xstd-go – git.sr.ht/~jamesponddotco/xstd-go Directories

xstd-go/ directory


xcontextPackage xcontext provides types to extend [the context package].
xcryptoPackage xcrypto implements cryptographic helpers and utilities.
xcrypto/xargon2Package xargon2 provides functions and utilities to extend [Go's argon2 module].
xcrypto/xrandPackage xrand provides helper functions for generating random numbers.
xcrypto/xsubtlePackage xsubtle provides functions and utilities to extend Go's default crypto/subtle package.
xcrypto/xtlsPackage xtls implements helpers and utilities for TLS clients.
xerrorsPackage xerrors provides helper functions and types for error handling.
xflagPackage xflag provides a set of functions and utilities to extend the functionality of Go'give flag package.
xhash/xfnvPackage xfnv implements the 64-bit FNV-1a non-cryptographic hash algorithm.
xioPackage xio provides functions and utilities that extends the standard library with additional functionality.
xlog/xslogPackage xslog provides extensions to the standard structured logging module of the Go standard library.
xnetPackage xnet provides functions and utilities that extend Go's standard net module.
xnet/xhttpPackage xhttp provides utility functions for HTTP requests.
xnet/xhttp/xhttputilPackage xhttputil provides utility functions for HTTP requests and responses.
xnet/xhttp/xmiddlewarePackage xmiddleware contains simple middleware functions.
xnet/xurlPackage xurl provides helpers and utilities for working with URLs.
xosPackage xos provides extensions for [Go's standard os package].
xstringsPackage xstrings provides additional functions to manipulate strings.
xtimePackage xtime provides functions and utilities that extend Go's standard time package.
xunsafePackage xunsafe provides utilities for unsafe operations.
v0.13.1 (latest)
Jan 29, 2025
Last checked
4 days ago

Tools for package owners.