package tabula
import ""
Package tabula is a Go library for working with rows, columns, or matrix (table), or in another terms working with data set.
Go's slice gave a flexible way to manage sequence of data in one type, but what if you want to manage a sequence of value but with different type of data? Or manage a bunch of values like a table?
You can use this library to manage sequence of value with different type and manage data in two dimensional tuple.
Here are some terminologies that we used in developing this library, which may help reader understand the internal and API.
Record is a single cell in row or column, or the smallest building block of dataset.
Row is a horizontal representation of records in dataset.
Column is a vertical representation of records in dataset. Each column has a unique name and has the same type data.
Dataset is a collection of rows and columns.
Given those definitions we can draw the representation of rows, columns, or matrix:
COL-0 COL-1 ... COL-x ROW-0: record record ... record ROW-1: record record ... record ... ROW-y: record record ... record
Record Type
There are only three valid type in record: int64, float64, and string.
Dataset Mode
Tabula has three mode for dataset: rows, columns, or matrix.
For example, given a table of data,
col1,col2,col3 a,b,c 1,2,3
"rows" mode is where each line saved in its own slice, resulting in Rows:
Rows[0]: [a b c] Rows[1]: [1 2 3]
"columns" mode is where each line saved by columns, resulting in Columns:
Columns[0]: {col1 0 0 [] [a 1]} Columns[1]: {col2 0 0 [] [b 2]} Columns[1]: {col3 0 0 [] [c 3]}
Unlike rows mode, each column contain metadata including column name, type, flag, and value space (all possible value that _may_ contain in column value).
"matrix" mode is where each record saved both in row and column.
Matrix mode consume more memory but give a flexible way to manage records.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func RandomPickColumns(dataset DatasetInterface, n int, dup bool, excludeIdx []int) ( picked DatasetInterface, unpicked DatasetInterface, pickedIdx []int, unpickedIdx []int, )
- func RandomPickRows(dataset DatasetInterface, n int, duplicate bool) ( picked DatasetInterface, unpicked DatasetInterface, pickedIdx []int, unpickedIdx []int, )
- func ReadDatasetConfig(ds any, fcfg string) (e error)
- func SortColumnsByIndex(di DatasetInterface, sortedIdx []int)
- func SplitRowsByCategorical(di DatasetInterface, colidx int, splitVal []string) ( splitIn DatasetInterface, splitEx DatasetInterface, e error, )
- func SplitRowsByNumeric(di DatasetInterface, colidx int, splitVal float64) ( splitLess DatasetInterface, splitGreater DatasetInterface, e error, )
- func SplitRowsByValue(di DatasetInterface, colidx int, value any) ( splitL DatasetInterface, splitR DatasetInterface, e error, )
- type Claset
- func NewClaset(mode int, types []int, names []string) (claset *Claset)
- func (claset *Claset) Clone() any
- func (claset *Claset) CountValueSpaces()
- func (claset *Claset) Counts() []int
- func (claset *Claset) GetClassAsInteger() []int64
- func (claset *Claset) GetClassAsReals() []float64
- func (claset *Claset) GetClassAsStrings() []string
- func (claset *Claset) GetClassColumn() *Column
- func (claset *Claset) GetClassIndex() int
- func (claset *Claset) GetClassRecords() *Records
- func (claset *Claset) GetClassType() int
- func (claset *Claset) GetClassValueSpace() []string
- func (claset *Claset) GetDataset() DatasetInterface
- func (claset *Claset) GetMinorityRows() *Rows
- func (claset *Claset) IsInSingleClass() (single bool, class string)
- func (claset *Claset) MajorityClass() string
- func (claset *Claset) MinorityClass() string
- func (claset *Claset) RecountMajorMinor()
- func (claset *Claset) SetClassIndex(v int)
- func (claset *Claset) SetDataset(dataset DatasetInterface)
- func (claset *Claset) SetMajorityClass(v string)
- func (claset *Claset) SetMinorityClass(v string)
- func (claset *Claset) String() (s string)
- type ClasetInterface
- type Column
- func NewColumn(colType int, colName string) (col *Column)
