package language

import ""



const (
	Adlam                  = Script(0x61646c6d)
	Ahom                   = Script(0x61686f6d)
	Anatolian_Hieroglyphs  = Script(0x686c7577)
	Arabic                 = Script(0x61726162)
	Armenian               = Script(0x61726d6e)
	Avestan                = Script(0x61767374)
	Balinese               = Script(0x62616c69)
	Bamum                  = Script(0x62616d75)
	Bassa_Vah              = Script(0x62617373)
	Batak                  = Script(0x6261746b)
	Bengali                = Script(0x62656e67)
	Bhaiksuki              = Script(0x62686b73)
	Bopomofo               = Script(0x626f706f)
	Brahmi                 = Script(0x62726168)
	Braille                = Script(0x62726169)
	Buginese               = Script(0x62756769)
	Buhid                  = Script(0x62756864)
	Canadian_Aboriginal    = Script(0x63616e73)
	Carian                 = Script(0x63617269)
	Caucasian_Albanian     = Script(0x61676862)
	Chakma                 = Script(0x63616b6d)
	Cham                   = Script(0x6368616d)
	Cherokee               = Script(0x63686572)
	Chorasmian             = Script(0x63687273)
	Common                 = Script(0x7a797979)
	Coptic                 = Script(0x636f7074)
	Cuneiform              = Script(0x78737578)
	Cypriot                = Script(0x63707274)
	Cyrillic               = Script(0x6379726c)
	Deseret                = Script(0x64737274)
	Devanagari             = Script(0x64657661)
	Dives_Akuru            = Script(0x6469616b)
	Dogra                  = Script(0x646f6772)
	Duployan               = Script(0x6475706c)
	Egyptian_Hieroglyphs   = Script(0x65677970)
	Elbasan                = Script(0x656c6261)
	Elymaic                = Script(0x656c796d)
	Ethiopic               = Script(0x65746869)
	Georgian               = Script(0x67656f72)
	Glagolitic             = Script(0x676c6167)
	Gothic                 = Script(0x676f7468)
	Grantha                = Script(0x6772616e)
	Greek                  = Script(0x6772656b)
	Gujarati               = Script(0x67756a72)
	Gunjala_Gondi          = Script(0x676f6e67)
	Gurmukhi               = Script(0x67757275)
	Han                    = Script(0x68616e69)
	Hangul                 = Script(0x68616e67)
	Hanifi_Rohingya        = Script(0x726f6867)
	Hanunoo                = Script(0x68616e6f)
	Hatran                 = Script(0x68617472)
	Hebrew                 = Script(0x68656272)
	Hiragana               = Script(0x68697261)
	Imperial_Aramaic       = Script(0x61726d69)
	Inherited              = Script(0x7a696e68)
	Inscriptional_Pahlavi  = Script(0x70686c69)
	Inscriptional_Parthian = Script(0x70727469)
	Javanese               = Script(0x6a617661)
	Kaithi                 = Script(0x6b746869)
	Kannada                = Script(0x6b6e6461)
	Katakana               = Script(0x6b616e61)
	Katakana_Or_Hiragana   = Script(0x68726b74)
	Kayah_Li               = Script(0x6b616c69)
	Kharoshthi             = Script(0x6b686172)
	Khitan_Small_Script    = Script(0x6b697473)
	Khmer                  = Script(0x6b686d72)
	Khojki                 = Script(0x6b686f6a)
	Khudawadi              = Script(0x73696e64)
	Lao                    = Script(0x6c616f6f)
	Latin                  = Script(0x6c61746e)
	Lepcha                 = Script(0x6c657063)
	Limbu                  = Script(0x6c696d62)
	Linear_A               = Script(0x6c696e61)
	Linear_B               = Script(0x6c696e62)
	Lisu                   = Script(0x6c697375)
	Lycian                 = Script(0x6c796369)
	Lydian                 = Script(0x6c796469)
	Mahajani               = Script(0x6d61686a)
	Makasar                = Script(0x6d616b61)
	Malayalam              = Script(0x6d6c796d)
	Mandaic                = Script(0x6d616e64)
	Manichaean             = Script(0x6d616e69)
	Marchen                = Script(0x6d617263)
	Masaram_Gondi          = Script(0x676f6e6d)
	Medefaidrin            = Script(0x6d656466)
	Meetei_Mayek           = Script(0x6d746569)
	Mende_Kikakui          = Script(0x6d656e64)
	Meroitic_Cursive       = Script(0x6d657263)
	Meroitic_Hieroglyphs   = Script(0x6d65726f)
	Miao                   = Script(0x706c7264)
	Modi                   = Script(0x6d6f6469)
	Mongolian              = Script(0x6d6f6e67)
	Mro                    = Script(0x6d726f6f)
	Multani                = Script(0x6d756c74)
	Myanmar                = Script(0x6d796d72)
	Nabataean              = Script(0x6e626174)
	Nandinagari            = Script(0x6e616e64)
	New_Tai_Lue            = Script(0x74616c75)
	Newa                   = Script(0x6e657761)
	Nko                    = Script(0x6e6b6f6f)
	Nushu                  = Script(0x6e736875)
	Nyiakeng_Puachue_Hmong = Script(0x686d6e70)
	Ogham                  = Script(0x6f67616d)
	Ol_Chiki               = Script(0x6f6c636b)
	Old_Hungarian          = Script(0x68756e67)
	Old_Italic             = Script(0x6974616c)
	Old_North_Arabian      = Script(0x6e617262)
	Old_Permic             = Script(0x7065726d)
	Old_Persian            = Script(0x7870656f)
	Old_Sogdian            = Script(0x736f676f)
	Old_South_Arabian      = Script(0x73617262)
	Old_Turkic             = Script(0x6f726b68)
	Oriya                  = Script(0x6f727961)
	Osage                  = Script(0x6f736765)
	Osmanya                = Script(0x6f736d61)
	Pahawh_Hmong           = Script(0x686d6e67)
	Palmyrene              = Script(0x70616c6d)
	Pau_Cin_Hau            = Script(0x70617563)
	Phags_Pa               = Script(0x70686167)
	Phoenician             = Script(0x70686e78)
	Psalter_Pahlavi        = Script(0x70686c70)
	Rejang                 = Script(0x726a6e67)
	Runic                  = Script(0x72756e72)
	Samaritan              = Script(0x73616d72)
	Saurashtra             = Script(0x73617572)
	Sharada                = Script(0x73687264)
	Shavian                = Script(0x73686177)
	Siddham                = Script(0x73696464)
	SignWriting            = Script(0x73676e77)
	Sinhala                = Script(0x73696e68)
	Sogdian                = Script(0x736f6764)
	Sora_Sompeng           = Script(0x736f7261)
	Soyombo                = Script(0x736f796f)
	Sundanese              = Script(0x73756e64)
	Syloti_Nagri           = Script(0x73796c6f)
	Syriac                 = Script(0x73797263)
	Tagalog                = Script(0x74676c67)
	Tagbanwa               = Script(0x74616762)
	Tai_Le                 = Script(0x74616c65)
	Tai_Tham               = Script(0x6c616e61)
	Tai_Viet               = Script(0x74617674)
	Takri                  = Script(0x74616b72)
	Tamil                  = Script(0x74616d6c)
	Tangut                 = Script(0x74616e67)
	Telugu                 = Script(0x74656c75)
	Thaana                 = Script(0x74686161)
	Thai                   = Script(0x74686169)
	Tibetan                = Script(0x74696274)
	Tifinagh               = Script(0x74666e67)
	Tirhuta                = Script(0x74697268)
	Ugaritic               = Script(0x75676172)
	Unknown                = Script(0x7a7a7a7a)
	Vai                    = Script(0x76616969)
	Wancho                 = Script(0x7763686f)
	Warang_Citi            = Script(0x77617261)
	Yezidi                 = Script(0x79657a69)
	Yi                     = Script(0x79696969)
	Zanabazar_Square       = Script(0x7a616e62)


