package typecheck
import "cmd/compile/internal/typecheck"
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddImplicitDots(n *ir.SelectorExpr) *ir.SelectorExpr
- func AssertFixedCall(call *ir.CallExpr)
- func AssignConv(n ir.Node, t *types.Type, context string) ir.Node
- func AssignExpr(n ir.Node) ir.Node
- func Assignop(src, dst *types.Type) (ir.Op, string)
- func Assignop1(src, dst *types.Type) (ir.Op, string)
- func AutoLabel(prefix string) *types.Sym
- func BaseTypeIndex(t *types.Type) int64
- func CalcMethods(t *types.Type)
- func Call(pos src.XPos, callee ir.Node, args []ir.Node, dots bool) ir.Node
- func Callee(n ir.Node) ir.Node
- func CheckFuncStack()
- func ClosureType(clo *ir.ClosureExpr) *types.Type
- func ComputeAddrtaken(top []ir.Node)
- func Conv(n ir.Node, t *types.Type) ir.Node
- func ConvNop(n ir.Node, t *types.Type) ir.Node
- func Convertop(srcConstant bool, src, dst *types.Type) (ir.Op, string)
- func DeclFunc(sym *types.Sym, recv *ir.Field, params, results []*ir.Field) *ir.Func
- func Declare(n *ir.Name, ctxt ir.Class)
- func DeclareUniverse()
- func DefaultLit(n ir.Node, t *types.Type) ir.Node
- func Export(n *ir.Name)
- func Expr(n ir.Node) ir.Node
- func Exprs(exprs []ir.Node)
- func FinishFuncBody()
- func FixMethodCall(call *ir.CallExpr)
- func FixVariadicCall(call *ir.CallExpr)
- func Func(fn *ir.Func)
- func Implements(t, iface *types.Type) bool
- func ImplementsExplain(t, iface *types.Type) string
- func IndexConst(n ir.Node) int64
- func InitCoverage()
- func InitRuntime()
- func InitUniverse()
- func LinksymAddr(pos src.XPos, lsym *obj.LSym, typ *types.Type) *ir.AddrExpr
- func Lookdot(n *ir.SelectorExpr, t *types.Type, dostrcmp int) *types.Field
- func Lookdot1(errnode ir.Node, s *types.Sym, t *types.Type, fs *types.Fields, dostrcmp int) *types.Field
- func Lookup(name string) *types.Sym
- func LookupCoverage(name string) *ir.Name
- func LookupNum(prefix string, n int) *types.Sym
- func LookupRuntime(name string) *ir.Name
- func LookupRuntimeABI(name string, abi obj.ABI) *obj.LSym
- func LookupRuntimeFunc(name string) *obj.LSym
- func LookupRuntimeVar(name string) *obj.LSym
- func MakeDotArgs(pos src.XPos, typ *types.Type, args []ir.Node) ir.Node
- func MethodValueType(n *ir.SelectorExpr) *types.Type
- func NewFuncParams(tl *types.Type, mustname bool) []*ir.Field
- func NewMethodType(sig *types.Type, recv *types.Type) *types.Type
- func NewName(s *types.Sym) *ir.Name
- func NodAddr(n ir.Node) *ir.AddrExpr
- func NodAddrAt(pos src.XPos, n ir.Node) *ir.AddrExpr
- func NodNil() ir.Node
- func OrigBool(n ir.Node, v bool) ir.Node
- func OrigConst(n ir.Node, v constant.Value) ir.Node
- func OrigInt(n ir.Node, v int64) ir.Node
- func RangeExprType(t *types.Type) *types.Type
- func Resolve(n ir.Node) (res ir.Node)
- func RewriteMultiValueCall(n ir.InitNode, call ir.Node)
- func RewriteNonNameCall(n *ir.CallExpr)
- func SetBaseTypeIndex(t *types.Type, i, pi int64)
- func StartFuncBody(fn *ir.Func)
- func Stmt(n ir.Node) ir.Node
- func Stmts(stmts []ir.Node)
- func SubstArgTypes(old *ir.Name, types_ ...*types.Type) *ir.Name
- func Temp(t *types.Type) *ir.Name
- func TempAt(pos src.XPos, curfn *ir.Func, t *types.Type) *ir.Name
- func TparamExportName(prefix string, name string, index int) string
- func TparamName(exportName string) string
Constants ¶
const LocalDictName = ".dict"
The name used for dictionary parameters or local variables.