- func NewColumnInt(data []int64, colName string) (col *Column)
- func NewColumnReal(data []float64, colName string) (col *Column)
- func NewColumnString(data []string, colType int, colName string) ( col *Column, e error, )
- func (col *Column) ClearValues()
- func (col *Column) DeleteRecordAt(i int) *Record
- func (col *Column) GetName() string
- func (col *Column) GetType() int
- func (col *Column) Interface() any
- func (col *Column) Len() int
- func (col *Column) PushBack(r *Record)
- func (col *Column) PushRecords(rs []*Record)
- func (col *Column) Reset()
- func (col *Column) SetName(name string)
- func (col *Column) SetRecords(recs *Records)
- func (col *Column) SetType(tipe int)
- func (col *Column) SetValueAt(idx int, v string)
- func (col *Column) SetValueByNumericAt(idx int, v float64)
- func (col *Column) SetValues(values []string)
- func (col *Column) ToFloatSlice() (newcol []float64)
- func (col *Column) ToIntegers() []int64
- func (col *Column) ToStringSlice() (newcol []string)
- type ColumnInterface
- type Columns
- func (cols *Columns) GetMinMaxLength() (min, max int)
- func (cols *Columns) Join(row int, sep, esc []byte) (v []byte)
- func (cols *Columns) Len() int
- func (cols *Columns) RandomPick(n int, dup bool, excludeIdx []int) ( picked Columns, unpicked Columns, pickedIdx []int, unpickedIdx []int, )
- func (cols *Columns) Reset()
- func (cols *Columns) SetTypes(types []int)
- type Dataset
- func NewDataset(mode int, types []int, names []string) ( dataset *Dataset, )
- func (dataset *Dataset) AddColumn(tipe int, name string, vs []string)
- func (dataset *Dataset) Clone() any
- func (dataset *Dataset) DeleteRow(i int) (row *Row)
- func (dataset *Dataset) FillRowsWithColumn(colIdx int, col Column)
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetColumn(idx int) (col *Column)
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetColumnByName(name string) (col *Column)
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetColumnTypeAt(idx int) (int, error)
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetColumns() *Columns
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetColumnsName() (names []string)
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetColumnsType() (types []int)
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetData() any
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetDataAsColumns() (columns *Columns)
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetDataAsRows() *Rows
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetMode() int
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetNColumn() (ncol int)
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetNRow() (nrow int)
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetRow(idx int) *Row
- func (dataset *Dataset) GetRows() *Rows
- func (dataset *Dataset) Init(mode int, types []int, names []string)
- func (dataset *Dataset) Len() int
- func (dataset *Dataset) MergeColumns(other DatasetInterface)
- func (dataset *Dataset) MergeRows(other DatasetInterface)
- func (dataset *Dataset) PushColumn(col Column)
- func (dataset *Dataset) PushColumnToRows(col Column)
- func (dataset *Dataset) PushRow(row *Row)
- func (dataset *Dataset) PushRowToColumns(row *Row)
- func (dataset *Dataset) Reset() error
- func (dataset *Dataset) SetColumnTypeAt(idx, tipe int) error
- func (dataset *Dataset) SetColumns(cols *Columns)
- func (dataset *Dataset) SetColumnsName(names []string)
- func (dataset *Dataset) SetColumnsType(types []int)
- func (dataset *Dataset) SetMode(mode int)
- func (dataset *Dataset) SetRows(rows *Rows)
- func (dataset *Dataset) TransposeToColumns()
- func (dataset *Dataset) TransposeToRows()
- type DatasetInterface
- func SelectColumnsByIdx(dataset DatasetInterface, colsIdx []int) ( newset DatasetInterface, )
- func SelectRowsWhere(dataset DatasetInterface, colidx int, colval string) DatasetInterface
- type MapRows
- func (mapRows *MapRows) AddRow(k string, v *Row)
- func (mapRows *MapRows) GetMinority() (keyMin string, valMin Rows)
- type MapRowsElement
- type Matrix
- type Record
- func NewRecord() *Record
