package crypto

import "crypto"

Package crypto collects common cryptographic constants.



func RegisterHash

func RegisterHash(h Hash, f func() hash.Hash)

RegisterHash registers a function that returns a new instance of the given hash function. This is intended to be called from the init function in packages that implement hash functions.


type Decrypter

type Decrypter interface {
	// Public returns the public key corresponding to the opaque,
	// private key.
	Public() PublicKey

	// Decrypt decrypts msg. The opts argument should be appropriate for
	// the primitive used. See the documentation in each implementation for
	// details.
	Decrypt(rand io.Reader, msg []byte, opts DecrypterOpts) (plaintext []byte, err error)

Decrypter is an interface for an opaque private key that can be used for asymmetric decryption operations. An example would be an RSA key kept in a hardware module.

type DecrypterOpts

type DecrypterOpts any

type Hash

type Hash uint

Hash identifies a cryptographic hash function that is implemented in another package.

const (
	MD4         Hash = 1 + iota // import
	MD5                         // import crypto/md5
	SHA1                        // import crypto/sha1
	SHA224                      // import crypto/sha256
	SHA256                      // import crypto/sha256
	SHA384                      // import crypto/sha512
	SHA512                      // import crypto/sha512
	MD5SHA1                     // no implementation; MD5+SHA1 used for TLS RSA
	RIPEMD160                   // import
	SHA3_224                    // import
	SHA3_256                    // import
	SHA3_384                    // import
	SHA3_512                    // import
	SHA512_224                  // import crypto/sha512
	SHA512_256                  // import crypto/sha512
	BLAKE2s_256                 // import
	BLAKE2b_256                 // import
	BLAKE2b_384                 // import
	BLAKE2b_512                 // import


func (Hash) Available

func (h Hash) Available() bool

Available reports whether the given hash function is linked into the binary.

func (Hash) HashFunc

func (h Hash) HashFunc() Hash

HashFunc simply returns the value of h so that Hash implements SignerOpts.

func (Hash) New

func (h Hash) New() hash.Hash

New returns a new hash.Hash calculating the given hash function. New panics if the hash function is not linked into the binary.

func (Hash) Size

func (h Hash) Size() int

Size returns the length, in bytes, of a digest resulting from the given hash function. It doesn't require that the hash function in question be linked into the program.

func (Hash) String

func (h Hash) String() string

type PrivateKey

type PrivateKey any

PrivateKey represents a private key using an unspecified algorithm.

Although this type is an empty interface for backwards compatibility reasons, all private key types in the standard library implement the following interface

    Public() crypto.PublicKey
    Equal(x crypto.PrivateKey) bool

as well as purpose-specific interfaces such as Signer and Decrypter, which can be used for increased type safety within applications.

type PublicKey

type PublicKey any

PublicKey represents a public key using an unspecified algorithm.

Although this type is an empty interface for backwards compatibility reasons, all public key types in the standard library implement the following interface

    Equal(x crypto.PublicKey) bool

which can be used for increased type safety within applications.

type Signer

type Signer interface {
	// Public returns the public key corresponding to the opaque,
	// private key.
	Public() PublicKey

	// Sign signs digest with the private key, possibly using entropy from
	// rand. For an RSA key, the resulting signature should be either a
	// PKCS #1 v1.5 or PSS signature (as indicated by opts). For an (EC)DSA
	// key, it should be a DER-serialised, ASN.1 signature structure.
	// Hash implements the SignerOpts interface and, in most cases, one can
	// simply pass in the hash function used as opts. Sign may also attempt
	// to type assert opts to other types in order to obtain algorithm
	// specific values. See the documentation in each package for details.
	// Note that when a signature of a hash of a larger message is needed,
	// the caller is responsible for hashing the larger message and passing
	// the hash (as digest) and the hash function (as opts) to Sign.
	Sign(rand io.Reader, digest []byte, opts SignerOpts) (signature []byte, err error)

Signer is an interface for an opaque private key that can be used for signing operations. For example, an RSA key kept in a hardware module.

type SignerOpts

type SignerOpts interface {
	// HashFunc returns an identifier for the hash function used to produce
	// the message passed to Signer.Sign, or else zero to indicate that no
	// hashing was done.
	HashFunc() Hash

SignerOpts contains options for signing with a Signer.

Source Files



crypto/aesPackage aes implements AES encryption (formerly Rijndael), as defined in U.S. Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 197.
crypto/cipherPackage cipher implements standard block cipher modes that can be wrapped around low-level block cipher implementations.
crypto/desPackage des implements the Data Encryption Standard (DES) and the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) as defined in U.S. Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 46-3.
crypto/dsaPackage dsa implements the Digital Signature Algorithm, as defined in FIPS 186-3.
crypto/ecdhPackage ecdh implements Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman over NIST curves and Curve25519.
crypto/ecdsaPackage ecdsa implements the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, as defined in [FIPS 186-5].
crypto/ed25519Package ed25519 implements the Ed25519 signature algorithm.
crypto/ellipticPackage elliptic implements the standard NIST P-224, P-256, P-384, and P-521 elliptic curves over prime fields.
crypto/hkdfPackage hkdf implements the HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) as defined in RFC 5869.
crypto/hmacPackage hmac implements the Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) as defined in U.S. Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 198.
crypto/md5Package md5 implements the MD5 hash algorithm as defined in RFC 1321.
crypto/mlkemPackage mlkem implements the quantum-resistant key encapsulation method ML-KEM (formerly known as Kyber), as specified in [NIST FIPS 203].
crypto/pbkdf2Package pbkdf2 implements the key derivation function PBKDF2 as defined in RFC 8018 (PKCS #5 v2.1).
crypto/randPackage rand implements a cryptographically secure random number generator.
crypto/rc4Package rc4 implements RC4 encryption, as defined in Bruce Schneier's Applied Cryptography.
crypto/rsaPackage rsa implements RSA encryption as specified in PKCS #1 and RFC 8017.
crypto/sha1Package sha1 implements the SHA-1 hash algorithm as defined in RFC 3174.
crypto/sha256Package sha256 implements the SHA224 and SHA256 hash algorithms as defined in FIPS 180-4.
crypto/sha3Package sha3 implements the SHA-3 hash algorithms and the SHAKE extendable output functions defined in FIPS 202.
crypto/sha512Package sha512 implements the SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224, and SHA-512/256 hash algorithms as defined in FIPS 180-4.
crypto/subtlePackage subtle implements functions that are often useful in cryptographic code but require careful thought to use correctly.
crypto/tlsPackage tls partially implements TLS 1.2, as specified in RFC 5246, and TLS 1.3, as specified in RFC 8446.
crypto/x509Package x509 implements a subset of the X.509 standard.
crypto/x509/pkixPackage pkix contains shared, low level structures used for ASN.1 parsing and serialization of X.509 certificates, CRL and OCSP.
v1.24.1 (latest)
Feb 27, 2025
3 packages
Last checked
10 seconds ago

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