Variables ¶
var DirtyAddrtaken = false
If DirtyAddrtaken is true, then there are OADDR whose corresponding arguments have not yet been marked as Addrtaken.
var HaveInlineBody = func(fn *ir.Func) bool { base.Fatalf("HaveInlineBody not overridden") panic("unreachable") }
HaveInlineBody reports whether we have fn's inline body available for inlining.
It's a function literal so that it can be overridden for GOEXPERIMENT=unified.
var IncrementalAddrtaken = false
If IncrementalAddrtaken is false, we do not compute Addrtaken for an OADDR Node when it is built. The Addrtaken bits are set in bulk by computeAddrtaken. If IncrementalAddrtaken is true, then when an OADDR Node is built the Addrtaken field of its argument is updated immediately.
Function collecting autotmps generated during typechecking, to be included in the package-level init function.
Target is the package being compiled.
var TypecheckAllowed bool
Functions ¶
func AddImplicitDots ¶
func AddImplicitDots(n *ir.SelectorExpr) *ir.SelectorExpr
AddImplicitDots finds missing fields in obj.field that will give the shortest unique addressing and modifies the tree with missing field names.
func AssertFixedCall ¶
func AssignConv ¶
func AssignExpr ¶
func Assignop ¶
Is type src assignment compatible to type dst? If so, return op code to use in conversion. If not, return OXXX. In this case, the string return parameter may hold a reason why. In all other cases, it'll be the empty string.
func Assignop1 ¶
func AutoLabel ¶
AutoLabel generates a new Name node for use with an automatically generated label. prefix is a short mnemonic (e.g. ".s" for switch) to help with debugging. It should begin with "." to avoid conflicts with user labels.
func BaseTypeIndex ¶
func CalcMethods ¶
CalcMethods calculates all the methods (including embedding) of a non-interface type t.
func Call ¶
func Callee ¶
func CheckFuncStack ¶
func CheckFuncStack()
func ClosureType ¶
func ClosureType(clo *ir.ClosureExpr) *types.Type
ClosureType returns the struct type used to hold all the information needed in the closure for clo (clo must be a OCLOSURE node). The address of a variable of the returned type can be cast to a func.
func ComputeAddrtaken ¶
func Conv ¶
func ConvNop ¶
ConvNop converts node n to type t using the OCONVNOP op and typechecks the result with ctxExpr.
func Convertop ¶
Can we convert a value of type src to a value of type dst? If so, return op code to use in conversion (maybe OCONVNOP). If not, return OXXX. In this case, the string return parameter may hold a reason why. In all other cases, it'll be the empty string. srcConstant indicates whether the value of type src is a constant.
func DeclFunc ¶
func Declare ¶
Declare records that Node n declares symbol n.Sym in the specified declaration context.
func DeclareUniverse ¶
func DeclareUniverse()
DeclareUniverse makes the universe block visible within the current package.
func DefaultLit ¶
func Export ¶
Export marks n for export (or reexport).
func Expr ¶
func Exprs ¶
func FinishFuncBody ¶
func FinishFuncBody()
finish the body. called in auto-declaration context. returns in extern-declaration context.
func FixMethodCall ¶
FixMethodCall rewrites a method call t.M(...) into a function call T.M(t, ...).
func FixVariadicCall ¶
FixVariadicCall rewrites calls to variadic functions to use an explicit ... argument if one is not already present.
func Func ¶
func Implements ¶
Implements reports whether t implements the interface iface. t can be an interface, a type parameter, or a concrete type.
func ImplementsExplain ¶
ImplementsExplain reports whether t implements the interface iface. t can be an interface, a type parameter, or a concrete type. If t does not implement iface, a non-empty string is returned explaining why.
func IndexConst ¶
IndexConst checks if Node n contains a constant expression representable as a non-negative int and returns its value. If n is not a constant expression, not representable as an integer, or negative, it returns -1. If n is too large, it returns -2.
func InitCoverage ¶
func InitCoverage()
InitCoverage loads the definitions for routines called by code coverage instrumentation (similar to InitRuntime above).
func InitRuntime ¶
func InitRuntime()
InitRuntime loads the definitions for the low-level runtime functions, so that the compiler can generate calls to them, but does not make them visible to user code.
func InitUniverse ¶
func InitUniverse()
InitUniverse initializes the universe block.
func LinksymAddr ¶
LinksymAddr returns a new expression that evaluates to the address of lsym. typ specifies the type of the addressed memory.
