules(rules string) error

func (*Repository) AddIgnoreRule

func (v *Repository) AddIgnoreRule(rules string) error

func (*Repository) AheadBehind

func (repo *Repository) AheadBehind(local, upstream *Oid) (ahead, behind int, err error)

func (*Repository) AnnotatedCommitFromFetchHead

func (r *Repository) AnnotatedCommitFromFetchHead(branchName string, remoteURL string, oid *Oid) (*AnnotatedCommit, error)

func (*Repository) AnnotatedCommitFromRef

func (r *Repository) AnnotatedCommitFromRef(ref *Reference) (*AnnotatedCommit, error)

func (*Repository) AnnotatedCommitFromRevspec

func (r *Repository) AnnotatedCommitFromRevspec(spec string) (*AnnotatedCommit, error)

func (*Repository) ApplyDiff

func (v *Repository) ApplyDiff(diff *Diff, location ApplyLocation, opts *ApplyOptions) error

ApplyDiff appllies a Diff to the given repository, making changes directly in the working directory, the index, or both.

func (*Repository) ApplyToTree

func (v *Repository) ApplyToTree(diff *Diff, tree *Tree, opts *ApplyOptions) (*Index, error)

ApplyToTree applies a Diff to a Tree and returns the resulting image as an Index.

func (*Repository) BlameFile

func (v *Repository) BlameFile(path string, opts *BlameOptions) (*Blame, error)

func (*Repository) CheckoutHead

func (v *Repository) CheckoutHead(opts *CheckoutOptions) error

Updates files in the index and the working tree to match the content of the commit pointed at by HEAD. opts may be nil.

func (*Repository) CheckoutIndex

func (v *Repository) CheckoutIndex(index *Index, opts *CheckoutOptions) error

Updates files in the working tree to match the content of the given index. If index is nil, the repository's index will be used. opts may be nil.

func (*Repository) CheckoutTree

func (v *Repository) CheckoutTree(tree *Tree, opts *CheckoutOptions) error

func (*Repository) Cherrypick

func (v *Repository) Cherrypick(commit *Commit, opts CherrypickOptions) error

func (*Repository) CherrypickCommit

func (r *Repository) CherrypickCommit(pick, our *Commit, opts CherrypickOptions) (*Index, error)

func (*Repository) ClearGitIgnoreRules

func (r *Repository) ClearGitIgnoreRules() error

func (*Repository) ClearInternalIgnoreRules

func (v *Repository) ClearInternalIgnoreRules() error

func (*Repository) Config

func (v *Repository) Config() (*Config, error)

func (*Repository) CreateBlobFromBuffer

func (repo *Repository) CreateBlobFromBuffer(data []byte) (*Oid, error)

func (*Repository) CreateBranch

func (repo *Repository) CreateBranch(branchName string, target *Commit, force bool) (*Branch, error)

func (*Repository) CreateCommit

func (v *Repository) CreateCommit(
	refname string, author, committer *Signature,
	message string, tree *Tree, parents ...*Commit) (*Oid, error)

func (*Repository) CreateCommitBuffer

func (v *Repository) CreateCommitBuffer(
	author, committer *Signature,
	messageEncoding MessageEncoding,
	message string,
	tree *Tree,
	parents ...*Commit,
) ([]byte, error)

CreateCommitBuffer creates a commit and write it into a buffer.

func (*Repository) CreateCommitFromIds

func (v *Repository) CreateCommitFromIds(
	refname string, author, committer *Signature,
	message string, tree *Oid, parents ...*Oid) (*Oid, error)

func (*Repository) CreateCommitWithSignature

func (v *Repository) CreateCommitWithSignature(
	commitContent, signature, signatureField string,
) (*Oid, error)

CreateCommitWithSignature creates a commit object from the given contents and signature.

func (*Repository) CreateFromStream

func (repo *Repository) CreateFromStream(hintPath string) (*BlobWriteStream, error)

func (*Repository) DefaultSignature

func (repo *Repository) DefaultSignature() (*Signature, error)

func (*Repository) DescendantOf

func (repo *Repository) DescendantOf(commit, ancestor *Oid) (bool, error)

func (*Repository) DescribeWorkdir

func (repo *Repository) DescribeWorkdir(opts *DescribeOptions) (*DescribeResult, error)

DescribeWorkdir describes the working tree. It means describe HEAD and appends <mark> (-dirty by default) if the working tree is dirty.

func (*Repository) DiffIndexToWorkdir

func (v *Repository) DiffIndexToWorkdir(index *Index, opts *DiffOptions) (*Diff, error)

func (*Repository) DiffTreeToIndex

func (v *Repository) DiffTreeToIndex(oldTree *Tree, index *Index, opts *DiffOptions) (*Diff, error)

func (*Repository) DiffTreeToTree

func (v *Repository) DiffTreeToTree(oldTree, newTree *Tree, opts *DiffOptions) (*Diff, error)

func (*Repository) DiffTreeToWorkdir

func (v *Repository) DiffTreeToWorkdir(oldTree *Tree, opts *DiffOptions) (*Diff, error)

func (*Repository) DiffTreeToWorkdirWithIndex

func (v *Repository) DiffTreeToWorkdirWithIndex(oldTree *Tree, opts *DiffOptions) (*Diff, error)

func (*Repository) Free

func (v *Repository) Free()

func (*Repository) Head

func (v *Repository) Head() (*Reference, error)

func (*Repository) Index

func (v *Repository) Index() (*Index, error)

func (*Repository) InitRebase

func (r *Repository) InitRebase(branch *AnnotatedCommit, upstream *AnnotatedCommit, onto *AnnotatedCommit, opts *RebaseOptions) (*Rebase, error)

