gocuelang.org/go/internal/golangorgx Directories

golangorgx/ directory


internal/golangorgx/gopls/cachePackage cache is the core of gopls: it is concerned with state management, dependency analysis, and invalidation; and it holds the machinery of type checking and modular static analysis.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/cache/metadataThe metadata package defines types and functions for working with package metadata, which describes Go packages and their relationships.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/cache/methodsetsPackage methodsets defines an incremental, serializable index of method-set information that allows efficient 'implements' queries across packages of the workspace without using the type checker.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/cache/typerefsPackage typerefs extracts symbol-level reachability information from the syntax of a Go package.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/cache/xrefsPackage xrefs defines the serializable index of cross-package references that is computed during type checking.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/cmdPackage cmd handles the gopls command line.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/cuelangPackage golang defines the LSP features for navigation, analysis, and refactoring of Go source code.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/debugPackage debug exports debug information for gopls.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/debug/logPackage log provides helper methods for exporting log events to the internal/event package.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/fileThe file package defines types used for working with LSP files.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/filecacheThe filecache package provides a file-based shared durable blob cache.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/hooksPackage hooks adds all the standard gopls implementations.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/lsprpcPackage lsprpc implements a jsonrpc2.StreamServer that may be used to serve the LSP on a jsonrpc2 channel.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/progressThe progress package defines utilities for reporting the progress of long-running operations using features of the LSP client interface such as Progress and ShowMessage.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/protocolPackage protocol contains the structs that map directly to the request and response messages of the Language Server Protocol.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/protocol/commandPackage command defines the interface provided by gopls for the workspace/executeCommand LSP request.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/protocol/semtokThe semtok package provides an encoder for LSP's semantic tokens.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/serverPackage server defines gopls' implementation of the LSP server interface, protocol.Server.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/test/integrationPackage integration provides a framework for writing integration tests of gopls.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/test/integration/fakePackage fake provides a fake implementation of an LSP-enabled text editor, its LSP client plugin, and a Sandbox environment for use in integration tests.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/test/integration/fake/globPackage glob implements an LSP-compliant glob pattern matcher for testing.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/util/astutilPackage astutil provides various AST utility functions for gopls.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/util/browserPackage browser provides utilities for interacting with users' browsers.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/util/bugPackage bug provides utilities for reporting internal bugs, and being notified when they occur.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/util/constraintsPackage constraints defines a set of useful constraints to be used with type parameters.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/util/frobPackage frob is a fast restricted object encoder/decoder in the spirit of encoding/gob.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/util/immutableThe immutable package defines immutable wrappers around common data structures.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/util/lruThe lru package implements a fixed-size in-memory LRU cache.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/util/persistentThe persistent package defines various persistent data structures; that is, data structures that can be efficiently copied and modified in sublinear time.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/util/safetokenPackage safetoken provides wrappers around methods in go/token, that return errors rather than panicking.
internal/golangorgx/gopls/versionPackage version manages the gopls version.
internal/golangorgx/telemetry/counterPackage counter implements a simple counter system for collecting totally public telemetry data.
internal/golangorgx/telemetry/internal/configpackage config provides methods for loading and querying a telemetry upload config file.
internal/golangorgx/telemetry/internal/configstorePackage configstore abstracts interaction with the telemetry config server.
internal/golangorgx/telemetry/internal/counterPackage internal/counter implements the internals of the public counter package.
internal/golangorgx/telemetry/internal/mmapThe mmap package provides an abstraction for memory mapping files on different platforms.
internal/golangorgx/telemetry/internal/telemetryPackage telemetry manages the telemetry mode file.
internal/golangorgx/tools/analysisinternalPackage analysisinternal provides gopls' internal analyses with a number of helper functions that operate on typed syntax trees.
internal/golangorgx/tools/diffPackage diff computes differences between text files or strings.
internal/golangorgx/tools/diff/lcspackage lcs contains code to find longest-common-subsequences (and diffs)
internal/golangorgx/tools/eventPackage event provides a set of packages that cover the main concepts of telemetry in an implementation agnostic way.
internal/golangorgx/tools/event/corePackage core provides support for event based telemetry.
internal/golangorgx/tools/event/export/metricPackage metric aggregates events into metrics that can be exported.
internal/golangorgx/tools/event/export/ocagentPackage ocagent adds the ability to export all telemetry to an ocagent.
internal/golangorgx/tools/event/tagPackage tag provides the labels used for telemetry throughout gopls.
internal/golangorgx/tools/factsPackage facts defines a serializable set of analysis.Fact.
internal/golangorgx/tools/fuzzyPackage fuzzy implements a fuzzy matching algorithm.
internal/golangorgx/tools/gcimporterPackage gcimporter provides various functions for reading gc-generated object files that can be used to implement the Importer interface defined by the Go 1.5 standard library package.
internal/golangorgx/tools/gocommandPackage gocommand is a helper for calling the go command.
internal/golangorgx/tools/gopathwalkPackage gopathwalk is like filepath.Walk but specialized for finding Go packages, particularly in $GOPATH and $GOROOT.
internal/golangorgx/tools/gorootPackage goroot is a copy of package internal/goroot in the main GO repot.
internal/golangorgx/tools/importsPackage imports implements a Go pretty-printer (like package "go/format") that also adds or removes import statements as necessary.
internal/golangorgx/tools/jsonrpc2Package jsonrpc2 is a minimal implementation of the JSON RPC 2 spec.
internal/golangorgx/tools/jsonrpc2/servertestPackage servertest provides utilities for running tests against a remote LSP server.
internal/golangorgx/tools/jsonrpc2_v2Package jsonrpc2 is a minimal implementation of the JSON RPC 2 spec.
internal/golangorgx/tools/memoizePackage memoize defines a "promise" abstraction that enables memoization of the result of calling an expensive but idempotent function.
internal/golangorgx/tools/packagesinternalPackage packagesinternal exposes internal-only fields from go/packages.
internal/golangorgx/tools/pkgbitsPackage pkgbits implements low-level coding abstractions for Unified IR's export data format.
internal/golangorgx/tools/proxydirPackage proxydir provides functions for writing module data to a directory in proxy format, so that it can be used as a module proxy by setting GOPROXY="file://<dir>".
internal/golangorgx/tools/refactor/inlinePackage inline implements inlining of Go function calls.
internal/golangorgx/tools/robustioPackage robustio wraps I/O functions that are prone to failure on Windows, transparently retrying errors up to an arbitrary timeout.
internal/golangorgx/tools/testenvPackage testenv contains helper functions for skipping tests based on which tools are present in the environment.
internal/golangorgx/tools/tokeninternalpackage tokeninternal provides access to some internal features of the token package.
internal/golangorgx/tools/toolPackage tool is a harness for writing Go tools.
internal/golangorgx/tools/typeparamsPackage typeparams contains common utilities for writing tools that interact with generic Go code, as introduced with Go 1.18.
internal/golangorgx/tools/typesinternalPackage typesinternal provides access to internal go/types APIs that are not yet exported.
internal/golangorgx/tools/xcontextPackage xcontext is a package to offer the extra functionality we need from contexts that is not available from the standard context package.
v0.12.0 (latest)
Jan 30, 2025
Last checked
8 hours ago

Tools for package owners.