type Language

type Language string

Language store the canonicalized BCP 47 tag, which has the generic form <lang>-<country>-<other tags>...

func DefaultLanguage

func DefaultLanguage() Language

DefaultLanguage returns the language found in environment variables LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE or LANG (in that order), or the zero value if not found.

func NewLanguage

func NewLanguage(language string) Language

NewLanguage canonicalizes the language input (as a BCP 47 language tag), by converting it to lowercase, mapping '_' to '-', and stripping all characters other than letters, numbers and '-'.

func (Language) Compare

func (l Language) Compare(other Language) LanguageComparison

Compare compares `other` and `l`. Undetermined languages are only compared using the remaining tags, meaning that "und-fr" and "und-be" are compared as LanguagesDiffer, not LanguagePrimaryMatch.

func (Language) IsDerivedFrom

func (l Language) IsDerivedFrom(root Language) bool

IsDerivedFrom returns `true` if `l` has the `root` as primary language.

func (Language) IsUndetermined

func (l Language) IsUndetermined() bool

IsUndetermined returns `true` if its primary language is "und". It is a shortcut for IsDerivedFrom("und").

func (Language) SimpleInheritance

func (l Language) SimpleInheritance() []Language

SimpleInheritance returns the list of matching language, using simple truncation inheritance. The resulting slice starts with the given whole language. See for more information.

type LanguageComparison

type LanguageComparison uint8

LanguageComparison is a three state enum resulting from comparing two languages

const (
	LanguagesDiffer      LanguageComparison = iota // the two languages are totally differents
	LanguagesExactMatch                            // the two languages are exactly the same
	LanguagePrimaryMatch                           // the two languages have the same primary language, but differs.

type Script

type Script uint32

Script identifies different writing systems. It is represented as the binary encoding of a script tag of 4 letters, as specified by ISO 15924. Note that the default value is usually the Unknown script, not the 0 value (which is invalid)

func LookupScript

func LookupScript(r rune) Script

LookupScript looks up the script for a particular character (as defined by Unicode Standard Annex #24), and returns Unknown if not found.

func ParseScript

func ParseScript(script string) (Script, error)

ParseScript simply converts a 4 bytes string into its binary encoding.

func (Script) IsRealScript

func (s Script) IsRealScript() bool

IsRealScript return `true` if `s` if valid, and neither common or inherited.

func (Script) IsSameScript

func (s1 Script) IsSameScript(s2 Script) bool

IsSameScript compares two scripts: if one them is not 'real' (see IsRealScript), they are compared equal.

func (Script) String

func (s Script) String() string

Source Files

language.go scripts.go scripts_table.go

May 16, 2022
4 packages
Last checked
22 hours ago

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