InitRebase initializes a rebase operation to rebase the changes in branch relative to upstream onto another branch.

func (*Repository) IsBare

func (repo *Repository) IsBare() bool

func (*Repository) IsEmpty

func (v *Repository) IsEmpty() (bool, error)

func (*Repository) IsHeadDetached

func (v *Repository) IsHeadDetached() (bool, error)

func (*Repository) IsHeadUnborn

func (v *Repository) IsHeadUnborn() (bool, error)

func (*Repository) IsPathIgnored

func (v *Repository) IsPathIgnored(path string) (bool, error)

func (*Repository) IsShallow

func (v *Repository) IsShallow() (bool, error)

func (*Repository) ItemPath

func (r *Repository) ItemPath(item RepositoryItem) (string, error)

func (*Repository) Lookup

func (v *Repository) Lookup(id *Oid) (*Object, error)

func (*Repository) LookupAnnotatedCommit

func (r *Repository) LookupAnnotatedCommit(oid *Oid) (*AnnotatedCommit, error)

func (*Repository) LookupBlob

func (v *Repository) LookupBlob(id *Oid) (*Blob, error)

func (*Repository) LookupBranch

func (repo *Repository) LookupBranch(branchName string, bt BranchType) (*Branch, error)

func (*Repository) LookupCommit

func (v *Repository) LookupCommit(id *Oid) (*Commit, error)

func (*Repository) LookupPrefix

func (v *Repository) LookupPrefix(id *Oid, prefix uint) (*Object, error)

LookupPrefix looks up an object by its OID given a prefix of its identifier.

func (*Repository) LookupPrefixBlob

func (v *Repository) LookupPrefixBlob(id *Oid, prefix uint) (*Blob, error)

LookupPrefixBlob looks up a blob by its OID given a prefix of its identifier.

func (*Repository) LookupPrefixCommit

func (v *Repository) LookupPrefixCommit(id *Oid, prefix uint) (*Commit, error)

LookupPrefixCommit looks up a commit by its OID given a prefix of its identifier.

func (*Repository) LookupPrefixTag

func (v *Repository) LookupPrefixTag(id *Oid, prefix uint) (*Tag, error)

LookupPrefixTag looks up a tag by its OID given a prefix of its identifier.

func (*Repository) LookupPrefixTree

func (v *Repository) LookupPrefixTree(id *Oid, prefix uint) (*Tree, error)

LookupPrefixTree looks up a tree by its OID given a prefix of its identifier.

func (*Repository) LookupTag

func (v *Repository) LookupTag(id *Oid) (*Tag, error)

func (*Repository) LookupTree

func (v *Repository) LookupTree(id *Oid) (*Tree, error)

func (*Repository) Merge

func (r *Repository) Merge(theirHeads []*AnnotatedCommit, mergeOptions *MergeOptions, checkoutOptions *CheckoutOptions) error

func (*Repository) MergeAnalysis

func (r *Repository) MergeAnalysis(theirHeads []*AnnotatedCommit) (MergeAnalysis, MergePreference, error)

MergeAnalysis returns the possible actions which could be taken by a 'git-merge' command. There may be multiple answers, so the first return value is a bitmask of MergeAnalysis values.

func (*Repository) MergeBase

func (r *Repository) MergeBase(one *Oid, two *Oid) (*Oid, error)

func (*Repository) MergeBaseMany

func (r *Repository) MergeBaseMany(oids []*Oid) (*Oid, error)

MergeBaseMany finds a merge base given a list of commits.

func (*Repository) MergeBaseOctopus

func (r *Repository) MergeBaseOctopus(oids []*Oid) (*Oid, error)

MergeBaseOctopus finds a merge base in preparation for an octopus merge.

func (*Repository) MergeBases

func (r *Repository) MergeBases(one, two *Oid) ([]*Oid, error)

MergeBases retrieves the list of merge bases between two commits.

If none are found, an empty slice is returned and the error is set approprately

func (*Repository) MergeBasesMany

func (r *Repository) MergeBasesMany(oids []*Oid) ([]*Oid, error)

MergeBasesMany finds all merge bases given a list of commits.

func (*Repository) MergeCommits

func (r *Repository) MergeCommits(ours *Commit, theirs *Commit, options *MergeOptions) (*Index, error)

func (*Repository) MergeTrees

func (r *Repository) MergeTrees(ancestor *Tree, ours *Tree, theirs *Tree, options *MergeOptions) (*Index, error)

func (*Repository) Message

func (r *Repository) Message() (string, error)

Message retrieves git's prepared message. Operations such as git revert/cherry-pick/merge with the -n option stop just short of creating a commit with the changes and save their prepared message in .git/MERGE_MSG so the next git-commit execution can present it to the user for them to amend if they wish.

