gift – Index | Files

package gift

import ""

Package gift provides a set of useful image processing filters.

Basic usage:

// 1. Create a new filter list and add some filters.
g := gift.New(
    gift.Resize(800, 0, gift.LanczosResampling),
    gift.UnsharpMask(1, 1, 0),

// 2. Create a new image of the corresponding size.
// dst is a new target image, src is the original image.
dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))

// 3. Use the Draw func to apply the filters to src and store the result in dst.
g.Draw(dst, src)



type Anchor

type Anchor int

Anchor is the anchor point for image cropping.

const (
	CenterAnchor Anchor = iota

Anchor point positions.

type Filter

type Filter interface {
	// Draw applies the filter to the src image and outputs the result to the dst image.
	Draw(dst draw.Image, src image.Image, options *Options)
	// Bounds calculates the appropriate bounds of an image after applying the filter.
	Bounds(srcBounds image.Rectangle) (dstBounds image.Rectangle)

Filter is an image processing filter.

func Brightness

func Brightness(percentage float32) Filter

Brightness creates a filter that changes the brightness of an image. The percentage parameter must be in range (-100, 100). The percentage = 0 gives the original image. The percentage = -100 gives solid black image. The percentage = 100 gives solid white image.

func ColorBalance

func ColorBalance(percentageRed, percentageGreen, percentageBlue float32) Filter

ColorBalance creates a filter that changes the color balance of an image. The percentage parameters for each color channel (red, green, blue) must be in range (-100, 500).


g := gift.New(
	gift.ColorBalance(20, -20, 0), // +20% red, -20% green
dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
g.Draw(dst, src)

func ColorFunc

func ColorFunc(fn func(r0, g0, b0, a0 float32) (r, g, b, a float32)) Filter

ColorFunc creates a filter that changes the colors of an image using custom function. The fn parameter specifies a function that takes red, green, blue and alpha channels of a pixel as float32 values in range (0, 1) and returns the modified channel values.


g := gift.New(
		func(r0, g0, b0, a0 float32) (r, g, b, a float32) {
			r = 1 - r0   // invert the red channel
			g = g0 + 0.1 // shift the green channel by 0.1
			b = 0        // set the blue channel to 0
			a = a0       // preserve the alpha channel
			return r, g, b, a
dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
g.Draw(dst, src)

func Colorize

func Colorize(hue, saturation, percentage float32) Filter

Colorize creates a filter that produces a colorized version of an image. The hue parameter is the angle on the color wheel, typically in range (0, 360). The saturation parameter must be in range (0, 100). The percentage parameter specifies the strength of the effect, it must be in range (0, 100).


g := gift.New(
	gift.Colorize(240, 50, 100), // blue colorization, 50% saturation
dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
g.Draw(dst, src)

func ColorspaceLinearToSRGB

func ColorspaceLinearToSRGB() Filter

ColorspaceLinearToSRGB creates a filter that converts the colors of an image from linear RGB to sRGB.

func ColorspaceSRGBToLinear

func ColorspaceSRGBToLinear() Filter

ColorspaceSRGBToLinear creates a filter that converts the colors of an image from sRGB to linear RGB.

func Contrast

func Contrast(percentage float32) Filter

Contrast creates a filter that changes the contrast of an image. The percentage parameter must be in range (-100, 100). The percentage = 0 gives the original image. The percentage = -100 gives solid grey image. The percentage = 100 gives an overcontrasted image.

func Convolution

func Convolution(kernel []float32, normalize, alpha, abs bool, delta float32) Filter

Convolution creates a filter that applies a square convolution kernel to an image. The length of the kernel slice must be the square of an odd kernel size (e.g. 9 for 3x3 kernel, 25 for 5x5 kernel). Excessive slice members will be ignored. If normalize parameter is true, the kernel will be normalized before applying the filter. If alpha parameter is true, the alpha component of color will be filtered too. If abs parameter is true, absolute values of color components will be taken after doing calculations. If delta parameter is not zero, this value will be added to the filtered pixels.


// Apply the emboss filter to an image.
g := gift.New(
			-1, -1, 0,
			-1, 1, 1,
			0, 1, 1,
		false, false, false, 0,
dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
g.Draw(dst, src)

func Crop

func Crop(rect image.Rectangle) Filter

Crop creates a filter that crops the specified rectangular region from an image.


g := gift.New(
	gift.Crop(image.Rect(100, 100, 200, 200)),
dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
g.Draw(dst, src)

func CropToSize

func CropToSize(width, height int, anchor Anchor) Filter

CropToSize creates a filter that crops an image to the specified size using the specified anchor point.

func FlipHorizontal

func FlipHorizontal() Filter

FlipHorizontal creates a filter that flips an image horizontally.

func FlipVertical

func FlipVertical() Filter

FlipVertical creates a filter that flips an image vertically.

