package config

import ""



var LoaderToString = []string{


func CompileFilterForPlugin

func CompileFilterForPlugin(pluginName string, kind string, filter string) (*regexp.Regexp, error)

func HasPlaceholder

func HasPlaceholder(template []PathTemplate, placeholder PathPlaceholder) bool

func PluginAppliesToPath

func PluginAppliesToPath(path logger.Path, filter *regexp.Regexp, namespace string) bool

func PrettyPrintTargetEnvironment

func PrettyPrintTargetEnvironment(originalTargetEnv string, unsupportedJSFeatureOverridesMask compat.JSFeature) (where string)

func ShouldCallRuntimeRequire

func ShouldCallRuntimeRequire(mode Mode, outputFormat Format) bool

func TemplateToString

func TemplateToString(template []PathTemplate) string


type APICall

type APICall uint8
const (
	BuildCall APICall = iota

type CancelFlag

type CancelFlag struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CancelFlag) Cancel

func (flag *CancelFlag) Cancel()

func (*CancelFlag) DidCancel

func (flag *CancelFlag) DidCancel() bool

This checks for nil in one place so we don't have to do that everywhere

type DefineData

type DefineData struct {
	KeyParts   []string
	DefineExpr *DefineExpr
	Flags      DefineFlags

type DefineExpr

type DefineExpr struct {
	Constant            js_ast.E
	Parts               []string
	InjectedDefineIndex ast.Index32

We currently only support compile-time replacement with certain expressions:

We don't support arbitrary expressions because arbitrary expressions may require the full AST. For example, there could be "import()" or "require()" expressions that need an import record. We also need to re-generate some nodes such as identifiers within the injected context so that they can bind to symbols in that context. Other expressions such as "this" may also be contextual.

type DefineFlags

type DefineFlags uint8
const (
	// True if accessing this value is known to not have any side effects. For
	// example, a bare reference to "Object.create" can be removed because it
	// does not have any observable side effects.
	CanBeRemovedIfUnused DefineFlags = 1 << iota

	// True if a call to this value is known to not have any side effects. For
	// example, a bare call to "Object()" can be removed because it does not
	// have any observable side effects.

	// If true, the user has indicated that every direct calls to a property on
	// this object and all of that call's arguments are to be removed from the
	// output, even when the arguments have side effects. This is used to
	// implement the "--drop:console" flag.

	// Symbol values are known to not have side effects when used as property
	// names in class declarations and object literals.

func (DefineFlags) Has

func (flags DefineFlags) Has(flag DefineFlags) bool

type ExternalMatchers

type ExternalMatchers struct {
	Exact    map[string]bool
	Patterns []WildcardPattern

func (ExternalMatchers) HasMatchers

func (matchers ExternalMatchers) HasMatchers() bool

type ExternalSettings

type ExternalSettings struct {
	PreResolve  ExternalMatchers
	PostResolve ExternalMatchers

type Format

type Format uint8
const (
	// This is used when not bundling. It means to preserve whatever form the
	// import or export was originally in. ES6 syntax stays ES6 syntax and
	// CommonJS syntax stays CommonJS syntax.
	FormatPreserve Format = iota

	// IIFE stands for immediately-invoked function expression. That looks like
	// this:
	//   (() => {
	//     ... bundled code ...
	//   })();
	// If the optional GlobalName is configured, then we'll write out this:
	//   let globalName = (() => {
	//     ... bundled code ...
	//     return exports;
	//   })();

	// The CommonJS format looks like this:
	//   ... bundled code ...
	//   module.exports = exports;

	// The ES module format looks like this:
	//   ... bundled code ...
	//   export {...};

func (Format) KeepESMImportExportSyntax

func (f Format) KeepESMImportExportSyntax() bool

func (Format) String

func (f Format) String() string

type InjectableExport

type InjectableExport struct {
	Alias string
	Loc   logger.Loc

type InjectedDefine

type InjectedDefine struct {
	Data   js_ast.E
	Name   string
	Source logger.Source

type InjectedFile

type InjectedFile struct {
	Exports      []InjectableExport
	DefineName   string // For injected files generated when you "--define" a non-literal
	Source       logger.Source
	IsCopyLoader bool // If you set the loader to "copy" (see