Use this function to get the contents of this file. Don't forget to remove the file after you create the commit.

func (*Repository) NewBranchIterator

func (repo *Repository) NewBranchIterator(flags BranchType) (*BranchIterator, error)

func (*Repository) NewNoteIterator

func (repo *Repository) NewNoteIterator(ref string) (*NoteIterator, error)

NewNoteIterator creates a new iterator for notes

func (*Repository) NewPackbuilder

func (repo *Repository) NewPackbuilder() (*Packbuilder, error)

func (*Repository) NewRefdb

func (v *Repository) NewRefdb() (refdb *Refdb, err error)

func (*Repository) NewReferenceIterator

func (repo *Repository) NewReferenceIterator() (*ReferenceIterator, error)

NewReferenceIterator creates a new iterator over reference names

func (*Repository) NewReferenceIteratorGlob

func (repo *Repository) NewReferenceIteratorGlob(glob string) (*ReferenceIterator, error)

NewReferenceIteratorGlob creates an iterator over reference names that match the speicified glob. The glob is of the usual fnmatch type.

func (*Repository) NewReferenceNameIterator

func (repo *Repository) NewReferenceNameIterator() (*ReferenceNameIterator, error)

NewReferenceIterator creates a new branch iterator over reference names

func (*Repository) Odb

func (v *Repository) Odb() (odb *Odb, err error)

func (*Repository) OpenRebase

func (r *Repository) OpenRebase(opts *RebaseOptions) (*Rebase, error)

OpenRebase opens an existing rebase that was previously started by either an invocation of InitRebase or by another client.

func (*Repository) PatchFromBuffers

func (v *Repository) PatchFromBuffers(oldPath, newPath string, oldBuf, newBuf []byte, opts *DiffOptions) (*Patch, error)

func (*Repository) Path

func (repo *Repository) Path() string

func (*Repository) RemoteName

func (repo *Repository) RemoteName(canonicalBranchName string) (string, error)

func (*Repository) RemoveMessage

func (r *Repository) RemoveMessage() error

RemoveMessage removes git's prepared message.

func (*Repository) ResetDefaultToCommit

func (r *Repository) ResetDefaultToCommit(commit *Commit, pathspecs []string) error

func (*Repository) ResetToCommit

func (r *Repository) ResetToCommit(commit *Commit, resetType ResetType, opts *CheckoutOptions) error

func (*Repository) Revert

func (r *Repository) Revert(commit *Commit, revertOptions *RevertOptions) error

Revert the provided commit leaving the index updated with the results of the revert

func (*Repository) RevertCommit

func (r *Repository) RevertCommit(revertCommit *Commit, ourCommit *Commit, mainline uint, mergeOptions *MergeOptions) (*Index, error)

RevertCommit reverts the provided commit against "ourCommit" The returned index contains the result of the revert and should be freed

func (*Repository) Revparse

func (r *Repository) Revparse(spec string) (*Revspec, error)

func (*Repository) RevparseExt

func (r *Repository) RevparseExt(spec string) (*Object, *Reference, error)

func (*Repository) RevparseSingle

func (v *Repository) RevparseSingle(spec string) (*Object, error)

func (*Repository) SetConfig

func (v *Repository) SetConfig(c *Config) error

SetConfig sets the configuration file for this repository.

This configuration file will be used for all configuration queries involving this repository.

func (*Repository) SetHead

func (v *Repository) SetHead(refname string) error

func (*Repository) SetHeadDetached

func (v *Repository) SetHeadDetached(id *Oid) error

func (*Repository) SetRefdb

func (v *Repository) SetRefdb(refdb *Refdb)

func (*Repository) SetWorkdir

func (repo *Repository) SetWorkdir(workdir string, updateGitlink bool) error

func (*Repository) State

func (r *Repository) State() RepositoryState

func (*Repository) StateCleanup

func (r *Repository) StateCleanup() error

func (*Repository) StatusFile

func (v *Repository) StatusFile(path string) (Status, error)

func (*Repository) StatusList

func (v *Repository) StatusList(opts *StatusOptions) (*StatusList, error)

func (*Repository) TreeBuilder

func (v *Repository) TreeBuilder() (*TreeBuilder, error)

func (*Repository) TreeBuilderFromTree

func (v *Repository) TreeBuilderFromTree(tree *Tree) (*TreeBuilder, error)

func (*Repository) UpstreamName

func (repo *Repository) UpstreamName(canonicalBranchName string) (string, error)

func (*Repository) Walk

func (v *Repository) Walk() (*RevWalk, error)

func (*Repository) Workdir

func (repo *Repository) Workdir() string

type RepositoryItem

type RepositoryItem int
const (
	RepositoryItemGitDir     RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_GITDIR
	RepositoryItemWorkDir    RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_WORKDIR
	RepositoryItemCommonDir  RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_COMMONDIR
	RepositoryItemIndex      RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_INDEX
	RepositoryItemObjects    RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_OBJECTS
	RepositoryItemRefs       RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_REFS
	RepositoryItemPackedRefs RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_PACKED_REFS
	RepositoryItemRemotes    RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_REMOTES
	RepositoryItemConfig     RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_CONFIG
	RepositoryItemInfo       RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_INFO
	RepositoryItemHooks      RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_HOOKS
	RepositoryItemLogs       RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_LOGS
	RepositoryItemModules    RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_MODULES
	RepositoryItemWorkTrees  RepositoryItem = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_ITEM_WORKTREES

type RepositoryOpenFlag

type RepositoryOpenFlag int
const (
	RepositoryOpenNoSearch RepositoryOpenFlag = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_SEARCH
	RepositoryOpenCrossFs  RepositoryOpenFlag = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_CROSS_FS
	RepositoryOpenBare     RepositoryOpenFlag = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_BARE
	RepositoryOpenFromEnv  RepositoryOpenFlag = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_FROM_ENV
	RepositoryOpenNoDotGit RepositoryOpenFlag = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_OPEN_NO_DOTGIT