- func NewRecordBy(v string, t int) (r *Record, e error)
- func NewRecordInt(v int64) (r *Record)
- func NewRecordReal(v float64) (r *Record)
- func NewRecordString(v string) (r *Record)
- func (r *Record) Bytes() []byte
- func (r *Record) Clone() *Record
- func (r *Record) Float() (f64 float64)
- func (r *Record) Integer() (i64 int64)
- func (r *Record) Interface() any
- func (r *Record) IsEqual(o *Record) bool
- func (r *Record) IsEqualToInterface(v any) bool
- func (r *Record) IsEqualToString(v string) bool
- func (r *Record) IsMissingValue() bool
- func (r *Record) IsNil() bool
- func (r *Record) Reset()
- func (r *Record) SetFloat(v float64)
- func (r *Record) SetInteger(v int64)
- func (r *Record) SetString(v string)
- func (r *Record) SetValue(v string, t int) error
- func (r Record) String() (s string)
- func (r *Record) Type() int
- type Records
- func (recs *Records) CountWhere(v any) (c int)
- func (recs *Records) CountsWhere(vs []any) (counts []int)
- func (recs *Records) Len() int
- func (recs *Records) SortByIndex(sortedIdx []int) *Records
- type Row
- func (row *Row) Clone() *Row
- func (row *Row) GetIntAt(idx int) (int64, bool)
- func (row *Row) GetRecord(i int) *Record
- func (row *Row) GetValueAt(idx int) (any, bool)
- func (row *Row) IsEqual(other *Row) bool
- func (row *Row) IsNilAt(idx int) bool
- func (row *Row) Len() int
- func (row *Row) PushBack(r *Record)
- func (row *Row) SetValueAt(idx int, rec *Record)
- func (row *Row) Types() (types []int)
- type Rows
- func (rows *Rows) Contain(xrow *Row) (bool, int)
- func (rows *Rows) Contains(xrows Rows) (isin bool, indices []int)
- func (rows *Rows) Del(i int) (row *Row)
- func (rows *Rows) GroupByValue(groupIdx int) (mapRows MapRows)
- func (rows *Rows) Len() int
- func (rows *Rows) PopFront() (row *Row)
- func (rows *Rows) PopFrontAsRows() (newRows Rows)
- func (rows *Rows) PushBack(r *Row)
- func (rows *Rows) RandomPick(n int, duplicate bool) ( picked Rows, unpicked Rows, pickedIdx []int, unpickedIdx []int, )
- func (rows *Rows) SelectWhere(colidx int, colval string) (selected Rows)
- func (rows Rows) String() (s string)
Constants ¶
const ( // DatasetNoMode default to matrix. DatasetNoMode = 0 // DatasetModeRows for output mode in rows. DatasetModeRows = 1 // DatasetModeColumns for output mode in columns. DatasetModeColumns = 2 // DatasetModeMatrix will save data in rows and columns. DatasetModeMatrix = 4 )
const ( // TUndefined for undefined type TUndefined = -1 // TString string type. TString = 0 // TInteger integer type (64 bit). TInteger = 1 // TReal float type (64 bit). TReal = 2 )
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrColIdxOutOfRange operation on column index is invalid ErrColIdxOutOfRange = errors.New("tabula: Column index out of range") // ErrInvalidColType operation on column with different type ErrInvalidColType = errors.New("tabula: Invalid column type") // ErrMisColLength returned when operation on columns does not match // between parameter and their length ErrMisColLength = errors.New("tabula: mismatch on column length") )
Functions ¶
func RandomPickColumns ¶
func RandomPickColumns(dataset DatasetInterface, n int, dup bool, excludeIdx []int) ( picked DatasetInterface, unpicked DatasetInterface, pickedIdx []int, unpickedIdx []int, )
RandomPickColumns will select `n` column randomly from dataset and return new dataset with picked and unpicked columns, and their column index.
If duplicate is true, column that has been pick up can be pick up again.
If dataset output mode is rows, it will transposed to columns.
func RandomPickRows ¶
func RandomPickRows(dataset DatasetInterface, n int, duplicate bool) ( picked DatasetInterface, unpicked DatasetInterface, pickedIdx []int, unpickedIdx []int, )
RandomPickRows return `n` item of row that has been selected randomly from dataset.Rows. The ids of rows that has been picked is saved id `pickedIdx`.
If duplicate is true, the row that has been picked can be picked up again, otherwise it only allow one pick. This is also called as random selection with or without replacement in machine learning domain.