type JSXOptions

type JSXOptions struct {
	Factory          DefineExpr
	Fragment         DefineExpr
	Parse            bool
	Preserve         bool
	AutomaticRuntime bool
	ImportSource     string
	Development      bool
	SideEffects      bool

type LegalComments

type LegalComments uint8
const (
	LegalCommentsInline LegalComments = iota

func (LegalComments) HasExternalFile

func (lc LegalComments) HasExternalFile() bool

type Loader

type Loader uint8
const (
	LoaderNone Loader = iota
	LoaderWithTypeJSON // Has a "with { type: 'json' }" attribute
	LoaderTSNoAmbiguousLessThan // Used with ".mts" and ".cts"

func LoaderFromFileExtension

func LoaderFromFileExtension(extensionToLoader map[string]Loader, base string) Loader

func (Loader) CanHaveSourceMap

func (loader Loader) CanHaveSourceMap() bool

func (Loader) IsCSS

func (loader Loader) IsCSS() bool

func (Loader) IsTypeScript

func (loader Loader) IsTypeScript() bool

type MaybeBool

type MaybeBool uint8
const (
	Unspecified MaybeBool = iota

type Mode

type Mode uint8
const (
	ModePassThrough Mode = iota

type OnLoad

type OnLoad struct {
	Filter    *regexp.Regexp
	Callback  func(OnLoadArgs) OnLoadResult
	Name      string
	Namespace string

type OnLoadArgs

type OnLoadArgs struct {
	PluginData interface{}
	Path       logger.Path

type OnLoadResult

type OnLoadResult struct {
	PluginName string

	Contents      *string
	AbsResolveDir string
	PluginData    interface{}

	Msgs        []logger.Msg
	ThrownError error

	AbsWatchFiles []string
	AbsWatchDirs  []string

	Loader Loader

type OnResolve

type OnResolve struct {
	Filter    *regexp.Regexp
	Callback  func(OnResolveArgs) OnResolveResult
	Name      string
	Namespace string

type OnResolveArgs

type OnResolveArgs struct {
	Path       string
	ResolveDir string
	PluginData interface{}
	Importer   logger.Path
	Kind       ast.ImportKind
	With       logger.ImportAttributes

type OnResolveResult

type OnResolveResult struct {
	PluginName string

	Msgs        []logger.Msg
	ThrownError error

	AbsWatchFiles []string
	AbsWatchDirs  []string

	PluginData       interface{}
	Path             logger.Path
	External         bool
	IsSideEffectFree bool

type OnStart

type OnStart struct {
	Callback func() OnStartResult
	Name     string

type OnStartResult

type OnStartResult struct {
	ThrownError error
	Msgs        []logger.Msg

type Options

type Options struct {
	ModuleTypeData js_ast.ModuleTypeData
	Defines        *ProcessedDefines
	TSAlwaysStrict *TSAlwaysStrict
	MangleProps    *regexp.Regexp
	ReserveProps   *regexp.Regexp
	CancelFlag     *CancelFlag

	// When mangling property names, call this function with a callback and do
	// the property name mangling inside the callback. The callback takes an
	// argument which is the mangle cache map to mutate. These callbacks are
	// serialized so mutating the map does not require extra synchronization.
	// This is a callback for determinism reasons. We may be building multiple
	// entry points in parallel that are supposed to share a single cache. We
	// don't want the order that each entry point mangles properties in to cause
	// the output to change, so we serialize the property mangling over all entry
	// points in entry point order. However, we still want to link everything in
	// parallel so only property mangling is serialized, which is implemented by
	// this function blocking until the previous entry point's property mangling
	// has finished.
	ExclusiveMangleCacheUpdate func(cb func(
		mangleCache map[string]interface{},
		cssUsedLocalNames map[string]bool,

	// This is the original information that was used to generate the
	// unsupported feature sets above. It's used for error messages.
	OriginalTargetEnv string

	DropLabels       []string
	ExtensionOrder   []string
	MainFields       []string
	Conditions       []string
	AbsNodePaths     []string // The "NODE_PATH" variable from Node.js
	ExternalSettings ExternalSettings
	ExternalPackages bool
	PackageAliases   map[string]string