type RepositoryState

type RepositoryState int
const (
	RepositoryStateNone                 RepositoryState = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_NONE
	RepositoryStateMerge                RepositoryState = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_MERGE
	RepositoryStateRevert               RepositoryState = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_REVERT
	RepositoryStateCherrypick           RepositoryState = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_CHERRYPICK
	RepositoryStateBisect               RepositoryState = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_BISECT
	RepositoryStateRebase               RepositoryState = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_REBASE
	RepositoryStateRebaseInteractive    RepositoryState = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_REBASE_INTERACTIVE
	RepositoryStateRebaseMerge          RepositoryState = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_REBASE_MERGE
	RepositoryStateApplyMailbox         RepositoryState = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_APPLY_MAILBOX
	RepositoryStateApplyMailboxOrRebase RepositoryState = C.GIT_REPOSITORY_STATE_APPLY_MAILBOX_OR_REBASE

type ResetType

type ResetType int
const (
	ResetSoft  ResetType = C.GIT_RESET_SOFT
	ResetMixed ResetType = C.GIT_RESET_MIXED
	ResetHard  ResetType = C.GIT_RESET_HARD

type RevWalk

type RevWalk struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RevWalk) Free

func (v *RevWalk) Free()

func (*RevWalk) Hide

func (v *RevWalk) Hide(id *Oid) error

func (*RevWalk) HideGlob

func (v *RevWalk) HideGlob(glob string) error

func (*RevWalk) HideHead

func (v *RevWalk) HideHead() (err error)

func (*RevWalk) HideRef

func (v *RevWalk) HideRef(r string) error

func (*RevWalk) Iterate

func (v *RevWalk) Iterate(fun RevWalkIterator) (err error)

func (*RevWalk) Next

func (v *RevWalk) Next(id *Oid) (err error)

func (*RevWalk) Push

func (v *RevWalk) Push(id *Oid) error

func (*RevWalk) PushGlob

func (v *RevWalk) PushGlob(glob string) error

func (*RevWalk) PushHead

func (v *RevWalk) PushHead() (err error)

func (*RevWalk) PushRange

func (v *RevWalk) PushRange(r string) error

func (*RevWalk) PushRef

func (v *RevWalk) PushRef(r string) error

func (*RevWalk) Reset

func (v *RevWalk) Reset()

func (*RevWalk) SimplifyFirstParent

func (v *RevWalk) SimplifyFirstParent()

func (*RevWalk) Sorting

func (v *RevWalk) Sorting(sm SortType)

type RevWalkIterator

type RevWalkIterator func(commit *Commit) bool

type RevertOptions

type RevertOptions struct {
	Mainline     uint
	MergeOpts    MergeOptions
	CheckoutOpts CheckoutOptions

RevertOptions contains options for performing a revert

func DefaultRevertOptions

func DefaultRevertOptions() (RevertOptions, error)

DefaultRevertOptions initialises a RevertOptions struct with default values

type RevparseFlag

type RevparseFlag int
const (
	RevparseSingle    RevparseFlag = C.GIT_REVPARSE_SINGLE
	RevparseRange     RevparseFlag = C.GIT_REVPARSE_RANGE
	RevparseMergeBase RevparseFlag = C.GIT_REVPARSE_MERGE_BASE

type Revspec

type Revspec struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Revspec) Flags

func (rs *Revspec) Flags() RevparseFlag

func (*Revspec) From

func (rs *Revspec) From() *Object

func (*Revspec) To

func (rs *Revspec) To() *Object

type Signature

type Signature struct {
	Name  string
	Email string
	When  time.Time

func (*Signature) Offset

func (v *Signature) Offset() int

Offset returns the time zone offset of v.When in minutes, which is what git wants.

type SmartServiceAction

type SmartServiceAction int

SmartServiceAction is an action that the smart transport can ask a subtransport to perform.

const (
	// SmartServiceActionUploadpackLs is used upon connecting to a remote, and is
	// used to perform reference discovery prior to performing a pull operation.
	SmartServiceActionUploadpackLs SmartServiceAction = C.GIT_SERVICE_UPLOADPACK_LS

	// SmartServiceActionUploadpack is used when performing a pull operation.
	SmartServiceActionUploadpack SmartServiceAction = C.GIT_SERVICE_UPLOADPACK

	// SmartServiceActionReceivepackLs is used upon connecting to a remote, and is
	// used to perform reference discovery prior to performing a push operation.
	SmartServiceActionReceivepackLs SmartServiceAction = C.GIT_SERVICE_RECEIVEPACK_LS

	// SmartServiceActionReceivepack is used when performing a push operation.
	SmartServiceActionReceivepack SmartServiceAction = C.GIT_SERVICE_RECEIVEPACK

type SmartSubtransport

type SmartSubtransport interface {
	// Action creates a SmartSubtransportStream for the provided url and
	// requested action.
	Action(url string, action SmartServiceAction) (SmartSubtransportStream, error)

	// Close closes the SmartSubtransport.
	// Subtransports are guaranteed a call to Close between
	// calls to Action, except for the following two "natural" progressions
	// of actions against a constant URL.
	Close() error

	// Free releases the resources of the SmartSubtransport.

SmartSubtransport is the interface for custom subtransports which carry data for the smart transport.

type SmartSubtransportCallback

type SmartSubtransportCallback func(remote *Remote, transport *Transport) (SmartSubtransport, error)

SmartSubtransportCallback is a function which creates a new subtransport for the smart transport.

type SmartSubtransportStream

type SmartSubtransportStream interface {

	// Free releases the resources of the SmartSubtransportStream.