If output mode is columns, it will be transposed to rows.
func ReadDatasetConfig ¶
ReadDatasetConfig open dataset configuration file and initialize dataset field from there.
func SortColumnsByIndex ¶
func SortColumnsByIndex(di DatasetInterface, sortedIdx []int)
SortColumnsByIndex will sort all columns using sorted index.
func SplitRowsByCategorical ¶
func SplitRowsByCategorical(di DatasetInterface, colidx int, splitVal []string) ( splitIn DatasetInterface, splitEx DatasetInterface, e error, )
SplitRowsByCategorical will split the data using a set of split value in column `colidx`.
For example, given two attributes,
X: [A,B,A,B,C,D,C,D] Y: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
if colidx is (0) or A and split value is a set `[A,C]`, the data will splitted into left set which contain all rows that have A or C,
X': [A,A,C,C] Y': [1,3,5,7]
and the right set, excluded set, will contain all rows which is not A or C,
X'': [B,B,D,D] Y'': [2,4,6,8]
func SplitRowsByNumeric ¶
func SplitRowsByNumeric(di DatasetInterface, colidx int, splitVal float64) ( splitLess DatasetInterface, splitGreater DatasetInterface, e error, )
SplitRowsByNumeric will split the data using splitVal in column `colidx`.
For example, given two continuous attribute,
A: {1,2,3,4} B: {5,6,7,8}
if colidx is (1) B and splitVal is 7, the data will splitted into left set
A': {1,2} B': {5,6}
and right set
A'': {3,4} B'': {7,8}
func SplitRowsByValue ¶
func SplitRowsByValue(di DatasetInterface, colidx int, value any) ( splitL DatasetInterface, splitR DatasetInterface, e error, )
SplitRowsByValue generic function to split data by value. This function will split data using value in column `colidx`. If value is numeric it will return any rows that have column value less than `value` in `splitL`, and any column value greater or equal to `value` in `splitR`.
Types ¶
type Claset ¶
type Claset struct { // Dataset embedded, for implementing the dataset interface. Dataset // ClassIndex contain index for target classification in columns. ClassIndex int `json:"ClassIndex"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Claset define a dataset with class attribute.
func NewClaset ¶
NewClaset create and return new Claset object.
func (*Claset) Clone ¶
Clone return a copy of current claset object.
func (*Claset) CountValueSpaces ¶
func (claset *Claset) CountValueSpaces()
CountValueSpaces will count number of value space in current dataset.
func (*Claset) Counts ¶
Counts return the number of each class in value-space.
func (*Claset) GetClassAsInteger ¶
GetClassAsInteger return class record value as slice of int64.
func (*Claset) GetClassAsReals ¶
GetClassAsReals return class record value as slice of float64.
func (*Claset) GetClassAsStrings ¶
GetClassAsStrings return all class values as slice of string.
func (*Claset) GetClassColumn ¶
GetClassColumn return dataset class values in column.
func (*Claset) GetClassIndex ¶
GetClassIndex return index of class attribute in dataset.
func (*Claset) GetClassRecords ¶
GetClassRecords return class values as records.
func (*Claset) GetClassType ¶
GetClassType return type of class in dataset.
func (*Claset) GetClassValueSpace ¶
GetClassValueSpace return the class value space.
func (*Claset) GetDataset ¶
func (claset *Claset) GetDataset() DatasetInterface
GetDataset return the dataset.
func (*Claset) GetMinorityRows ¶
GetMinorityRows return rows where their class is minority in dataset, or nil if dataset is empty.
func (*Claset) IsInSingleClass ¶
IsInSingleClass check whether all target class contain only single value. Return true and name of target if all rows is in the same class, false and empty string otherwise.
func (*Claset) MajorityClass ¶
MajorityClass return the majority class of data.
func (*Claset) MinorityClass ¶
MinorityClass return the minority class in dataset.
func (*Claset) RecountMajorMinor ¶
func (claset *Claset) RecountMajorMinor()
RecountMajorMinor recount major and minor class in claset.
func (*Claset) SetClassIndex ¶
SetClassIndex will set the class index to `v`.