func Gamma

func Gamma(gamma float32) Filter

Gamma creates a filter that performs a gamma correction on an image. The gamma parameter must be positive. Gamma = 1 gives the original image. Gamma less than 1 darkens the image and gamma greater than 1 lightens it.

func GaussianBlur

func GaussianBlur(sigma float32) Filter

GaussianBlur creates a filter that applies a gaussian blur to an image. The sigma parameter must be positive and indicates how much the image will be blurred. Blur affected radius roughly equals 3 * sigma.


g := gift.New(
dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
g.Draw(dst, src)

func Grayscale

func Grayscale() Filter

Grayscale creates a filter that produces a grayscale version of an image.

func Hue

func Hue(shift float32) Filter

Hue creates a filter that rotates the hue of an image. The shift parameter is the hue angle shift, typically in range (-180, 180). The shift = 0 gives the original image.

func Invert

func Invert() Filter

Invert creates a filter that negates the colors of an image.

func Maximum

func Maximum(ksize int, disk bool) Filter

Maximum creates a local maximum image filter. Picks a maximum value per channel in neighborhood for each pixel. The ksize parameter is the kernel size. It must be an odd positive integer (for example: 3, 5, 7). If the disk parameter is true, a disk-shaped neighborhood will be used instead of a square neighborhood.

func Mean

func Mean(ksize int, disk bool) Filter

Mean creates a local mean image filter. Takes an average across a neighborhood for each pixel. The ksize parameter is the kernel size. It must be an odd positive integer (for example: 3, 5, 7). If the disk parameter is true, a disk-shaped neighborhood will be used instead of a square neighborhood.

func Median

func Median(ksize int, disk bool) Filter

Median creates a median image filter. Picks a median value per channel in neighborhood for each pixel. The ksize parameter is the kernel size. It must be an odd positive integer (for example: 3, 5, 7). If the disk parameter is true, a disk-shaped neighborhood will be used instead of a square neighborhood.

func Minimum

func Minimum(ksize int, disk bool) Filter

Minimum creates a local minimum image filter. Picks a minimum value per channel in neighborhood for each pixel. The ksize parameter is the kernel size. It must be an odd positive integer (for example: 3, 5, 7). If the disk parameter is true, a disk-shaped neighborhood will be used instead of a square neighborhood.

func Pixelate

func Pixelate(size int) Filter

Pixelate creates a filter that applies a pixelation effect to an image.

func Resize

func Resize(width, height int, resampling Resampling) Filter

Resize creates a filter that resizes an image to the specified width and height using the specified resampling. If one of width or height is 0, the image aspect ratio is preserved. Supported resampling parameters: NearestNeighborResampling, BoxResampling, LinearResampling, CubicResampling, LanczosResampling.


// Resize the src image to width=300 preserving the aspect ratio.
g := gift.New(
	gift.Resize(300, 0, gift.LanczosResampling),
dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
g.Draw(dst, src)

func ResizeToFill

func ResizeToFill(width, height int, resampling Resampling, anchor Anchor) Filter

ResizeToFill creates a filter that resizes an image to the smallest possible size that will cover the specified dimensions, then crops the resized image to the specified dimensions using the specified anchor point. Supported resampling parameters: NearestNeighborResampling, BoxResampling, LinearResampling, CubicResampling, LanczosResampling.

func ResizeToFit

func ResizeToFit(width, height int, resampling Resampling) Filter

ResizeToFit creates a filter that resizes an image to fit within the specified dimensions while preserving the aspect ratio. Supported resampling parameters: NearestNeighborResampling, BoxResampling, LinearResampling, CubicResampling, LanczosResampling.

func Rotate

func Rotate(angle float32, backgroundColor color.Color, interpolation Interpolation) Filter

Rotate creates a filter that rotates an image by the given angle counter-clockwise. The angle parameter is the rotation angle in degrees. The backgroundColor parameter specifies the color of the uncovered zone after the rotation. The interpolation parameter specifies the interpolation method. Supported interpolation methods: NearestNeighborInterpolation, LinearInterpolation, CubicInterpolation.


g := gift.New(
	gift.Rotate(45, color.Black, gift.LinearInterpolation),
dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
g.Draw(dst, src)

func Rotate180

func Rotate180() Filter

Rotate180 creates a filter that rotates an image 180 degrees counter-clockwise.

func Rotate270

func Rotate270() Filter

Rotate270 creates a filter that rotates an image 270 degrees counter-clockwise.

func Rotate90

func Rotate90() Filter

Rotate90 creates a filter that rotates an image 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

func Saturation

func Saturation(percentage float32) Filter

Saturation creates a filter that changes the saturation of an image. The percentage parameter must be in range (-100, 500). The percentage = 0 gives the original image.

