cmd/ directory


cmd/addr2lineAddr2line is a minimal simulation of the GNU addr2line tool, just enough to support pprof.
cmd/asmAsm, typically invoked as “go tool asm”, assembles the source file into an object file named for the basename of the argument source file with a .o suffix.
cmd/buildidBuildid displays or updates the build ID stored in a Go package or binary.
cmd/cgoCgo enables the creation of Go packages that call C code.
cmd/compileCompile, typically invoked as “go tool compile,” compiles a single Go package comprising the files named on the command line.
cmd/covdataCovdata is a program for manipulating and generating reports from 2nd-generation coverage testing output files, those produced from running applications or integration tests.
cmd/coverCover is a program for analyzing the coverage profiles generated by 'go test -coverprofile=cover.out'.
cmd/distDist helps bootstrap, build, and test the Go distribution.
cmd/distpackDistpack creates the tgz and zip files for a Go distribution.
cmd/docDoc (usually run as go doc) accepts zero, one or two arguments.
cmd/fixFix finds Go programs that use old APIs and rewrites them to use newer ones.
cmd/goGo is a tool for managing Go source code.
cmd/gofmtGofmt formats Go programs.
cmd/linkLink, typically invoked as “go tool link”, reads the Go archive or object for a package main, along with its dependencies, and combines them into an executable binary.
cmd/nmNm lists the symbols defined or used by an object file, archive, or executable.
cmd/objdumpObjdump disassembles executable files.
cmd/packPack is a simple version of the traditional Unix ar tool.
cmd/pprofPprof interprets and displays profiles of Go programs.
cmd/test2jsonTest2json converts go test output to a machine-readable JSON stream.
cmd/traceTrace is a tool for viewing trace files.
cmd/vetVet examines Go source code and reports suspicious constructs, such as Printf calls whose arguments do not align with the format string.
Dec 19, 2023
Last checked
49 seconds ago

Tools for package owners.