func Lookdot ¶
Lookdot looks up field or method n.Sel in the type t and returns the matching field. It transforms the op of node n to ODOTINTER or ODOTMETH, if appropriate. It also may add a StarExpr node to n.X as needed for access to non-pointer methods. If dostrcmp is 0, it matches the field/method with the exact symbol as n.Sel (appropriate for exported fields). If dostrcmp is 1, it matches by name exactly. If dostrcmp is 2, it matches names with case folding.
func Lookdot1 ¶
func Lookdot1(errnode ir.Node, s *types.Sym, t *types.Type, fs *types.Fields, dostrcmp int) *types.Field
Lookdot1 looks up the specified method s in the list fs of methods, returning the matching field or nil. If dostrcmp is 0, it matches the symbols. If dostrcmp is 1, it matches by name exactly. If dostrcmp is 2, it matches names with case folding.
func Lookup ¶
func LookupCoverage ¶
LookupCoverage looks up the Go function 'name' in package runtime/coverage. This function must follow the internal calling convention.
func LookupNum ¶
LookupNum returns types.LocalPkg.LookupNum(prefix, n).
func LookupRuntime ¶
func LookupRuntimeABI ¶
LookupRuntimeABI looks up a name in package runtime using the given ABI.
func LookupRuntimeFunc ¶
LookupRuntimeFunc looks up Go function name in package runtime. This function must follow the internal calling convention.
func LookupRuntimeVar ¶
LookupRuntimeVar looks up a variable (or assembly function) name in package runtime. If this is a function, it may have a special calling convention.
func MakeDotArgs ¶
MakeDotArgs package all the arguments that match a ... T parameter into a []T.
func MethodValueType ¶
func MethodValueType(n *ir.SelectorExpr) *types.Type
MethodValueType returns the struct type used to hold all the information needed in the closure for a OMETHVALUE node. The address of a variable of the returned type can be cast to a func.
func NewFuncParams ¶
Given funarg struct list, return list of fn args.
func NewMethodType ¶
f is method type, with receiver. return function type, receiver as first argument (or not).
func NewName ¶
NewName returns a new ONAME Node associated with symbol s.
func NodAddr ¶
NodAddr returns a node representing &n at base.Pos.
func NodAddrAt ¶
NodAddrAt returns a node representing &n at position pos.
func NodNil ¶
func OrigBool ¶
func OrigConst ¶
OrigConst returns an OLITERAL with orig n and value v.
func OrigInt ¶
func RangeExprType ¶
func Resolve ¶
Resolve resolves an ONONAME node to a definition, if any. If n is not an ONONAME node, Resolve returns n unchanged. If n is an ONONAME node and not in the same package, then n.Sym() is resolved using import data. Otherwise, Resolve returns n.Sym().Def. An ONONAME node can be created using ir.NewIdent(), so an imported symbol can be resolved via Resolve(ir.NewIdent(src.NoXPos, sym)).
func RewriteMultiValueCall ¶
RewriteMultiValueCall rewrites multi-valued f() to use temporaries, so the backend wouldn't need to worry about tuple-valued expressions.
func RewriteNonNameCall ¶
RewriteNonNameCall replaces non-Name call expressions with temps, rewriting f()(...) to t0 := f(); t0(...).
func SetBaseTypeIndex ¶
func StartFuncBody ¶
declare the function proper and declare the arguments. called in extern-declaration context returns in auto-declaration context.
func Stmt ¶
func Stmts ¶
func SubstArgTypes ¶
SubstArgTypes substitutes the given list of types for successive occurrences of the "any" placeholder in the type syntax expression n.Type. The result of SubstArgTypes MUST be assigned back to old, e.g.
n.Left = SubstArgTypes(n.Left, t1, t2)
func Temp ¶
func TempAt ¶
make a new Node off the books.
func TparamExportName ¶
TparamExportName creates a unique name for type param in a method or a generic type, using the specified unique prefix and the index of the type param. The index is only used if the type param is blank, in which case the blank is replace by "$<index>". A unique name is needed for later substitution in the compiler and export/import that keeps blank type params associated with the correct constraint.
func TparamName ¶
TparamName returns the real name of a type parameter, after stripping its qualifying prefix and reverting blank-name encoding. See TparamExportName for details.
Source Files ¶
bexport.go builtin.go const.go dcl.go export.go expr.go func.go iexport.go iimport.go stmt.go subr.go syms.go target.go type.go typecheck.go universe.go
- Version
- v1.21.9
- Published
- Mar 29, 2024
- Platform
- darwin/amd64
- Imports
- 16 packages
- Last checked
- 1 minute ago –
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