	AbsOutputFile      string
	AbsOutputDir       string
	AbsOutputBase      string
	OutputExtensionJS  string
	OutputExtensionCSS string
	GlobalName         []string
	TSConfigPath       string
	TSConfigRaw        string
	ExtensionToLoader  map[string]Loader

	PublicPath      string
	InjectPaths     []string
	InjectedDefines []InjectedDefine
	InjectedFiles   []InjectedFile

	JSBanner  string
	JSFooter  string
	CSSBanner string
	CSSFooter string

	EntryPathTemplate []PathTemplate
	ChunkPathTemplate []PathTemplate
	AssetPathTemplate []PathTemplate

	Plugins    []Plugin
	SourceRoot string
	Stdin      *StdinInfo
	JSX        JSXOptions
	LineLimit  int

	CSSPrefixData          map[css_ast.D]compat.CSSPrefix
	UnsupportedJSFeatures  compat.JSFeature
	UnsupportedCSSFeatures compat.CSSFeature

	UnsupportedJSFeatureOverrides      compat.JSFeature
	UnsupportedJSFeatureOverridesMask  compat.JSFeature
	UnsupportedCSSFeatureOverrides     compat.CSSFeature
	UnsupportedCSSFeatureOverridesMask compat.CSSFeature

	TS                TSOptions
	Mode              Mode
	PreserveSymlinks  bool
	MinifyWhitespace  bool
	MinifyIdentifiers bool
	MinifySyntax      bool
	ProfilerNames     bool
	CodeSplitting     bool
	WatchMode         bool
	AllowOverwrite    bool
	LegalComments     LegalComments

	// If true, make sure to generate a single file that can be written to stdout
	WriteToStdout bool

	OmitRuntimeForTests    bool
	OmitJSXRuntimeForTests bool
	ASCIIOnly              bool
	KeepNames              bool
	IgnoreDCEAnnotations   bool
	TreeShaking            bool
	DropDebugger           bool
	MangleQuoted           bool
	Platform               Platform
	OutputFormat           Format
	NeedsMetafile          bool
	SourceMap              SourceMap
	ExcludeSourcesContent  bool

type PathPlaceholder

type PathPlaceholder uint8
const (
	NoPlaceholder PathPlaceholder = iota

	// The relative path from the original parent directory to the configured
	// "outbase" directory, or to the lowest common ancestor directory

	// The original name of the file, or the manual chunk name, or the name of
	// the type of output file ("entry" or "chunk" or "asset")

	// A hash of the contents of this file, and the contents and output paths of
	// all dependencies (except for their hash placeholders)

	// The original extension of the file, or the name of the output file
	// (e.g. "css", "svg", "png")

type PathPlaceholders

type PathPlaceholders struct {
	Dir  *string
	Name *string
	Hash *string
	Ext  *string

func (PathPlaceholders) Get

func (placeholders PathPlaceholders) Get(placeholder PathPlaceholder) *string

type PathTemplate

type PathTemplate struct {
	Data        string
	Placeholder PathPlaceholder

func SubstituteTemplate

func SubstituteTemplate(template []PathTemplate, placeholders PathPlaceholders) []PathTemplate

type Platform

type Platform uint8
const (
	PlatformBrowser Platform = iota

type Plugin

type Plugin struct {
	Name      string
	OnStart   []OnStart
	OnResolve []OnResolve
	OnLoad    []OnLoad

type ProcessedDefines

type ProcessedDefines struct {
	IdentifierDefines map[string]DefineData
	DotDefines        map[string][]DefineData

func ProcessDefines

func ProcessDefines(userDefines []DefineData) ProcessedDefines

This transformation is expensive, so we only want to do it once. Make sure to only call processDefines() once per compilation. Unfortunately Golang doesn't have an efficient way to copy a map and the overhead of copying all of the properties into a new map once for every new parser noticeably slows down our benchmarks.

type SourceMap

type SourceMap uint8
const (
	SourceMapNone SourceMap = iota

type StdinInfo

type StdinInfo struct {
	Contents      string
	SourceFile    string
	AbsResolveDir string
	Loader        Loader

type TSAlwaysStrict

type TSAlwaysStrict struct {
	// This information is only used for error messages
	Name   string
	Source logger.Source
	Range  logger.Range