func (*Claset) SetDataset ¶
func (claset *Claset) SetDataset(dataset DatasetInterface)
SetDataset in class set.
func (*Claset) SetMajorityClass ¶
SetMajorityClass will set the majority class to `v`.
func (*Claset) SetMinorityClass ¶
SetMinorityClass will set the minority class to `v`.
func (*Claset) String ¶
String, yes it will pretty print the meta-data in JSON format.
type ClasetInterface ¶
type ClasetInterface interface { DatasetInterface GetClassType() int GetClassValueSpace() []string GetClassColumn() *Column GetClassRecords() *Records GetClassAsStrings() []string GetClassAsReals() []float64 GetClassIndex() int MajorityClass() string MinorityClass() string Counts() []int SetDataset(DatasetInterface) SetClassIndex(int) SetMajorityClass(string) SetMinorityClass(string) CountValueSpaces() RecountMajorMinor() IsInSingleClass() (bool, string) GetMinorityRows() *Rows }
ClasetInterface is the interface for working with dataset containing class or target attribute. It embed dataset interface.
Yes, the name is Claset with single `s` not Classset with triple `s` to minimize typo.
type Column ¶
type Column struct { // Name of column. String identifier for the column. Name string // ValueSpace contain the possible value in records ValueSpace []string // Records contain column data. Records Records // Type of column. All record in column have the same type. Type int // Flag additional attribute that can be set to mark some value on this // column Flag int }
Column represent slice of record. A vertical representation of data.
func NewColumn ¶
NewColumn return new column with type and name.
func NewColumnInt ¶
NewColumnInt create new column with record type as integer, and fill it with `data`.
func NewColumnReal ¶
NewColumnReal create new column with record type is real.
func NewColumnString ¶
NewColumnString initialize column with type anda data as string.
func (*Column) ClearValues ¶
func (col *Column) ClearValues()
ClearValues set all value in column to empty string or zero if column type is numeric.
func (*Column) DeleteRecordAt ¶
DeleteRecordAt will delete record at index `i` and return it.
func (*Column) GetName ¶
GetName return the column name.
func (*Column) GetType ¶
GetType return the type of column.
func (*Column) Interface ¶
Interface return the column object as an interface.
func (*Column) Len ¶
Len return number of record.
func (*Column) PushBack ¶
PushBack push record the end of column.
func (*Column) PushRecords ¶
PushRecords append slice of record to the end of column's records.
func (*Column) Reset ¶
func (col *Column) Reset()
Reset column data and flag.
func (*Column) SetName ¶
SetName will set the name of column to `name`.
func (*Column) SetRecords ¶
SetRecords will set records in column to `recs`.
func (*Column) SetType ¶
SetType will set the type of column to `tipe`.
func (*Column) SetValueAt ¶
SetValueAt will set column value at cell `idx` with `v`, unless the index is out of range.
func (*Column) SetValueByNumericAt ¶
SetValueByNumericAt will set column value at cell `idx` with numeric value `v`, unless the index is out of range.
func (*Column) SetValues ¶
SetValues of all column record.
func (*Column) ToFloatSlice ¶
ToFloatSlice convert slice of record to slice of float64.
func (*Column) ToIntegers ¶
ToIntegers convert slice of record to slice of int64.
func (*Column) ToStringSlice ¶
ToStringSlice convert slice of record to slice of string.
type ColumnInterface ¶
type ColumnInterface interface { SetType(tipe int) SetName(name string) GetType() int GetName() string SetRecords(recs *Records) Interface() any }
ColumnInterface define an interface for working with Column.
type Columns ¶
type Columns []Column
Columns represent slice of Column.
func (*Columns) GetMinMaxLength ¶
GetMinMaxLength given a slice of column, find the minimum and maximum column length among them.
func (*Columns) Join ¶
Join all column records value at index `row` using separator `sep` and make sure if there is a separator in value it will be escaped with `esc`.
Given slice of columns, where row is 1 and sep is `,` and escape is `\`
0 1 2 0 A B C 1 D , F <- row 2 G H I
this function will return "D,\,,F" in bytes.
func (*Columns) Len ¶
Len return length of columns.
func (*Columns) RandomPick ¶
func (cols *Columns) RandomPick(n int, dup bool, excludeIdx []int) ( picked Columns, unpicked Columns, pickedIdx []int, unpickedIdx []int, )
RandomPick column in columns until n item and return it like its has been shuffled. If duplicate is true, column that has been picked can be picked up again, otherwise it will only picked up once.
