trillian/ directory


trillian/ctfePackage ctfe contains a usage example by providing an implementation of an RFC6962 compatible CT log server using a Trillian log server as backend storage via its GRPC API.
trillian/ctfe/cachePackage cache defines the IssuanceChainCache type, which allows different cache implementation with Get and Set operations.
trillian/ctfe/cache/lruPackage lru defines the IssuanceChainCache type, which implements IssuanceChainCache interface with Get and Set operations.
trillian/ctfe/cache/noopPackage noop defines the IssuanceChainCache type, which implements IssuanceChainCache interface with Get and Set operations.
trillian/ctfe/ct_serverThe ct_server binary runs the CT personality.
trillian/ctfe/storagePackage storage defines the IssuanceChainStorage type, which allows different storage implementation for the key-value pairs of issuance chains.
trillian/ctfe/storage/mysqlPackage mysql defines the IssuanceChainStorage type, which implements IssuanceChainStorage interface with FindByKey and Add methods.
trillian/ctfe/storage/postgresqlPackage postgresql defines the IssuanceChainStorage type, which implements IssuanceChainStorage interface with FindByKey and Add methods.
trillian/ctfe/testonlyPackage testonly contains code and data that should only be used by tests.
trillian/integrationPackage integration holds test-only code for running tests on an integrated system of the CT personality and a Trillian log.
trillian/integration/ct_hammerct_hammer is a stress/load test for a CT log.
trillian/migrillianMigrillian tool transfers certs from CT logs to Trillian pre-ordered logs in the same order.
trillian/migrillian/corePackage core provides transport-agnostic implementation of Migrillian tool.
trillian/mockclientPackage mockclient provides a mockable version of the Trillian log client API.
trillian/utilPackage util provides general utility functions for the CT personality.
v1.3.1 (latest)
Jan 15, 2025
Last checked
4 days ago

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