	// This information can affect code transformation
	Value bool

type TSConfig

type TSConfig struct {
	ExperimentalDecorators  MaybeBool
	ImportsNotUsedAsValues  TSImportsNotUsedAsValues
	PreserveValueImports    MaybeBool
	Target                  TSTarget
	UseDefineForClassFields MaybeBool
	VerbatimModuleSyntax    MaybeBool

Note: This can currently only contain primitive values. It's compared for equality using a structural equality comparison by the JS parser.

func (*TSConfig) ApplyExtendedConfig

func (derived *TSConfig) ApplyExtendedConfig(base TSConfig)

This is used for "extends" in "tsconfig.json"

func (*TSConfig) UnusedImportFlags

func (cfg *TSConfig) UnusedImportFlags() (flags TSUnusedImportFlags)

type TSConfigJSX

type TSConfigJSX struct {
	// If not empty, these should override the default values
	JSXFactory         []string // Default if empty: "React.createElement"
	JSXFragmentFactory []string // Default if empty: "React.Fragment"
	JSXImportSource    *string  // Default if empty: "react"
	JSX                TSJSX

func (*TSConfigJSX) ApplyExtendedConfig

func (derived *TSConfigJSX) ApplyExtendedConfig(base TSConfigJSX)

This is used for "extends" in "tsconfig.json"

func (*TSConfigJSX) ApplyTo

func (tsConfig *TSConfigJSX) ApplyTo(jsxOptions *JSXOptions)

type TSImportsNotUsedAsValues

type TSImportsNotUsedAsValues uint8
const (
	TSImportsNotUsedAsValues_None TSImportsNotUsedAsValues = iota

type TSJSX

type TSJSX uint8
const (
	TSJSXNone TSJSX = iota

type TSOptions

type TSOptions struct {
	Config              TSConfig
	Parse               bool
	NoAmbiguousLessThan bool

type TSTarget

type TSTarget uint8
const (
	TSTargetUnspecified     TSTarget = iota
	TSTargetBelowES2022              // "useDefineForClassFields" defaults to false
	TSTargetAtOrAboveES2022          // "useDefineForClassFields" defaults to true

type TSUnusedImportFlags

type TSUnusedImportFlags uint8

These flags represent the following separate "tsconfig.json" settings:

- importsNotUsedAsValues - preserveValueImports - verbatimModuleSyntax

TypeScript prefers for people to use "verbatimModuleSyntax" and has deprecated the other two settings, but we must still support them. All settings are combined into these two behavioral flags for us.

const (
	TSUnusedImport_KeepStmt   TSUnusedImportFlags = 1 << iota // "importsNotUsedAsValues" != "remove"
	TSUnusedImport_KeepValues                                 // "preserveValueImports" == true

With !TSUnusedImport_KeepStmt && !TSUnusedImport_KeepValues:

"import 'foo'"                      => "import 'foo'"
"import * as unused from 'foo'"     => ""
"import { unused } from 'foo'"      => ""
"import { type unused } from 'foo'" => ""

With TSUnusedImport_KeepStmt && !TSUnusedImport_KeepValues:

"import 'foo'"                      => "import 'foo'"
"import * as unused from 'foo'"     => "import 'foo'"
"import { unused } from 'foo'"      => "import 'foo'"
"import { type unused } from 'foo'" => "import 'foo'"

With !TSUnusedImport_KeepStmt && TSUnusedImport_KeepValues:

"import 'foo'"                      => "import 'foo'"
"import * as unused from 'foo'"     => "import * as unused from 'foo'"
"import { unused } from 'foo'"      => "import { unused } from 'foo'"
"import { type unused } from 'foo'" => ""

With TSUnusedImport_KeepStmt && TSUnusedImport_KeepValues:

"import 'foo'"                      => "import 'foo'"
"import * as unused from 'foo'"     => "import * as unused from 'foo'"
"import { unused } from 'foo'"      => "import { unused } from 'foo'"
"import { type unused } from 'foo'" => "import {} from 'foo'"

type WildcardPattern

type WildcardPattern struct {
	Prefix string
	Suffix string

Source Files

config.go globals.go

v0.25.0 (latest)
Feb 8, 2025
12 packages
Last checked
4 days ago

Tools for package owners.