This function return picked and unpicked column and index of them.
func (*Columns) Reset ¶
func (cols *Columns) Reset()
Reset each data and attribute in all columns.
func (*Columns) SetTypes ¶
SetTypes of each column. The length of type must be equal with the number of column, otherwise it will used the minimum length between types or columns.
type Dataset ¶
type Dataset struct { // Columns is input data that has been parsed. Columns Columns // Rows is input data that has been parsed. Rows Rows // Mode define the numeric value of output mode. Mode int }
Dataset contain the data, mode of saved data, number of columns and rows in data.
func NewDataset ¶
NewDataset create new dataset, use the mode to initialize the dataset.
func (*Dataset) AddColumn ¶
AddColumn will create and add new empty column with specific type and name into dataset.
func (*Dataset) Clone ¶
Clone return a copy of current dataset.
func (*Dataset) DeleteRow ¶
DeleteRow will detach row at index `i` from dataset and return it.
func (*Dataset) FillRowsWithColumn ¶
FillRowsWithColumn given a column, fill the dataset with row where the record only set at index `colIdx`.
Example, content of dataset was,
index: 0 1 2
A B C X (step 1) nrow = 2
If we filled column at index 2 with [Y Z], the dataset will become:
index: 0 1 2
A B C X Y (step 2) fill the empty row Z (step 3) create dummy row which contain the rest of column data.
func (*Dataset) GetColumn ¶
GetColumn return pointer to column object at index `idx`. If `idx` is out of range return nil.
func (*Dataset) GetColumnByName ¶
GetColumnByName return column based on their `name`.
func (*Dataset) GetColumnTypeAt ¶
GetColumnTypeAt return type of column in index `colidx` in dataset.
func (*Dataset) GetColumns ¶
GetColumns return columns in dataset, without transposing.
func (*Dataset) GetColumnsName ¶
GetColumnsName return name of all columns.
func (*Dataset) GetColumnsType ¶
GetColumnsType return the type of all columns.
func (*Dataset) GetData ¶
GetData return the data, based on mode (rows, columns, or matrix).
func (*Dataset) GetDataAsColumns ¶
GetDataAsColumns return data in columns mode.
func (*Dataset) GetDataAsRows ¶
GetDataAsRows return data in rows mode.
func (*Dataset) GetMode ¶
GetMode return mode of data.
func (*Dataset) GetNColumn ¶
GetNColumn return the number of column in dataset.
func (*Dataset) GetNRow ¶
GetNRow return number of rows in dataset.
func (*Dataset) GetRow ¶
GetRow return pointer to row at index `idx` or nil if index is out of range.
func (*Dataset) GetRows ¶
GetRows return rows in dataset, without transposing.
func (*Dataset) Init ¶
Init will set the dataset using mode and types.
func (*Dataset) Len ¶
Len return number of row in dataset.
func (*Dataset) MergeColumns ¶
func (dataset *Dataset) MergeColumns(other DatasetInterface)
MergeColumns append columns from other dataset into current dataset.
func (*Dataset) MergeRows ¶
func (dataset *Dataset) MergeRows(other DatasetInterface)
MergeRows append rows from other dataset into current dataset.
func (*Dataset) PushColumn ¶
PushColumn will append new column to the end of slice if no existing column with the same name. If it exist, the records will be merged.
func (*Dataset) PushColumnToRows ¶
PushColumnToRows add each record in column to each rows, from top to bottom.
func (*Dataset) PushRow ¶
PushRow save the data, which is already in row object, to Rows.
func (*Dataset) PushRowToColumns ¶
PushRowToColumns push each data in Row to Columns.
func (*Dataset) Reset ¶
Reset all data and attributes.
func (*Dataset) SetColumnTypeAt ¶
SetColumnTypeAt will set column type at index `colidx` to `tipe`.
func (*Dataset) SetColumns ¶
SetColumns will replace current columns with new one from parameter.
