cmd/ directory


cmd/addr2lineAddr2line is a minimal simulation of the GNU addr2line tool, just enough to support pprof.
cmd/apiBinary api computes the exported API of a set of Go packages.
cmd/asmAsm, typically invoked as “go tool asm”, assembles the source file into an object file named for the basename of the argument source file with a .o suffix.
cmd/buildidBuildid displays or updates the build ID stored in a Go package or binary.
cmd/cgoCgo enables the creation of Go packages that call C code.
cmd/compileCompile, typically invoked as “go tool compile,” compiles a single Go package comprising the files named on the command line.
cmd/coverCover is a program for analyzing the coverage profiles generated by 'go test -coverprofile=cover.out'.
cmd/distDist helps bootstrap, build, and test the Go distribution.
cmd/docDoc (usually run as go doc) accepts zero, one or two arguments.
cmd/fixFix finds Go programs that use old APIs and rewrites them to use newer ones.
cmd/goGo is a tool for managing Go source code.
cmd/gofmtGofmt formats Go programs.
cmd/linkLink, typically invoked as “go tool link,” reads the Go archive or object for a package main, along with its dependencies, and combines them into an executable binary.
cmd/nmNm lists the symbols defined or used by an object file, archive, or executable.
cmd/objdumpObjdump disassembles executable files.
cmd/packPack is a simple version of the traditional Unix ar tool.
cmd/pprofPprof interprets and displays profiles of Go programs.
cmd/test2jsonTest2json converts go test output to a machine-readable JSON stream.
cmd/traceTrace is a tool for viewing trace files.
cmd/vetVet examines Go source code and reports suspicious constructs, such as Printf calls whose arguments do not align with the format string.
Sep 9, 2020
Last checked
1 minute ago

Tools for package owners.