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package moac

import ""

Package moac provides the utilities to calculate password strength given physical constraints.



const (
	// C is the speed of light in a vacuum, m/s.
	C = 299792458
	// G is the gravitation constant, m^3/kg/s^2.
	G = 6.67408e-11
	// Hubble is Hubble's Constant, hertz.
	Hubble = 2.2e-18
	// UTemp is a low estimate for the temperature of cosmic background radiation, kelvin.
	UTemp = 2.7
	// Boltzmann is Boltzmann's constant, J/K.
	Boltzmann = 1.3806503e-23
	// Planck is Planck's Constant, J*s.
	Planck = 6.62607015e-35

	// UMass is the mass of the observable universe.
	UMass = C * C * C / (2 * G * Hubble)
	// Bremermann is Bremermann's limit.
	Bremermann = C * C / Planck

	// DefaultEntropy is the number of bits of entropy to target if no target entropy is provided.
	DefaultEntropy = 256


var (
	ErrMissingValue = errors.New("not enough given values")
	ErrMissingEMT   = fmt.Errorf("%w: missing energy, mass, and/or time", ErrMissingValue)
	ErrMissingPE    = fmt.Errorf("%w: missing password and/or entropy", ErrMissingValue)

Errors for missing physical values that are required to compute desired values.


func BruteForceability

func BruteForceability(givens *Givens, quantum bool) (float64, error)

BruteForceability computes the liklihood that a password will be brute-forced given the contstraints in givens. if 0 < BruteForceability <= 1, it represents the probability that the password can be brute-forced. if BruteForceability > 1, it represents the number of times a password can be brute-forced with certainty.

func MinEntropy

func MinEntropy(givens *Givens, quantum bool) (entropyNeeded float64)

MinEntropy calculates the maximum password entropy that the MOAC can certainly brute-force. Passwords need an entropy greater than this to have a chance of not being guessed.


type Givens

type Givens struct {
	Password         string
	Entropy          float64
	Energy           float64
	Mass             float64 // mass used to build a computer or convert to energy
	Time             float64 // Duration of the attack, in seconds.
	Temperature      float64 // Duration of the attack, in seconds.
	EnergyPerGuess   float64
	Power            float64
	GuessesPerSecond float64

Givens holds the values used to compute password strength. These values are all physical quantities, measured using standard SI units.

Source Files

doc.go givens.go


entropyPackage entropy provides a means to compute entropy of a given random string by analyzing both the charsets used and its length.
pwgenPackage pwgen allows generating random passwords given charsets, length limits, and target entropy.
v1.2.0 (latest)
Sep 23, 2021
5 packages
Last checked
1 day ago

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