SmartSubtransportStream is the interface for streams used by the smart transport to read and write data from a subtransport.

type SortType

type SortType uint
const (
	SortNone        SortType = C.GIT_SORT_NONE
	SortTopological SortType = C.GIT_SORT_TOPOLOGICAL
	SortTime        SortType = C.GIT_SORT_TIME
	SortReverse     SortType = C.GIT_SORT_REVERSE

type StashApplyFlag

type StashApplyFlag int

StashApplyFlag are flags that affect the stash apply operation.

const (
	// StashApplyDefault is the default.
	StashApplyDefault StashApplyFlag = C.GIT_STASH_APPLY_DEFAULT

	// StashApplyReinstateIndex will try to reinstate not only the
	// working tree's changes, but also the index's changes.
	StashApplyReinstateIndex StashApplyFlag = C.GIT_STASH_APPLY_REINSTATE_INDEX

type StashApplyOptions

type StashApplyOptions struct {
	Flags            StashApplyFlag
	CheckoutOptions  CheckoutOptions            // options to use when writing files to the working directory
	ProgressCallback StashApplyProgressCallback // optional callback to notify the consumer of application progress

StashApplyOptions represents options to control the apply operation.

func DefaultStashApplyOptions

func DefaultStashApplyOptions() (StashApplyOptions, error)

DefaultStashApplyOptions initializes the structure with default values.

type StashApplyProgress

type StashApplyProgress int

StashApplyProgress are flags describing the progress of the apply operation.

const (
	// StashApplyProgressNone means loading the stashed data from the object store.
	StashApplyProgressNone StashApplyProgress = C.GIT_STASH_APPLY_PROGRESS_NONE

	// StashApplyProgressLoadingStash means the stored index is being analyzed.
	StashApplyProgressLoadingStash StashApplyProgress = C.GIT_STASH_APPLY_PROGRESS_LOADING_STASH

	// StashApplyProgressAnalyzeIndex means the stored index is being analyzed.
	StashApplyProgressAnalyzeIndex StashApplyProgress = C.GIT_STASH_APPLY_PROGRESS_ANALYZE_INDEX

	// StashApplyProgressAnalyzeModified means the modified files are being analyzed.
	StashApplyProgressAnalyzeModified StashApplyProgress = C.GIT_STASH_APPLY_PROGRESS_ANALYZE_MODIFIED

	// StashApplyProgressAnalyzeUntracked means the untracked and ignored files are being analyzed.
	StashApplyProgressAnalyzeUntracked StashApplyProgress = C.GIT_STASH_APPLY_PROGRESS_ANALYZE_UNTRACKED

	// StashApplyProgressCheckoutUntracked means the untracked files are being written to disk.
	StashApplyProgressCheckoutUntracked StashApplyProgress = C.GIT_STASH_APPLY_PROGRESS_CHECKOUT_UNTRACKED

	// StashApplyProgressCheckoutModified means the modified files are being written to disk.
	StashApplyProgressCheckoutModified StashApplyProgress = C.GIT_STASH_APPLY_PROGRESS_CHECKOUT_MODIFIED

	// StashApplyProgressDone means the stash was applied successfully.
	StashApplyProgressDone StashApplyProgress = C.GIT_STASH_APPLY_PROGRESS_DONE

type StashApplyProgressCallback

type StashApplyProgressCallback func(progress StashApplyProgress) error

StashApplyProgressCallback is the apply operation notification callback.

type StashCallback

type StashCallback func(index int, message string, id *Oid) error

StashCallback is called per entry when interating over all the stashed states.

'index' is the position of the current stash in the stash list, 'message' is the message used when creating the stash and 'id' is the commit id of the stash.

type StashCollection

type StashCollection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

StashCollection represents the possible operations that can be performed on the collection of stashes for a repository.

func (*StashCollection) Apply

func (c *StashCollection) Apply(index int, opts StashApplyOptions) error

Apply applies a single stashed state from the stash list.

If local changes in the working directory conflict with changes in the stash then ErrorCodeConflict will be returned. In this case, the index will always remain unmodified and all files in the working directory will remain unmodified. However, if you are restoring untracked files or ignored files and there is a conflict when applying the modified files, then those files will remain in the working directory.

If passing the StashApplyReinstateIndex flag and there would be conflicts when reinstating the index, the function will return ErrorCodeConflict and both the working directory and index will be left unmodified.

Note that a minimum checkout strategy of 'CheckoutSafe' is implied.

'index' is the position within the stash list. 0 points to the most recent stashed state.

Returns error code ErrorCodeNotFound if there's no stashed state for the given index, error code ErrorCodeConflict if local changes in the working directory conflict with changes in the stash, the user returned error from the StashApplyProgressCallback, if any, or other error code.

Error codes can be interogated with IsErrorCode(err, ErrorCodeNotFound).

func (*StashCollection) Drop

func (c *StashCollection) Drop(index int) error

Drop removes a single stashed state from the stash list.

'index' is the position within the stash list. 0 points to the most recent stashed state.

Returns error code ErrorCodeNotFound if there's no stashed state for the given index.

func (*StashCollection) Foreach

func (c *StashCollection) Foreach(callback StashCallback) error

Foreach loops over all the stashed states and calls the callback for each one.