func (*Dataset) SetColumnsName ¶
SetColumnsName set column name.
func (*Dataset) SetColumnsType ¶
SetColumnsType of data in all columns.
func (*Dataset) SetMode ¶
SetMode of saved data to `mode`.
func (*Dataset) SetRows ¶
SetRows will replace current rows with new one from parameter.
func (*Dataset) TransposeToColumns ¶
func (dataset *Dataset) TransposeToColumns()
TransposeToColumns move all data from rows (horizontal) to columns (vertical) mode.
func (*Dataset) TransposeToRows ¶
func (dataset *Dataset) TransposeToRows()
TransposeToRows will move all data from columns (vertical) to rows (horizontal) mode.
type DatasetInterface ¶
type DatasetInterface interface { Init(mode int, types []int, names []string) Clone() any Reset() error GetMode() int SetMode(mode int) GetNColumn() int GetNRow() int Len() int GetColumnsType() []int SetColumnsType(types []int) GetColumnTypeAt(idx int) (int, error) SetColumnTypeAt(idx, tipe int) error GetColumnsName() []string SetColumnsName(names []string) AddColumn(tipe int, name string, vs []string) GetColumn(idx int) *Column GetColumnByName(name string) *Column GetColumns() *Columns SetColumns(*Columns) GetRow(idx int) *Row GetRows() *Rows SetRows(*Rows) DeleteRow(idx int) *Row GetData() any GetDataAsRows() *Rows GetDataAsColumns() *Columns TransposeToColumns() TransposeToRows() PushRow(r *Row) PushRowToColumns(r *Row) FillRowsWithColumn(colidx int, col Column) PushColumn(col Column) PushColumnToRows(col Column) MergeColumns(DatasetInterface) MergeRows(DatasetInterface) }
DatasetInterface is the interface for working with DSV data.
func SelectColumnsByIdx ¶
func SelectColumnsByIdx(dataset DatasetInterface, colsIdx []int) ( newset DatasetInterface, )
SelectColumnsByIdx return new dataset with selected column index.
func SelectRowsWhere ¶
func SelectRowsWhere(dataset DatasetInterface, colidx int, colval string) DatasetInterface
SelectRowsWhere return all rows which column value in `colidx` is equal to `colval`.
type MapRows ¶
type MapRows []MapRowsElement
MapRows represent a list of mapping between string key and rows.
func (*MapRows) AddRow ¶
AddRow will append a row `v` into map value if they key `k` exist in map, otherwise it will insert a new map element.
func (*MapRows) GetMinority ¶
GetMinority return map value which contain the minimum rows.
type MapRowsElement ¶
MapRowsElement represent a single mapping of string key to rows.
type Matrix ¶
Matrix is a combination of columns and rows.
type Record ¶
type Record struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Record represent the smallest building block of data-set.
func NewRecord ¶
func NewRecord() *Record
NewRecord will create and return record with nil value.
func NewRecordBy ¶
NewRecordBy create new record from string with type set to `t`.
func NewRecordInt ¶
NewRecordInt create new record from integer value.
func NewRecordReal ¶
NewRecordReal create new record from float value.
func NewRecordString ¶
NewRecordString will create new record from string.
func (*Record) Bytes ¶
Bytes convert record value to slice of byte.
func (*Record) Clone ¶
Clone will create and return a clone of record.
func (*Record) Float ¶
Float convert given record to float value. If its failed it will return the -Infinity value.
func (*Record) Integer ¶
Integer convert given record to integer value. If its failed, it will return the minimum integer in 64bit.
func (*Record) Interface ¶
Interface return record value as interface.
func (*Record) IsEqual ¶
IsEqual return true if record is equal with other, otherwise return false.
func (*Record) IsEqualToInterface ¶
IsEqualToInterface return true if interface type and value equal to record type and value.
func (*Record) IsEqualToString ¶
IsEqualToString return true if string representation of record value is equal to string `v`.
func (*Record) IsMissingValue ¶
IsMissingValue check wether the value is a missing attribute.
If its string the missing value is indicated by character '?'.
If its integer the missing value is indicated by minimum negative integer, or math.MinInt64.
