Imports of package lex

cmd/asm/internal/flagsPackage flags implements top-level flags and the usage message for the assembler.
fmtPackage fmt implements formatted I/O with functions analogous to C's printf and scanf.
go/build/constraintPackage constraint implements parsing and evaluation of build constraint lines.
ioPackage io provides basic interfaces to I/O primitives.
logPackage log implements a simple logging package.
osPackage os provides a platform-independent interface to operating system functionality.
path/filepathPackage filepath implements utility routines for manipulating filename paths in a way compatible with the target operating system-defined file paths.
strconvPackage strconv implements conversions to and from string representations of basic data types.
stringsPackage strings implements simple functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings.
text/scannerPackage scanner provides a scanner and tokenizer for UTF-8-encoded text.
unicodePackage unicode provides data and functions to test some properties of Unicode code points.