If callback returns an error, this will stop looping.

func (*StashCollection) Pop

func (c *StashCollection) Pop(index int, opts StashApplyOptions) error

Pop applies a single stashed state from the stash list and removes it from the list if successful.

'index' is the position within the stash list. 0 points to the most recent stashed state.

'opts' controls how stashes are applied.

Returns error code ErrorCodeNotFound if there's no stashed state for the given index.

func (*StashCollection) Save

func (c *StashCollection) Save(
	stasher *Signature, message string, flags StashFlag) (*Oid, error)

Save saves the local modifications to a new stash.

Stasher is the identity of the person performing the stashing. Message is the optional description along with the stashed state. Flags control the stashing process and are given as bitwise OR.

type StashFlag

type StashFlag int

StashFlag are flags that affect the stash save operation.

const (
	// StashDefault represents no option, default.
	StashDefault StashFlag = C.GIT_STASH_DEFAULT

	// StashKeepIndex leaves all changes already added to the
	// index intact in the working directory.
	StashKeepIndex StashFlag = C.GIT_STASH_KEEP_INDEX

	// StashIncludeUntracked means all untracked files are also
	// stashed and then cleaned up from the working directory.
	StashIncludeUntracked StashFlag = C.GIT_STASH_INCLUDE_UNTRACKED

	// StashIncludeIgnored means all ignored files are also
	// stashed and then cleaned up from the working directory.
	StashIncludeIgnored StashFlag = C.GIT_STASH_INCLUDE_IGNORED

type Status

type Status int
const (
	StatusCurrent         Status = C.GIT_STATUS_CURRENT
	StatusIndexNew        Status = C.GIT_STATUS_INDEX_NEW
	StatusIndexModified   Status = C.GIT_STATUS_INDEX_MODIFIED
	StatusIndexDeleted    Status = C.GIT_STATUS_INDEX_DELETED
	StatusIndexRenamed    Status = C.GIT_STATUS_INDEX_RENAMED
	StatusIndexTypeChange Status = C.GIT_STATUS_INDEX_TYPECHANGE
	StatusWtNew           Status = C.GIT_STATUS_WT_NEW
	StatusWtModified      Status = C.GIT_STATUS_WT_MODIFIED
	StatusWtDeleted       Status = C.GIT_STATUS_WT_DELETED
	StatusWtTypeChange    Status = C.GIT_STATUS_WT_TYPECHANGE
	StatusWtRenamed       Status = C.GIT_STATUS_WT_RENAMED
	StatusIgnored         Status = C.GIT_STATUS_IGNORED
	StatusConflicted      Status = C.GIT_STATUS_CONFLICTED

type StatusEntry

type StatusEntry struct {
	Status         Status
	HeadToIndex    DiffDelta
	IndexToWorkdir DiffDelta

type StatusList

type StatusList struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*StatusList) ByIndex

func (statusList *StatusList) ByIndex(index int) (StatusEntry, error)

func (*StatusList) EntryCount

func (statusList *StatusList) EntryCount() (int, error)

func (*StatusList) Free

func (statusList *StatusList) Free()

type StatusOpt

type StatusOpt int
const (
	StatusOptIncludeUntracked      StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_INCLUDE_UNTRACKED
	StatusOptIncludeIgnored        StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_INCLUDE_IGNORED
	StatusOptIncludeUnmodified     StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_INCLUDE_UNMODIFIED
	StatusOptExcludeSubmodules     StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_EXCLUDE_SUBMODULES
	StatusOptRecurseUntrackedDirs  StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_RECURSE_UNTRACKED_DIRS
	StatusOptDisablePathspecMatch  StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_DISABLE_PATHSPEC_MATCH
	StatusOptRecurseIgnoredDirs    StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_RECURSE_IGNORED_DIRS
	StatusOptRenamesHeadToIndex    StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_RENAMES_HEAD_TO_INDEX
	StatusOptRenamesIndexToWorkdir StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_RENAMES_INDEX_TO_WORKDIR
	StatusOptSortCaseSensitively   StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_SORT_CASE_SENSITIVELY
	StatusOptSortCaseInsensitively StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_SORT_CASE_INSENSITIVELY
	StatusOptRenamesFromRewrites   StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_RENAMES_FROM_REWRITES
	StatusOptNoRefresh             StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_NO_REFRESH
	StatusOptUpdateIndex           StatusOpt = C.GIT_STATUS_OPT_UPDATE_INDEX

type StatusOptions

type StatusOptions struct {
	Show     StatusShow
	Flags    StatusOpt
	Pathspec []string

type StatusShow

type StatusShow int
const (
	StatusShowIndexAndWorkdir StatusShow = C.GIT_STATUS_SHOW_INDEX_AND_WORKDIR
	StatusShowIndexOnly       StatusShow = C.GIT_STATUS_SHOW_INDEX_ONLY
	StatusShowWorkdirOnly     StatusShow = C.GIT_STATUS_SHOW_WORKDIR_ONLY

type Submodule

type Submodule struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func (*Submodule) AddToIndex

func (sub *Submodule) AddToIndex(write_index bool) error

func (*Submodule) FetchRecurseSubmodules

func (sub *Submodule) FetchRecurseSubmodules() SubmoduleRecurse

func (*Submodule) FinalizeAdd

func (sub *Submodule) FinalizeAdd() error

func (*Submodule) Free

func (sub *Submodule) Free()