func Sepia

func Sepia(percentage float32) Filter

Sepia creates a filter that produces a sepia-toned version of an image. The percentage parameter specifies how much the image should be adjusted. It must be in the range (0, 100)


g := gift.New(
dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
g.Draw(dst, src)

func Sigmoid

func Sigmoid(midpoint, factor float32) Filter

Sigmoid creates a filter that changes the contrast of an image using a sigmoidal function and returns the adjusted image. It's a non-linear contrast change useful for photo adjustments as it preserves highlight and shadow detail. The midpoint parameter is the midpoint of contrast that must be between 0 and 1, typically 0.5. The factor parameter indicates how much to increase or decrease the contrast, typically in range (-10, 10). If the factor parameter is positive the image contrast is increased otherwise the contrast is decreased.


g := gift.New(
	gift.Sigmoid(0.5, 5),
dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
g.Draw(dst, src)

func Sobel

func Sobel() Filter

Sobel creates a filter that applies a sobel operator to an image.

func Threshold

func Threshold(percentage float32) Filter

Threshold creates a filter that applies black/white thresholding to the image. The percentage parameter must be in range (0, 100).

func Transpose

func Transpose() Filter

Transpose creates a filter that flips an image horizontally and rotates 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

func Transverse

func Transverse() Filter

Transverse creates a filter that flips an image vertically and rotates 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

func UnsharpMask

func UnsharpMask(sigma, amount, threshold float32) Filter

UnsharpMask creates a filter that sharpens an image. The sigma parameter is used in a gaussian function and affects the radius of effect. Sigma must be positive. Sharpen radius roughly equals 3 * sigma. The amount parameter controls how much darker and how much lighter the edge borders become. Typically between 0.5 and 1.5. The threshold parameter controls the minimum brightness change that will be sharpened. Typically between 0 and 0.05.


g := gift.New(
	gift.UnsharpMask(1, 1, 0),
dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds()))
g.Draw(dst, src)

type GIFT

type GIFT struct {
	Filters []Filter
	Options Options

GIFT is a list of image processing filters.

func New

func New(filters ...Filter) *GIFT

New creates a new filter list and initializes it with the given slice of filters.

func (*GIFT) Add

func (g *GIFT) Add(filters ...Filter)

Add appends the given filters to the list of filters.

func (*GIFT) Bounds

func (g *GIFT) Bounds(srcBounds image.Rectangle) (dstBounds image.Rectangle)

Bounds calculates the appropriate bounds for the result image after applying all the added filters. Parameter srcBounds is the bounds of the source image.


src := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 100, 200))
g := gift.New(gift.Rotate90())

// calculate image bounds after applying rotation and create a new image of that size.
dst := image.NewRGBA(g.Bounds(src.Bounds())) // dst bounds: (0, 0, 200, 100)

func (*GIFT) Draw

func (g *GIFT) Draw(dst draw.Image, src image.Image)

Draw applies all the added filters to the src image and outputs the result to the dst image.

func (*GIFT) DrawAt

func (g *GIFT) DrawAt(dst draw.Image, src image.Image, pt image.Point, op Operator)

DrawAt applies all the added filters to the src image and outputs the result to the dst image at the specified position pt using the specified composition operator op.

func (*GIFT) Empty

func (g *GIFT) Empty()

Empty removes all the filters from the list.

func (*GIFT) Parallelization

func (g *GIFT) Parallelization() bool

Parallelization returns the current state of parallelization option.

func (*GIFT) SetParallelization

func (g *GIFT) SetParallelization(isEnabled bool)

SetParallelization enables or disables the image processing parallelization. Parallelization is enabled by default.

type Interpolation

type Interpolation int

Interpolation is an interpolation algorithm used for image transformation.

const (
	// NearestNeighborInterpolation is a nearest-neighbor interpolation algorithm.
	NearestNeighborInterpolation Interpolation = iota
	// LinearInterpolation is a bilinear interpolation algorithm.
	// CubicInterpolation is a bicubic interpolation algorithm.

type Operator

type Operator int

Operator is an image composition operator.

const (
	CopyOperator Operator = iota

Composition operators.

type Options

type Options struct {
	Parallelization bool

Options is the parameters passed to image processing filters.

type Resampling

type Resampling interface {
	Support() float32
	Kernel(float32) float32

Resampling is an interpolation algorithm used for image resizing.

var BoxResampling Resampling

BoxResampling is a box resampling filter (average of surrounding pixels).

var CubicResampling Resampling

CubicResampling is a bicubic resampling filter (Catmull-Rom).

var LanczosResampling Resampling

LanczosResampling is a Lanczos resampling filter (3 lobes).

var LinearResampling Resampling

LinearResampling is a bilinear resampling filter.

var NearestNeighborResampling Resampling

NearestNeighborResampling is a nearest neighbor resampling filter.

Source Files

colors.go convolution.go effects.go gift.go pixels.go rank.go resize.go transform.go utils.go

v1.2.1 (latest)
Aug 24, 2019
6 packages
Last checked
4 days ago

Tools for package owners.