package checking

import ""



type Amount

type Amount struct {
	Typename string  `json:"__typename"`
	Amount   float64 `json:"amount,string"`
	Currency string  `json:"currency"`

type Fields

type Fields struct {
	User, Account string

type Parser

type Parser struct{}

func (Parser) Filetype

func (Parser) Filetype() string

func (Parser) Parse

func (Parser) Parse(acc pfin.Account, filename string, data []byte) (txns []pfin.Transaction, err error)

type Raw

type Raw struct {
	// can be fund transfer, check deposit or misc, description is generally more detailed
	Typename             string `json:"__typename"`
	Amount               `json:"amount"`
	Date                 util.DateISO `json:"date"`
	Description          string       `json:"description"`
	ExternalAccount      any          `json:"externalAccount,omitempty"`
	IsPartiallyAvailable any          `json:"isPartiallyAvailable,omitempty"`
	LifecycleStatus      string       `json:"lifecycleStatus"`
	Reference            string       `json:"reference"`
	RunningBalance       Amount       `json:"runningBalance"`

type Response

type Response struct {
	Data struct {
		ProductAccountByAccountNumberProxy struct {
			Typename          string `json:"__typename"`
			FinancialPosition struct {
				Typename     string `json:"__typename"`
				Transactions struct {
					Typename             string        `json:"__typename"`
					CheckingTransactions []Transaction `json:"checkingTransactions"`
				} `json:"transactions"`
			} `json:"financialPosition"`
		} `json:"productAccountByAccountNumberProxy"`
	} `json:"data"`

type Transaction

type Transaction struct {
	Fields // computed fields
	Raw    // json object

func (Transaction) Account

func (tx Transaction) Account() string

func (Transaction) Amount

func (tx Transaction) Amount() float64

func (Transaction) Card

func (tx Transaction) Card() string

func (Transaction) Category

func (tx Transaction) Category() string

func (Transaction) Date

func (tx Transaction) Date() time.Time

func (Transaction) Name

func (tx Transaction) Name() string

func (Transaction) String

func (tx Transaction) String() string

should be util.FormatTx

func (Transaction) User

func (tx Transaction) User() string

Source Files

interface.go parser.go types.go

v0.0.0-20240211185340-c44b6515a97b (latest)
Feb 11, 2024
5 packages
Last checked
3 weeks ago

Tools for package owners.