func (*Submodule) HeadId

func (sub *Submodule) HeadId() *Oid

func (*Submodule) Ignore

func (sub *Submodule) Ignore() SubmoduleIgnore

func (*Submodule) IndexId

func (sub *Submodule) IndexId() *Oid

func (*Submodule) Init

func (sub *Submodule) Init(overwrite bool) error

func (*Submodule) Name

func (sub *Submodule) Name() string

func (*Submodule) Open

func (sub *Submodule) Open() (*Repository, error)

func (*Submodule) Path

func (sub *Submodule) Path() string

func (*Submodule) Sync

func (sub *Submodule) Sync() error

func (*Submodule) Update

func (sub *Submodule) Update(init bool, opts *SubmoduleUpdateOptions) error

func (*Submodule) UpdateStrategy

func (sub *Submodule) UpdateStrategy() SubmoduleUpdate

func (*Submodule) Url

func (sub *Submodule) Url() string

func (*Submodule) WdId

func (sub *Submodule) WdId() *Oid

type SubmoduleCallback

type SubmoduleCallback func(sub *Submodule, name string) int

SubmoduleCallback is a function that is called for every submodule found in SubmoduleCollection.Foreach.

type SubmoduleCbk

type SubmoduleCbk = SubmoduleCallback

Deprecated: SubmoduleCbk is a deprecated alias of SubmoduleCallback.

type SubmoduleCollection

type SubmoduleCollection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SubmoduleCollection) Add

func (c *SubmoduleCollection) Add(url, path string, use_git_link bool) (*Submodule, error)

func (*SubmoduleCollection) Foreach

func (c *SubmoduleCollection) Foreach(callback SubmoduleCallback) error

func (*SubmoduleCollection) Lookup

func (c *SubmoduleCollection) Lookup(name string) (*Submodule, error)

func (*SubmoduleCollection) SetFetchRecurseSubmodules

func (c *SubmoduleCollection) SetFetchRecurseSubmodules(submodule string, recurse SubmoduleRecurse) error

func (*SubmoduleCollection) SetIgnore

func (c *SubmoduleCollection) SetIgnore(submodule string, ignore SubmoduleIgnore) error

func (*SubmoduleCollection) SetUpdate

func (c *SubmoduleCollection) SetUpdate(submodule string, update SubmoduleUpdate) error

func (*SubmoduleCollection) SetUrl

func (c *SubmoduleCollection) SetUrl(submodule, url string) error

type SubmoduleIgnore

type SubmoduleIgnore int
const (
	SubmoduleIgnoreNone      SubmoduleIgnore = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_NONE
	SubmoduleIgnoreUntracked SubmoduleIgnore = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_UNTRACKED
	SubmoduleIgnoreDirty     SubmoduleIgnore = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_DIRTY
	SubmoduleIgnoreAll       SubmoduleIgnore = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_ALL

type SubmoduleRecurse

type SubmoduleRecurse int
const (
	SubmoduleRecurseNo       SubmoduleRecurse = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_RECURSE_NO
	SubmoduleRecurseYes      SubmoduleRecurse = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_RECURSE_YES
	SubmoduleRecurseOndemand SubmoduleRecurse = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_RECURSE_ONDEMAND

type SubmoduleStatus

type SubmoduleStatus int
const (
	SubmoduleStatusInHead          SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_HEAD
	SubmoduleStatusInIndex         SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_INDEX
	SubmoduleStatusInConfig        SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_CONFIG
	SubmoduleStatusInWd            SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_IN_WD
	SubmoduleStatusIndexAdded      SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_INDEX_ADDED
	SubmoduleStatusIndexDeleted    SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_INDEX_DELETED
	SubmoduleStatusIndexModified   SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_INDEX_MODIFIED
	SubmoduleStatusWdUninitialized SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_UNINITIALIZED
	SubmoduleStatusWdAdded         SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_ADDED
	SubmoduleStatusWdDeleted       SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_DELETED
	SubmoduleStatusWdModified      SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_MODIFIED
	SubmoduleStatusWdIndexModified SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_INDEX_MODIFIED
	SubmoduleStatusWdWdModified    SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_WD_MODIFIED
	SubmoduleStatusWdUntracked     SubmoduleStatus = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_STATUS_WD_UNTRACKED

type SubmoduleUpdate

type SubmoduleUpdate int
const (
	SubmoduleUpdateCheckout SubmoduleUpdate = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_CHECKOUT
	SubmoduleUpdateRebase   SubmoduleUpdate = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_REBASE
	SubmoduleUpdateMerge    SubmoduleUpdate = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_MERGE
	SubmoduleUpdateNone     SubmoduleUpdate = C.GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_NONE

type SubmoduleUpdateOptions

type SubmoduleUpdateOptions struct {


type Tag

type Tag struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func (*Tag) AsObject

func (t *Tag) AsObject() *Object

func (*Tag) Message

func (t *Tag) Message() string

func (*Tag) Name

func (t *Tag) Name() string

func (*Tag) Tagger

func (t *Tag) Tagger() *Signature

func (*Tag) Target

func (t *Tag) Target() *Object

func (*Tag) TargetId

func (t *Tag) TargetId() *Oid

func (*Tag) TargetType

func (t *Tag) TargetType() ObjectType

type TagForeachCallback

type TagForeachCallback func(name string, id *Oid) error

TagForeachCallback is called for each tag in the repository.

The name is the full ref name eg: "refs/tags/v1.0.0".

