internal/ directory


cmd/go/internal/authPackage auth provides access to user-provided authentication credentials.
cmd/go/internal/basePackage base defines shared basic pieces of the go command, in particular logging and the Command structure.
cmd/go/internal/bugPackage bug implements the “go bug” command.
cmd/go/internal/cachePackage cache implements a build artifact cache.
cmd/go/internal/cfgPackage cfg holds configuration shared by multiple parts of the go command.
cmd/go/internal/cleanPackage clean implements the “go clean” command.
cmd/go/internal/cmdflagPackage cmdflag handles flag processing common to several go tools.
cmd/go/internal/dirhashPackage dirhash defines hashes over directory trees.
cmd/go/internal/docPackage doc implements the “go doc” command.
cmd/go/internal/envcmdPackage envcmd implements the “go env” command.
cmd/go/internal/fixPackage fix implements the “go fix” command.
cmd/go/internal/fmtcmdPackage fmtcmd implements the “go fmt” command.
cmd/go/internal/generatePackage generate implements the “go generate” command.
cmd/go/internal/getPackage get implements the “go get” command.
cmd/go/internal/helpPackage help implements the “go help” command.
cmd/go/internal/listPackage list implements the “go list” command.
cmd/go/internal/loadPackage load loads packages.
cmd/go/internal/lockedfilePackage lockedfile creates and manipulates files whose contents should only change atomically.
cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelockPackage filelock provides a platform-independent API for advisory file locking.
cmd/go/internal/modcmdPackage modcmd implements the “go mod” command.
cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehostPackage codehost defines the interface implemented by a code hosting source, along with support code for use by implementations.
cmd/go/internal/modgetPackage modget implements the module-aware “go get” command.
cmd/go/internal/modulePackage module defines the module.Version type along with support code.
cmd/go/internal/mvsPackage mvs implements Minimal Version Selection.
cmd/go/internal/notePackage note defines the notes signed by the Go module database server.
cmd/go/internal/parPackage par implements parallel execution helpers.
cmd/go/internal/renameioPackage renameio writes files atomically by renaming temporary files.
cmd/go/internal/robustioPackage robustio wraps I/O functions that are prone to failure on Windows, transparently retrying errors up to an arbitrary timeout.
cmd/go/internal/runPackage run implements the “go run” command.
cmd/go/internal/semverPackage semver implements comparison of semantic version strings.
cmd/go/internal/strPackage str provides string manipulation utilities.
cmd/go/internal/sumwebPackage sumweb implements the HTTP protocols for serving or accessing a go.sum database.
cmd/go/internal/tlogPackage tlog implements a tamper-evident log used in the Go module go.sum database server.
cmd/go/internal/toolPackage tool implements the “go tool” command.
cmd/go/internal/txtarPackage txtar implements a trivial text-based file archive format.
cmd/go/internal/versionPackage version implements the “go version” command.
cmd/go/internal/vetPackage vet implements the “go vet” command.
cmd/go/internal/webPackage web defines minimal helper routines for accessing HTTP/HTTPS resources without requiring external dependenicies on the net package.
Aug 29, 2019
Last checked
7 minutes ago

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