If its real the missing value is indicated by -Inf.
func (*Record) IsNil ¶
IsNil return true if record has not been set with value, or nil.
func (*Record) Reset ¶
func (r *Record) Reset()
Reset will reset record value to empty string or zero, depend on type.
func (*Record) SetFloat ¶
SetFloat will set the record value with float 64bit.
func (*Record) SetInteger ¶
SetInteger will set the record value with integer 64bit.
func (*Record) SetString ¶
SetString will set the record value with string value.
func (*Record) SetValue ¶
SetValue set the record value from string using type `t`. If value can not be converted to type, it will return an error.
func (Record) String ¶
String convert record value to string.
func (*Record) Type ¶
Type of record.
type Records ¶
type Records []*Record
Records define slice of pointer to Record.
func (*Records) CountWhere ¶
CountWhere return number of record where its value is equal to `v` type and value.
func (*Records) CountsWhere ¶
CountsWhere will return count of each value in slice `sv`.
func (*Records) Len ¶
Len will return the length of records.
func (*Records) SortByIndex ¶
SortByIndex will sort the records using slice of index `sortedIDx` and return it.
type Row ¶
type Row []*Record
Row represent slice of record.
func (*Row) Clone ¶
Clone create and return a clone of row.
func (*Row) GetIntAt ¶
GetIntAt return the integer value of row record at index `idx`. If the index is out of range it will return 0 and false.
func (*Row) GetRecord ¶
GetRecord will return pointer to record at index `i`, or nil if index is out of range.
func (*Row) GetValueAt ¶
GetValueAt return the value of row record at index `idx`. If the index is out of range it will return nil and false
func (*Row) IsEqual ¶
IsEqual return true if row content equal with `other` row, otherwise return false.
func (*Row) IsNilAt ¶
IsNilAt return true if there is no record value in row at `idx`, otherwise return false.
func (*Row) Len ¶
Len return number of record in row.
func (*Row) PushBack ¶
PushBack will add new record to the end of row.
func (*Row) SetValueAt ¶
SetValueAt will set the value of row at cell index `idx` with record `rec`.
func (*Row) Types ¶
Types return type of all records.
type Rows ¶
type Rows []*Row
Rows represent slice of Row.
func (*Rows) Contain ¶
Contain return true and index of row, if rows has data that has the same value with `row`, otherwise return false and -1 as index.
func (*Rows) Contains ¶
Contains return true and indices of row, if rows has data that has the same value with `rows`, otherwise return false and empty indices.
func (*Rows) Del ¶
Del will detach row at index `i` from slice and return it.
func (*Rows) GroupByValue ¶
GroupByValue will group each row based on record value in index recGroupIdx into map of string -> *Row.
WARNING: returned rows will be empty!
For example, given rows with target group in column index 1,
[1 +] [2 -] [3 -] [4 +]
this function will create a map with key is string of target and value is pointer to sub-rows,
- -> [1 +] [4 +]
- -> [2 -] [3 -]
func (*Rows) Len ¶
Len return number of row.
func (*Rows) PopFront ¶
PopFront remove the head, return the record value.
func (*Rows) PopFrontAsRows ¶
PopFrontAsRows remove the head and return ex-head as new rows.
func (*Rows) PushBack ¶
PushBack append record r to the end of rows.
func (*Rows) RandomPick ¶
func (rows *Rows) RandomPick(n int, duplicate bool) ( picked Rows, unpicked Rows, pickedIdx []int, unpickedIdx []int, )
RandomPick row in rows until n item and return it like its has been shuffled. If duplicate is true, row that has been picked can be picked up again, otherwise it will only picked up once.
This function return picked and unpicked rows and index of them.
func (*Rows) SelectWhere ¶
SelectWhere return all rows which column value in `colidx` is equal to `colval`.
func (Rows) String ¶
String return the string representation of each row.
Source Files ¶
claset.go clasetinterface.go column.go columninterface.go columns.go dataset.go datasetinterface.go maprows.go matrix.go record.go records.go row.go rows.go tabula.go
- Version
- v0.60.0 (latest)
- Published
- Feb 1, 2025
- Platform
- linux/amd64
- Imports
- 14 packages
- Last checked
- 17 minutes ago –
Tools for package owners.