Note that the callback is called for lightweight tags as well, so repo.LookupTag() will return an error for these tags. Use repo.References.Lookup() instead.

type TagsCollection

type TagsCollection struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TagsCollection) Create

func (c *TagsCollection) Create(name string, obj Objecter, tagger *Signature, message string) (*Oid, error)

func (*TagsCollection) CreateLightweight

func (c *TagsCollection) CreateLightweight(name string, obj Objecter, force bool) (*Oid, error)

CreateLightweight creates a new lightweight tag pointing to an object and returns the id of the target object.

The name of the tag is validated for consistency (see git_tag_create() for the rules https://libgit2.github.com/libgit2/#HEAD/group/tag/git_tag_create) and should not conflict with an already existing tag name.

If force is true and a reference already exists with the given name, it'll be replaced.

The created tag is a simple reference and can be queried using repo.References.Lookup("refs/tags/<name>"). The name of the tag (eg "v1.0.0") is queried with ref.Shorthand().

func (*TagsCollection) Foreach

func (c *TagsCollection) Foreach(callback TagForeachCallback) error

Foreach calls the callback for each tag in the repository.

func (*TagsCollection) List

func (c *TagsCollection) List() ([]string, error)

List returns the names of all the tags in the repository, eg: ["v1.0.1", "v2.0.0"].

func (*TagsCollection) ListWithMatch

func (c *TagsCollection) ListWithMatch(pattern string) ([]string, error)

ListWithMatch returns the names of all the tags in the repository that match a given pattern.

The pattern is a standard fnmatch(3) pattern http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/fnmatch.3.html

func (*TagsCollection) Remove

func (c *TagsCollection) Remove(name string) error

type Trailer

type Trailer struct {
	Key   string
	Value string

Trailer represents a single git message trailer.

func MessageTrailers

func MessageTrailers(message string) ([]Trailer, error)

MessageTrailers parses trailers out of a message, returning a slice of Trailer structs. Trailers are key/value pairs in the last paragraph of a message, not including any patches or conflicts that may be present.

type TransferProgress

type TransferProgress struct {
	TotalObjects    uint
	IndexedObjects  uint
	ReceivedObjects uint
	LocalObjects    uint
	TotalDeltas     uint
	ReceivedBytes   uint

type TransferProgressCallback

type TransferProgressCallback func(stats TransferProgress) ErrorCode

type Transport

type Transport struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Transport encapsulates a way to communicate with a Remote.

func (*Transport) SmartCertificateCheck

func (t *Transport) SmartCertificateCheck(cert *Certificate, valid bool, hostname string) error

SmartCertificateCheck calls the certificate check for this transport.

func (*Transport) SmartCredentials

func (t *Transport) SmartCredentials(user string, methods CredentialType) (*Credential, error)

SmartCredentials calls the credentials callback for this transport.

func (*Transport) SmartProxyOptions

func (t *Transport) SmartProxyOptions() (*ProxyOptions, error)

SmartProxyOptions gets a copy of the proxy options for this transport.

type TransportMessageCallback

type TransportMessageCallback func(str string) ErrorCode

type Tree

type Tree struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Tree) AsObject

func (t *Tree) AsObject() *Object

func (*Tree) EntryById

func (t *Tree) EntryById(id *Oid) *TreeEntry

EntryById performs a lookup for a tree entry with the given SHA value.

It returns a *TreeEntry that is owned by the Tree. You don't have to free it, but you must not use it after the Tree is freed.

Warning: this must examine every entry in the tree, so it is not fast.

func (*Tree) EntryByIndex

func (t *Tree) EntryByIndex(index uint64) *TreeEntry

func (*Tree) EntryByName

func (t *Tree) EntryByName(filename string) *TreeEntry

func (*Tree) EntryByPath

func (t *Tree) EntryByPath(path string) (*TreeEntry, error)

EntryByPath looks up an entry by its full path, recursing into deeper trees if necessary (i.e. if there are slashes in the path)

func (*Tree) EntryCount

func (t *Tree) EntryCount() uint64

func (*Tree) Walk

func (t *Tree) Walk(callback TreeWalkCallback) error

type TreeBuilder

type TreeBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TreeBuilder) Free

func (v *TreeBuilder) Free()

func (*TreeBuilder) Insert

func (v *TreeBuilder) Insert(filename string, id *Oid, filemode Filemode) error

func (*TreeBuilder) Remove

func (v *TreeBuilder) Remove(filename string) error

func (*TreeBuilder) Write

func (v *TreeBuilder) Write() (*Oid, error)

type TreeEntry

type TreeEntry struct {
	Name     string
	Id       *Oid
	Type     ObjectType
	Filemode Filemode

type TreeWalkCallback

type TreeWalkCallback func(string, *TreeEntry) int

type UpdateTipsCallback

type UpdateTipsCallback func(refname string, a *Oid, b *Oid) ErrorCode

Source Files

Build_system_dynamic.go blame.go blob.go branch.go checkout.go cherrypick.go clone.go commit.go config.go credentials.go delta_string.go deprecated.go describe.go diff.go difflinetype_string.go errorclass_string.go errorcode_string.go features.go git.go graph.go handles.go http.go ignore.go index.go indexer.go mempack.go merge.go message.go note.go object.go odb.go packbuilder.go patch.go rebase.go refdb.go reference.go refspec.go remote.go repository.go reset.go revert.go revparse.go settings.go signature.go ssh.go stash.go status.go submodule.go tag.go transport.go tree.go walk.go

v31.7.9 (latest)
Feb 25, 2022
24 packages
Last checked
3 weeks ago

Tools for package owners.